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The devil's Pact - S01 E436

Story 7 hours ago

The devil's Pact - S01 E436

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 436

Lilith – City Hall, Seattle

There was a knock at my door.

I sat in my office at City Hall. It was the former Mayor's office, and I had removed every trace of that filthy man's presence from it, replacing it with the ornamentation befitting my station: a rich, mahogany desk carved with depictions of my Godesshood; a plush, leather seat; lush ferns in potted plants flanked the windows; precious urns looted from the Seattle Art Museum; along with numerous paintings, and a gorgeous, Persian rug that lay before my desk. Riches that would have made any King of Babylon or Egypt weep.

“Come in,” I purred.

Lana entered, full breasted, with wide hips. The blonde woman was gorgeous, for a human, and motherhood had only ripened her beauty. She was the first woman to bear another woman's child. She and Chantelle had named the daughter Lily, and their little baby was proof that my vision of a world without men was viable.

“My majestic Goddess,” she purred, and prostrated herself before my desk. She was growing better at this.

“Rise, my priestess,” I murmured.

A smile filled her round face. “Fiona and Thamina have returned, and Abby has asked to see you.”

“Send her in,” I ordered, excitement fluttering in my chest. This would be the seventh ruin searched, but the first time Abby had asked to see me. “And your wife if she waits outside.”

“She's with Lily,” Lana replied. “Our daughter has a touch of colic.”

“Very well.”

Lana disappeared for a moment, then returned with Abby. The Dabbat walked with a sinuous grace, a white bundle in her hand. My heart quickened. They found it so fast? I expected the search to drag on for months yet. So much of the Ancient world was lost, so much destroyed and buried. Abby knelt, holding her bundle up before me in supplication. I motioned my hand. Lana took the bundle, and walked over to me, bowing her head as she handed it over.

My hand shaking, I pulled apart the white cloth that bound the dagger. The blade was ugly, roughly made from cold iron. It was one of three Mispach, the bloody daggers forged by the first murderer, Cain, from a star that fell in the lands of Nod.

“I am well pleased with you, daughter,” I smiled at Abby, gazing down at her naked, brown body. She was sinuous and beautiful, entirely hairless. Her slitted eyes stared at me with hope. I reached out, stroked her smooth cheek. She shuddered, hissing her pleasure as she climaxed. “You have earned your reward.”

With a thought, my clothes vanished into red smoke, and I summoned my cock. Abby's long, thin tongue flickered out at the sight. I pushed her across my desk, her round ass staring at me. Her cunt was dripping wet, filling the air with an earthy musk. I speared her; she came, her cunt writhing around my shaft.

I glanced at Lana, my ass pumping away. “Go find Haja and bring her to me.”

“At once.” Lana bowed and left.

I plowed into my daughter's tight sheath. She hissed as her body writhed. Her back arched in ways that would break a human's back, lithe and sinuous. She kept cumming, overwhelmed by my Lust. I drank in her passion. It felt as delightful as her cunt spasming upon my cock.

“Yes, yes!” she hissed. “I'm your whore, mother!”

“You are!” I groaned. “My wonderful, delightful whore!”

I increased the Lust flowing into her. She screamed, her back twisting around. I grabbed a small tit, pinching her dark nipple between my finger. I kept pounding her snatch. She never stopped cumming. My orgasm built quickly; Haja would be here soon, and I allowed myself to flood her cunt with my black seed.

“Thank you, thank you!” hissed Abby, my cum leaking out of her pussy as she collapsed to the floor. “I love you, Mother!” Her long tongue licked at my feet; I savored the wet, wonderful sensation.

“I love you, too, daughter,” I lied; my daughters were merely tools to increase my power, and no matter how useful you found your tools, you didn't love them. “You are dismissed, Abby.”

My daughter stood, bowed, and stumbled out of the room past Lana. I hadn't noticed my priestess return. Her eyes glanced down to my still hard cock drenched in Abby's juices, lust shining in those blue depths.

“Haja is on her way, my Goddess,” Lana bowed. Her eyes flickered to the dagger sitting on my desk, full of apprehension. “What is that?”

I picked up the dagger, and answered her question: “Mark Glassner's death.”

I nicked my finger with the blade. A single, dark bead of blood welled from the cut and landed upon the black metal. For a moment the dagger burned red, drinking in my blood, and binding itself to my life. I could feel the cursed thing like an ugly, throbbing wound upon my forehead.

“A single cut from this blade will kill any man or woman in minutes,” I explained. “Nothing can heal its wounds once it has been bound.”

“Nothing?” Lana asked. “Not even the Tsariy ritual?”

“Not even that,” I answered, then hesitated. “Well, no, my life is bound into the blade, and only my life's blood could heal the wounded.”

“I see,” Lana replied carefully. “Isn't that taking a risk? Shouldn't I be bound to it? Or one of your daughters?”

I smiled at her. “No, it's more satisfying this way.”

I stared at the blade. In November, Mark would stand before me, and I would get to watch him die, writhing in pain, helpless like the worm he is. It would be so satisfying knowing that I was his only salvation, that if he wasn't writhing in pain, all he had to do to survive was kill me. And then the world would be mine; I would cleanse it of every single, last man—purged as clean of the vermin as Seattle.

There was a knock; Haja entered, thin and pale, as if she had no color—except her eyes, they were an ever-shifting rainbow. She was an Aja, capable of manipulating light, and could bend it about her and hide in the distortion, or she could focus the light to a bright beam that would slice through almost anything. Chantelle called her power a 'laser'—one of the many filthy things invented by men in this time.

I carefully wrapped the dagger, and handed it to Haja. “Take this to Ziki,” I commanded. “Do not cut yourself with the blade.”

“Yes, Mother,” Haja answered, her voice little more than a whisper.

“And do not be seen! I will be most displeased!”

“I won't, Mother!” She trembled in fear before me.

“Good, go,” I smiled.

As Aja left my office, I saw Crystal waiting outside. The next group of women I needed to impregnate must be ready. Every woman in Seattle had to submit to my affections and bear me a daughter. When November came, and Mark Glassner lay dead at my feet, my army would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and would swarm across the world.

To be continued...

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E435

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