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The devil's Pact - S01 E435

Story 6 hours ago

The devil's Pact - S01 E435

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 435

Thursday, July 17th, 2014 – Mark Glassner – The Mansion

“It's aney, Alison,” Sam said, making a guttural A sound. “It's a glottal stop, like the pause between 'oh-oh'. Aney laged helel ben shakar 'em penyenh zeh. Kevhev yheyh mevgebl.” Sam made the Hebrew sound so easy.

“Why can't we just use English,” Alison complained. “Summoning rituals work in English.”

“Lucifer will be hard enough to trap; it has to be in Hebrew,” Sam admonished. “And it has to be perfectly. If any of you do not pronounce it exactly right, the spell will not be strong enough to bind him and it'll backfire, destroying the diamond.”

We were practicing the trap to bind Lucifer, and a great deal of progress had been made in the two months since Sam returned. All the pieces were ready: a golden rod topped with a diamond the size of my fist and carved with Hebrew words, and five brass rods tipped with smaller diamonds, and also carved with Hebrew. Mary would be the focus, holding the gold rod, and five others would wield the brass rods, stand in a circle about Lucifer and Mary, and chant Sam's phrase. My job would be to fight Lucifer, and keep him contained in the circle long enough for the ritual to be cast. Then he would be trapped in the diamond atop the gold staff.

The five who would wield the brass rods were: Sam, Candy, Alison, Desiree, and Jessica. Sam and Candy were the best at Hebrew—Candy had spent the last year learning it from Sam—and Alison and Desiree had the most experience in combat. Out of the rest of the sluts, Jessica was the most unflappable. Xiu, Korina, Lillian, Violet, April, and Willow were also learning the ritual. They would be backups if anything should happen to one of the primaries. I had learned in the last year that things happened in combat—people would get hurt or could die.

We had to be ready to perform the ritual if it was ever necessary to take out Lilith. In a perfect world, she would be content with Seattle, and Lucifer would never be unleashed—but this wasn't a perfect world. It was far from it. Killing Lilith would only be an absolute last resort. If it came to conflict between us again—and it would, I could feel it in my gut—we aimed to capture her. So once a week, we would meet in the Matmown until all the sluts could say the phrase flawlessly. They were getting better.

“Again,” Sam said, walking around the Matmown in the basement of our mansion, listening to Mary and each of the sluts as they struggled to say the Hebrew words. Hebrew had a number of sounds that were not found in English, and were hard to learn properly. Particularly the letter aleph, the glottal stop that sounded like a cut off A.

Sam was a patient teacher, a smile on her round face as she corrected Mary and the sluts' pronunciation. She encouraged everyone, and even had me practicing. After an hour, Sam was satisfied with the progress. “If you have free time, come into the Matmown to practice,” Sam said. “Especially you, Lillian.”

“Maybe I need some one-on-one time,” Lillian husked. “You could show me just how to use my mouth.”

“I can think of a few ways to use your mouth,” Candy giggled, then slapped Lillian on the ass.

Mary kissed me on the lips. “I have to go do the Portuguese broadcast, then I have my spa appointment. I want to be perfect for our anniversary.”

“How could you not be perfect?” I asked her.

She kissed me a second time. “Thanks, hun.”

We were going to Hawaii for our one year anniversary. Sometimes it seemed like a lifetime had passed since our wedding. Mary had a surprise planned for me, and had been making a few trips over there the last month to get things ready. After the honeymoon, my friend Chris was getting married, and then we would be off to the Middle East. It was time to stop the fighting. Too many people were dieing for us over there. We owed it to them to intercede.

I opened the iron door, hinges squealing in protest. Abigail, a curvy maid, waited outside, holding little Chase. I scooped my daughter up in my arms, and smiled as she reached out with her tiny hands and grasped my finger. She was so beautiful. Mary gave our daughter a kiss on the forehead, before sweeping off.

“Master,” Violet, my secretary, said, “The President is waiting in your office, he wants to talk about the Sapphicits in Idaho.”

I looked at my daughter, cooing, “Do you want to come watch Daddy work?”

Chase gurgled.

“Alright, let's go.”


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