Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 3
Surviving in Canada Episode Three
The house where Dr Williams lives in Canada is a big mansion. The house was so beautiful both within the premises and outside. Even when Ekaette and her children looked around, they could readily see that Dr Williams was doing well in Canada if really he is the owner of the house. Ekaette was apprehensive as she and her children approached the gate of the beautiful house. Her heart was beating 'kpim kpim kpim' as if it was going jump out of her chest. At some points, she touched her hand on her chest and told her heart to calm down.
Even her two children were highly excited when they were told that their father was in the house they were about to enter. They have suffered a lot of humiliation in Nigeria due to the absence of their father. The disappearance of Dr Williams affected them the most because they simply didn't know what happened to him. They kept asking their mother where their daddy was and Ekaette would tell them that he went to work at the hospital. Each time the children's school told them to bring their father to school for a PTA meeting, no one used to go for them.
So, it was understandable when they were jumping up and down in excitement as they approached the gate of the house.
"My children have seen a lot of humiliation in school. Sometimes, when they see the fathers of other children in school, they come home to ask me where is their own father. They would say other children's fathers come to school to pick them up but they never get to see their own father. I kept telling them lies that their father went to work at the hospital but at some points, they became old enough to know that their father was not around at all. It was a challenging task trying to raise two young children without the presence of their father. But hopefully, from today, they will start seeing their father more often. I'm so happy that I have finally found the right address where my husband lives." Ekaette said in her heart. They were now entering the compound. They saw that the compound was so beautiful and neatly maintained.
"Wow! I'm so happy that my husband owns such a big house in Canada. He must be doing really well for him to afford to buy such a nice house. I'm happy because I will start living here from today. I will not be homeless again. It is
just for me to go back to the hotel and bring our bags. I just wanted to come and confirm first before I will pack our things to the house. In fact, my husband can even use one of his cars to help us and bring our bags to the house. I'm so happy right now. Before now, I was worried about how I and my children would survive when the hotel asks us to leave. However, it is now clear that God had something great planned for us." Ekaette said happily. Her heart was still beating fast.
They stood at the door and knocked. They waited for a few minutes before someone came to open up for them. But the person who opened the door was a white woman and she did not allow them to come into the house. In Nigeria, visitors are welcomed inside and told to sit down and possibly given water and then their mission would be questioned. However, in Canada, the white lady who opened the door for Ekaette and her children did not look as if she wanted them to come into the house.
"Who are you please?" The white lady asked. She looked as if she was in her mid-20s. She was young and beautiful and she was pregnant. As she was talking, two children emerged from the inner room to join the white lady.
"Who are these people?" The white woman's children asked. In Nigeria, children are required to compulsorily greet elders immediately they see them or they will be punished, but the children that emerged from the inner room were Just looking at Ekaette eye-ball-to-eye-ball without saying a word of greeting as required by tradition. Ekaette felt like she should stretch out her hand and give the two kids heavy knocks on the middle of their heads, but she respected herself. She has been told she could be sent to jail in Canada if she punished children. Ekaette turned her attention to the Oyinbo lady who opened the door for her instead of concentrating on the little children.
"My name is Ekaette and I'm looking for my husband. His name is Dr Williams. I was told he lives here. He is from Nigeria and these are his children. I flew in from Nigeria a few days ago and we cannot wait to see him. We have missed him so much because it has been many years that he left us without looking back. We are happy to be here. Please, call him if he is inside. "Ekaette said. She was expecting a positive response but what she heard next from the Oyinbo lady shocked her.
"Why are you saying my husband is your husband? Dr Williams is my husband and the two children you are seeing here are my children. He was the one who married me and got me pregnant and I gave birth to these children for him. Why are you saying he is your husband? He never told me he was married. We have been married now for more than seven years and he never mentioned it to me that he was married. What exactly are you talking about? Why would you just show up at someone's house and start saying the person's husband is your husband? Are you out of your mind? Do you want to snatch my husband from me? Are you sure we are talking about the same Dr Williams? Are you sure you are at the right address? I think you must have made a mistake. You should leave now before I call the police." The Oyinbo woman said angrily.
Watch out for episode four
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