Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 434
Wednesday, July 16th, 2014 – Fiona Cavanagh – The Ruins of Babylon, Hillah, Iraq
We watched Abby as she examined the ruins, crumbling white walls jutting out of the yellow-white sand. It was night, the air cool after the blistering heat of the day. Cars passed on the nearby highway and, off in the distance, sirens could be heard. Probably another suicide bombing. The Muslims were always clashing with the Miraclists in the Middle East. Men fighting over their stupid differences, while women were caught in-between.
Abby sniffed at the air, moving with a sinuous grace. She was a Dabbat, a serpent-like daughter of Lilith with affinity for the earth. She could move rocks with her mind, using them as weapons, or burrow her body quickly through dirt and stone. She was brown-skinned, her eyes yellow and slitted like a serpent's, and there was absolutely no hair on the woman—not on her head and none between her legs. It lent her an exotic appeal, sparking arousal in me as she gracefully moved across the earth.
“This is the place,” she hissed, her voice sibilant, then she dived into the sand and smoothly disappeared in a cloud of brown dust. This was the seventh ruin in the Middle East we've been to over the last six months. Whatever it was that we searched for, Lilith had only confided in Abby.
“Come wait in the tent,” Thamina called.
I glanced back and saw my wife peering out of the small pup tent she had erected, her naked breasts shining in the moonlight. I smiled and quickly moved to the tent—Abby did say it would take a while. And what better way to pass the time?
Thamina attacked me when I entered the tent, her mouth hot as she pulled me to the sleeping bag, the air mattress crinkling beneath us. “Hmm, someone’s horny, eh, Mina?”
“Get that shirt off, husband,” my wife husked.
She insisted on calling me husband, even though I was a woman. Well, mostly a woman; I could transform my clit into a cock, and that made me the man in our marriage as far as Thamina was concerned. She still clung to the prejudices of her Muslim upbringing; to her, it wasn't quite homosexuality if she pretended I was the 'man'.
Thamina attacked my breasts the moment my shirt was off, sucking my hard nipples into her lips, forcing me to lie down on a rolled out sleeping bag. The moonlight glowed weakly through the fabric, and I noticed dark symbols drawn on the inside. Why would Thamina ward our tent? My question was lost as her teeth nibbled lightly on my breast; I moaned loudly.
Thamina suddenly released my breast, spun about and straddled my face, her furry cunt descending to my lips, and my tongue eagerly found her slit. She tasted tangy and sweet, a delicious combination; I explored her flower, probing my tongue into every delicate, pink fold. Her black down tickled my lips; Mark made us shave our cunts, but we let them grow out. Men lust after youth, and delight in a smooth pussy. But we were women, and we enjoyed each other's natural beauty.
“My beautiful husband,” Thamina purred as she shoved my pants roughly down my legs and buried her face in my red-furred snatch.
I moaned into her pussy as she started licking mine. Sometimes Thamina wanted my cock, and other nights she wanted to love me when I was all woman. I didn't care; so long as she loved me I was happy with her choice. Her tongue pushed into my hole, fucking me as her chin bumped my clit, sending jolts of pleasure through me. Goddess, I was going to cum fast the way the vixen was working my pussy.
Well, two could play that game.
My mouth found her clit, sucking her little bud into my lips as my nose buried into her slit, every breath filled with her enchanting aroma. Thamina moaned in pleasure into my pussy, and then I was flooded with her juices, thick and sticky, as they covered my face. I drank them down, savoring her flavor. She slipped a finger inside me, wiggling it about my tight tunnel. I exploded. I bucked beneath my wife, screaming my pleasure into the night air.
When I opened my eyes, coming off my wonderful orgasm, I realized my wife had flipped around, her lips at my ears. “We need to talk quietly,” she whispered.
I tensed. “About what?”
“Do you think we made the right decision?”
“What, to come out to the ruins of Baghdad and find the dagger for Lilith?” I asked, foreboding filling my heart and causing it to beat faster.
“No, serving Lilith.”
“What choice did we have?” I asked her. “She's protecting us from Mark.”
“Maybe,” Thamina said. “But, what about what she's done? My daughter helped to kill billions.”
“Men,” I said dismissively, then I saw the hurt in Thamina's eyes, the guilt.
“Humans, like us,” Thamina countered. How had I never seen the wounds in her soul?
I frowned. “I thought you hated men. That's why you volunteered to lead the searches.” Many women in Seattle foolishly tried to hide their men, whether they were their husbands, sons, brothers, fathers, or even complete strangers. Thamina lead the search, trying to uncover the women who hid the vermin and smuggled them out of the city.
“You ever wonder why I don't find that many men?” she asked.
I didn't want to know the answer.
“I help them to escape. Only a few get captured, sacrifices to keep Lilith placated.” She kissed my fingers. “I just couldn't sit by and do nothing. It's the right thing to do.”
“I guess,” I frowned. It was easy to think of men as nothing but animals, creatures not worthy of compassion or mercy.
“I think we chose the wrong side, Fiona.”
“And Mark's the right side? He made us his slaves?” I demanded, my voice rising in anger.
“Shush, Abby may be listening,” Thamina cautioned. “And Mark never killed anyone.”
“He killed plenty when he attacked us last November.”
“We attacked him first. Lilith sent her Dimme to kill him, and Luka to kill his Vizier. Lilith started this war and...” She took a breath. “And she can't possibly win. Half the world follows them! He has the US Military under his control!” Whatever levy holding back her doubts had broken, and her words spilled out like a hissing flood. “And not to mention the European Militaries! We're outnumbered and outmatched. He has nukes, cruise missiles, predator drones, and who knows what else! She's deluded herself into thinking she can win!”
“You want us to side with Mark, is that it?” I couldn't hide the disgust in my voice.
“No, I want us to survive.” She wrapped her arms tight about me. “I don't want to lose you.”
“You won't,” I told her. “ I can understand helping the men to escape, but we can't betray our Goddess.”
“I'll follow you, husband, if you want to stay. But please think about it. Are you really okay with what Lilith is doing?”
Was I okay with it? I thought I was, but I could see the guilt in Thamina's eyes. Had she been hiding this from me this entire time? Hurt filled me; my wife didn't share her feelings with me. I looked up at the tent ceiling, my mind whirling, and I saw her symbols. She had warded the tent, she's afraid of being overheard, of Lilith finding out about her doubts. I hugged my wife tight.
I shivered. What would Lilith do if she found out?
Kill us both.
Kill us both.
Fear gripped my heart; what the hell had we gotten ourselves into?
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