Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 31
As the waves of pleasure started to subside a couple of aftershocks made me gasp and arch my back again.
When I was able, I said,
“See, I told you that I was good at the big ‘O’. My dad tells me that my big ‘O’s make him proud of me.”
I think that I’d shocked Jim and Sam a bit because all that Jim could think of to say was,
“Yeah, I bet that your father is real proud of you”
After a slight pause I pointed to the bottom bench just where both of them were stood, and said,
“That’s where my father spanked me last night. He gave me a sore butt; do you want to see, there might still be some red marks.”
Without waiting for an answer I climbed down to the bottom bench, stood in front of them, turned away from them, opened my feet a couple of feet and bent over. My butt and spread pussy were within a foot of their faces.
“Can you see any red marks?
I waited a few seconds then said,
“Well, can you see anything?”
“We can see plenty,” Sam said, “but we can’t see any red marks.”
I stood up, climbed back up and sat the way I was before. I put my hand on my pussy and slowly rubbed my clit.
“After daddy had spanked me he did what he always does and got me to suck him.” I said.
“What did he get you to suck?” Jim asked.
“His cock silly, what else would he get me to suck?”
“You mean you gave your father a blow-job?” Jim asked.
“Yeah, that’s what he calls it. And both those German girls were watching all the time. Do you want me to pose for you? I’ll get into any position you like.”
“Errr, no, thank you Tanya, I think that I’ve seen, err, got everything that I need.” Sam said.
“Good, I’m getting a bit hot up here, I need to go and lie down and cool down.” I said.
I climbed down and walked passed them to the door.
Outside I saw the 2 German girls sat next to each other, legs together and reading magazines. Although the magazines covered a large part of their fronts I could tell that they were both naked.
I went and sat on one of the sun loungers opposite the Germans, only I sat further down the sun lounger with my legs wide apart.
Sam and Jim came out of the sauna and saw the 2 Germans but ignored them. They came and sat on the side of the sun lounger next to me and facing me. I started rubbing my clit with one hand and my nipples with the other.
Sam had the video camera in his hand, but he put it on my sun lounger between my legs, with the lens pointing at my pussy. I could see the red light was on so I said,
“Is that thing still recording?” When he nodded I said, “You naughty boy, they’ll never let you put that part on the hotel’s web site.”
Sam didn’t switch it off and I didn’t stop rubbing.
I started getting quite worked up – again. I looked over to the 2 girls, both had stopped reading and their hands were getting active. Both had opened their legs wide.
Sam and Jim had noticed as well. They didn’t know which way to look.
“I’m going to get my clit pierced you know.” I said.
Jim and Sam both turned to look at my pussy.
“My friend Amy Johnson was staying at our house on a sleepover a couple of weeks ago and she’s had hers done. She showed it to me and I decided that I wanted mine done too. I took her to show it to my daddy and he said that if I still wanted it done in a couple of weeks then I could have it done.”
I spread my legs even further apart then used 2 fingers to spread my pussy lips even more.
“It’s not actually my clit that will get done; it’s the hood.” I said as I touched my clit hood with a finger from my other hand.
“This bit.” I paused for a few seconds to make sure that they’d both had a good look at my hood; then I continued,
“That way people will be able to see it all the time. I’m going to get a ring in mine not one of those barbell things that those 2 have got.
I’m going to get my nipples pierced as well,” I said as I pulled one of my nipples out as far as I could. Just then I got zapped again, that time it was a quick one, but I still gasped and shook a little. After a short pause I asked.
“Do you think that my nipples are big enough to have rings in them?”
Both Jim and Sam looked bemused; they just didn’t know what to say.
I kept pulling on my nipple until Jim said,
“Tanya, your nipples and your clit will look great with rings in them. By the way, I can’t help noticing that you look like you’re in pain some times, are you alright?”
“Oh that,” I said, “It’s not pain; it’s a surprise shock that I keep getting. You see most mornings my daddy puts this vibrator thing inside me and it keeps bursting into life and surprising me, that’s why I jump.”
“What! You mean that…”
I cut Jim off by saying,
“Look, I’ll show you.”
I squeezed my pussy for a few seconds and out popped the little bullet vibrator. I picked it up and handed it to Jim.
“It’s not doing anything.” Jim said.
“Hold it for long enough and it will.” I said, “You see it’s set to a random pattern of zaps. I never know when I’m going to get zapped, how long or how strong the zaps will be. It’s fun most of the time but it can be quite embarrassing at times. I remember one time when I had to stand in front of my class and recite a long poem. I’d just got into it when I got zapped. It was a real long and strong one. The teacher sent me to see the school nurse. Another time was when I’d just won a swimming race for our school and was getting presented with my medal beside the pool. The zap was so strong that I fell back into the pool. The coach dived in to save me.”
All of a sudden Jim jumped and dropped the vibe. It fell into my stomach and I picked it up.
“Told you.” I said.
“Blankety blank,” Jim said, “your father puts this up your pu errr vagina each morning and lets you get zapped like that throughout the day?”
“Yeah, it’s fun. Do you want to put it back inside me?”
Jim moved his hands to take it from me but suddenly stopped.
“I think that it’s best that you put it back in Tanya.”
So I did. I was so wet that it just vanished within a second.
“It always makes me so horny when I put it in.” I said, and started rubbing my clit.
I looked over to the 2 German girls, they were expressionless, but still gently rubbing their own pussies.
“Most times when my dad puts it in me I have to give myself a big ‘O’ just so that I can get ready for my day. Do you mind if I do that now?” I asked.
Neither of them answered so I started seriously masturbating. It didn’t take long and a long zap from the vibrator certainly helped. It was a really deep, satisfying orgasm; moaning, arched back, finger fucking myself, nipple pulling; the lot.
It was so good that I even felt the spasms in my pussy and I squirted; just a bit, but enough for us all to see.
As the waves of pleasure receded I looked down between my legs and saw my cum on the video camera. I scooped some of it up in my hand and said,
“Don’t worry Sam. I didn’t pee myself, it’s my cum; see, it’s white not yellow.” I licked my fingers.
I lay there for a minute, thinking that I’d really excelled myself, but time was getting on. I looked at the 2 girls who were still staring at me and masturbating, then at Sam and Jim.
“Gentlemen, thank you so much for helping me today; you have helped me in more ways than you will ever know. Sam, please promise that you’ll give me a copy of that memory card. If you don’t my butt will get red again and my father will be chasing you. Believe me, that won’t end up in a good way for you or for me.”
I stood up and walked into the gents changing room leaving 2 gob-struck men. I was sure that as soon as they got their wits about them they’d turn to the 2 German girls.
I quickly got dressed and almost ran up to our room. I’d just finished in the shower when Ryan walked in. I ran over to him, gave him a long kiss then dropped to my knees in front of him. I quickly unzipped and dropped his trousers and pants then jumped up and on to him putting my arms round his neck and my legs round his waist.
“You seem happier than when I left this morning, have you had a good day?” Ryan asked.
I kissed him again, then said,
“You will never believe what I am going to tell you. I’m a porn star.”
Ryan walked over to the bed, turned round and laid back so that I could properly ride him while I told him all about it.
About an hour later Ryan said,
“And those 2 goons really thought that you were a young kid and didn’t touch you?”
“Not even by accident.” I said, “They were too scared about their jobs and careers. I wouldn’t have done most of that if I’d thought that they’d try and grope me or rape me.”
“I hope that you don’t get another attack of guilt tonight.”
“Not if you wake up before me and start fucking me before I wake up.”
“This isn’t a case of ‘what happens of holiday stays on holiday’ is it?”
“Nope!” I said.
“And you weren’t at all embarrassed walking around naked?”
“Nope!” I said, and went and stood in front of the window so that anyone in the hotel across the street could see me.
“Okay,” Ryan said, “You really are getting into this exhibitionist stuff aren’t you?”
“I’m not an exhibitionist.” I said.
Ryan laughed and said,
“TT you’re amazing, I’m so proud of you, you’re my very own little Kitty Yung.”
“Who’s Kitty Yung?” I asked.
“Kitty Yung is an Asian porn star. She has absolutely no tits at all. She makes you look like a double D. She often pretends to be a young girl who gets seduced by older men.
Maybe we should look for a porn career for you.” Ryan said.
“NO!” I said, “I keep telling you that I’m NOT an exhibitionist.”
Ryan grinned. He didn’t need to say anything.
I changed the subject and asked Ryan what he thought about me getting my nipples and clit pierced. He was all for it saying that it would give him something to hold on to when he was fucking me.
We agreed to look for a place to get it done when we got back home.
That night was the training course dinner. He knew about it before we left home, and he also knew that I would be invited. Because of that I’d packed the only decent dress that I had then; the grey one that I’d worn at his firm’s Christmas do. He promised me that there wouldn’t be any bright lights or camera flashes.
As luck would have it, the dinner was in the hotel that we were staying at, so at 7 p.m. Ryan and I went down to reception and met the other diners. I was pleased to see that there were 2 other women there, both about our age.
When I was at Ryan’s firm’s Christmas do I felt a bit exposed all night because the dress is made of extremely thin material and I felt like I had nothing on. I had that same feeling when we walked to meet the rest of the course delegates and some of their partners.
The evening went well; there was plenty of booze flowing and there were quite a few happy people. The other 2 women were really nice and friendly as well.
After the meal we were all sat around drinking and talking when the camera phones started to come out. Everyone wanted photos of everyone else. I remembered the photos that were taken as the Christmas do and published on their web site, but I dismissed that thought straight away. I was too happy to care.
I remember us 3 women standing together while everyone took photos of us. I remember giggling and thinking that someone was in for a surprise when they looked at the photos when they were sober.
A bit later I heard someone ask Ryan if the hotel had a swimming pool. He said that it did and that I’d spent plenty of time there. He told them that they wouldn’t believe some of the things that I’d done down there. Someone asked him like what? But thankfully he didn’t have time to answer before someone else said that we should go swimming.
When the 2 women said that they didn’t have a costume with them someone told them that the leisure centre would have one that they could borrow. Someone else said that they’d have to go skinny-dipping.
Us 3 women, Ryan and 4 of the men left the rest of the group and went to the leisure centre. There was only one young female staff person there and she was happy to let us go for a swim, but she said that she’d have to come and watch just in case there were any problems.
One of the other women in our group asked about borrowing swimming costumes but was told that they didn’t have any.
We all went into our respective changing rooms where I quickly took my dress off and told the other 2 that I was going skinny-dipping. One of the other women looked at me and said to me,
“I didn’t think that you had anything on under that dress.”
She unzipped her dress and let it drop revealing that she too wore nothing under her dress. We both looked at the third woman. She also dropped her dress saying,
“Me too!”
We all giggled and walked out to the pool.
We were out before the men, one of the women dived in and started swimming while the other women and I stood waiting for the men. Neither of us tried to cover our bits.
When the men came out, 3 of them were naked (including Ryan), but the other 2 had their boxers on.
We all dived in and started swimming around. It wasn’t long before the couples that were there got together and started kissing. The 2 unattached men (who were the 2 who kept their boxers on) started to lose interest and got out and left.
That left naked 3 couples and the staff woman who was watching and presumably waiting for one of us to drown.
It didn’t take long for the 3 couples to start making-out and having sex. Ryan and I were in the shallow end. I was floating on my back with Ryan between my legs and ramming into me. I looked at the staff woman and wondered what she was thinking; she did look bored.
Ryan and I went to the jacuzzi and fucked again in the bubbles. When we got out the others, including the staff girl had gone. I went and got my dress and then went to the gents changing room. Ryan was just about dressed so I started to put my dress on.
“No, don’t put it on yet TT, wait for a bit.” Ryan said then held my hand as we walked out to the leisure centre reception.
That staff girl was sat at the desk in the reception area. When she saw us (me completely naked) she said,
“Is that all of you then?”
“Yes, goodnight.” Ryan said.
As we walked along the corridor Ryan told me that he guessed that there must be some really wild parties in the hotel, and that a few skinny-dippers must be nothing to the staff.
As we were waiting for the lift 3 middle-aged men walked up. They had been talking but when they saw me they went all quiet. Ryan squeezed my hand and whispered,
“Be brave.”
I knew what he meant - not to try to cover myself.
The men came and stood next to me, looking down at me. My heart was pounding and I felt my pussy stirring.
“Must have been one hell of a party.” One of the men said in an American accent.
“Sure was,” Ryan said, “It took us ages to find her dress.”
The 3 of them laughed, still looking at me.
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