Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 32
The lift arrived and we all got it. The 3 men let us get in first. Ryan went to the back of the lift and leaned against the wall. He opened his legs wide and pulled me to him and turned me so I was facing the lift doors. He pulled my back so that I was leaning on him between his legs; then he put his right arm round my waist and at the same time eased my feet apart with his foot.
The 3 men had followed us in and all stood looking at me.
Okay, they’d seen my tiny tits and the front of my slit when I was stood outside the lift, and they’d seen my butt when they followed me in; but with me now leaning back against Ryan with my feet about shoulder width apart, they could now see all of my pussy. My clit was throbbing.
My AF was rising. It didn’t help (maybe it did), when Ryan’s left hand came round me and started caressing my stomach and pubic area.
I leaned my head back onto Ryan’s shoulder and said,
“That’s nice.”
The lift stopped at the sixth floor and the 3 men got out. As we were waiting for the doors to close I heard one of the men say,
“Well I’ll be dammed; we got to come to this country more often.”
Ryan’s hand moved down to my pussy and he caressed my clit. When the lift stopped at the ninth floor we were so engrossed in each other that we didn’t get out before the doors closed and the lift started going down.
Ryan broke the kiss and pushed me forwards enough for him to get his cock out. Then he lifted me up high and lowered me down enough for me to guide his cock inside me. He was fucking me from behind while holding me high enough for it to be possible.
I’d just got comfortable when I heard voices. Ryan held me tight and I clamped my legs together. I looked at the lift buttons and saw that we were back on the ground floor.
When the doors opened, about 6 people walked in. The first ones saw and hesitated before continuing and turning to face the doors.
Bloody hell, I was getting fucked in a lift that was full of strangers.
We got back up to the ninth floor, having stopped twice to let the others out.
This time we got out and Ryan carried me all the way to our room with me still impaled on his cock.
Ryan woke me the next morning in the most pleasant way possible.
At breakfast I told Ryan that since it was our last day there I wanted to do something really naughty before going back to my boring life at home. I said that if I got into any trouble the worst they probably would do was throw me out of the hotel. Ryan laughed and asked me what I had in mind.
I told him that I didn’t know yet, I was still working on it.
“Give me your robe, now.” Ryan said.
“No.” I replied
“You said that you want to do something outrageous, so give me the robe.”
I blushed and just knew that I was going to do it. I stood up, unfastened it and let it drop to the floor. I bent over, picked it up and gave it to Ryan. There I was in the big post hotel’s restaurant, naked as the day I was born. The weird thing was that no one was taking any notice of me.
As we walked out of there one old woman did give me a filthy look. We saw no one as we walked along the corridor to the lifts; but when the lift arrived a man nearly walked into a big plant as he stared at me.
We made it back to our room without seeing anyone else.
The first thing that Ryan did was to change the batteries in both vibes; then he told me to put both of them in my pussy while he got ready to go to his course.
“Both of them!” I asked.
“Yeah, you’re going to have one hell of a horny day my beauty.” Ryan said.
I slide them into my hole (easily as I was well lubricated – natural lubrication), and noticed that neither was turned on. I didn’t say anything.
The next thing that Ryan did was to go out into the corridor and move one of the used breakfast trays to outside our room. That puzzled me a bit until he told me that I was going to go down to reception and ask for another room key, telling them that I’d accidentally locked myself out when I was putting my breakfast tray out in the corridor.
“What do you want me to wear to do this?” I asked.
“Go as you are right now, Ryan said, “no need to put anything on.”
“Are you serious? “ I asked.
“Deadly.” Ryan said. “Don’t worry I’m sure that quite a few people have done the same thing in the past. There might even be someone down there right now doing exactly the same thing. Remember, don’t try to cover your pussy or tits; that will only attract attention to you and you don’t want that, do you?”
My heart started pounding and my pussy tingled.
Wow! I was going to be naked in amongst lots of strangers. I was so scared, but I knew that I was going to do it regardless of how embarrassed I would get.
“If you really want me to do it then I will.”
“Good girl, now off you go.” Ryan said and he kissed me as I opened the door.
The corridor was quiet so off I went, turning and waving at Ryan as I went.
I stood at the lift and waited. When it arrived I was surprised to see 3 men in there, all dressed in suits and carrying briefcases.
Bold as brass, but with a bright red face and a pounding heart, I walked in and turned to face the door. I could feel 3 pairs of eyes burning holes in my naked butt.
When the door opened on the ground floor I got quite a shock. There were people everywhere’ walking around, sat waiting for whatever, and queuing at reception.
As I joined the queue of business men waiting to pay their bills I thought,
“What the fuck am I doing? Why the hell did I say that I’d do this? Am I stupid or what? Shit, why is everyone looking at me? Why are my nipples so hard and throbbing? Why is my pussy throbbing and so wet? Am I going to pee myself? Why does it take so long for someone to checkout and pay their bill? Why can’t time go faster?”
Of course I knew the answers to most of my own questions, but that didn’t stop me questioning myself.
People really were looking at me. No one said anything, but lots were looking at me.
It must have taken me 15 minutes to get to the front of the queue. When I did the girl who attended to me looked at me as if I were fully dressed. I got half way through telling my story when both vibes burst into life. I gasped and shivered and clamped my legs together. The girl asked me if I was okay. My face got redder as I struggled to finish my story. When I did, she asked me a few questions to confirm that I was who I was; then quite happily programmed a new card key for me. As she gave it to me she told me that there was a letter for me. I told her that I’d collect it later.
The second that the key was in my hand I turned and looked for Ryan. I wanted to thump him; but I couldn’t see him anywhere. Being dressed like that I didn’t want to go searching for him and I hurried back to the lift. When the doors opened 5 men got out and all stared at me. I brushed passed the last of them as I rushed to get in. I was still shaking when the lift stopped at the ninth floor.
I ran along the corridor to our room.
When I got in I had a big surprise. There was no sign of Ryan, and no sign of our suitcase. There was however a little package and a letter on the bed. The note said;
Hey TT,
I bet that you’re wondering what the hell this is all about. Well, remember what you said at breakfast? Yes, I know that you’ve already done 2 things that you never thought you would ever do, but I’ve just set-up bigger challenge for you.
As you can see, all our clothes are gone. I finished packing them and have taken the suitcase to the training course with me. However I’m not so cruel that I wouldn’t leave you with nothing to wear.
Remember Toby from last night? Earlier in the week we got talking about our partners and I pulled up the company’s web site so that I could show him some of the Christmas photos of you. He was well impressed with your exhibitionism and suggested a couple of things that you might like. One was your new vibe and the other is in the package on the bed. I bought it at the same time as the vibe and was going to surprise you with it when we got home, but when I thought of your third challenge for today I just knew that I should give it to you now. I just wish that I could have been there to see the pleasure on your face when you open it.
Your third challenge for today is to wear only what you can find in our room until I get back this afternoon. I will meet you at the sofas near the entrance to the leisure centre at about 4 o’clock.
I know that you love me and I’m sure that you will accept the challenge.
Oh, just in case you’re thinking about staying in the room all day, you can’t; all rooms have to be vacated at 12 o’clock on the day of departure. If you don’t want to go to reception to hand in the card key just leave it in the room. I’m going to check us out on my way out this morning.
Good luck my horny little exhibitionist.
As I finished reading the note I thought,
“I’m not an exhibitionist,” then “The bastard, what has he done to me now? How could he leave me in a hotel nearly a hundred miles from home with not a stitch to wear?”
I got zapped and dropped the note.
Then I wondered what was in the package. I opened it and tipped the contents onto the bed.
“What the hell is this?” I thought.
There was a little pile of chain. I spread it out and saw 3 lengths of chain; one end of each was attached to the same ring. The other end of each had some sort of clip or clamp clamp on it. I was confused and picked up the piece of paper that fell out of the package.
Fucking hell! They were nipple and clit clamps.
“Ryan, are you really expecting me to attach these and keep them on for the whole day?” I thought.
I just knew that Ryan was serious, and that he knew that I would wear them. I always do what he tells me.
Never having had, or used anything like that before, I read the instructions carefully. I played with the clamps to check out how they worked then tweaked my nipples to get them really hard. I adjusted one of the clamps and put it on. I knew that they had to be tight so that they wouldn’t fall of so I adjusted them so that they hurt a little.
I gave then a gentle tug and adjusted them again so that I was satisfied that that they wouldn’t come off when I didn’t want them to. They were slightly painful which presumed was the point of them.
Then I sat on the bed and touched my clit. I had to go to the bathroom to get some tissues to dry my pussy. I knew that the clamp wouldn’t grip a slippery clit too easily. Just as I sat on the bed again I got zapped again.
My AF was already about a 7 so my clit was quite big and hard so I didn’t have any trouble putting the clamp on. Then I had to tighten it. As I did I just knew that my mind was going to be on those clamps all day.
I stood up and looked in the mirror. Wow! I quite liked the look. I thought about the nipple and clit hood piercings that I was going to get when I got home and wondered if I would be able wear the clamps and the barbell and stirrup Jewellery that I was going to get.
My excitement didn’t last long as I remembered that I was standing in everything that I had to wear for the next 7 hours. I couldn’t go and sit in reception or wander around the hotel dressed like that. What was I going to do?
I panicked for a few seconds then dashed into the bathroom.
Phew! The towels were still there. There were only 2 sizes, very big bath towels and a lot smaller ones. The bath sized ones were out because they smothered little old me. I wrapped one of the smaller ones round me.
Okay, that would work. My nipples were covered and so was my butt – just. It went round me just enough to over-lap so I could tuck it in. Okay, I’d look silly walking around the hotel dressed like that, but at least I wouldn’t be naked.
I went and sat on the bed and decided what to do next. As I sat down I saw the towel open up; although it had loosened a bit at the tucked overlap, at the bottom it opened so that I could see my stomach. I was going to have to be careful.
In the end I decided that I couldn’t stay in the room. I’d have to get out by 12 anyway. My best bet was to go to the leisure centre and stay there all day. At least I wouldn’t look out of place there; with or without the towel.
I had butterflies in my stomach and a buzzing in my pussy. I needed something to calm my nerves so I went to the fridge and downed a couple of mini bottles of spirits.
Taking one last look round the room I left the card key on top of the TV and stepped out of the room. Thankfully there was no one in the corridor.
I decided to go down to the leisure centre by the stairs figuring that there was less chance of meeting anyone. I was right, but the towel fell off me twice and, as well as the continuous purring of one vibe, I got zapped by the other one twice. Luckily there was no one there so see me.
I emerged from the stair way quite close to the leisure centre. I was a little surprised to see Jim and a girl standing at the door. Jim was dressed in smart black trousers, a white shirt and tie.
I slowly walked up to them hoping that the towel wouldn’t come undone. Jim and I greeted each other then he turned to the girl and said,
“It’s okay Sandra, Tanya is a guest here, she comes for workouts most days.”
“I thought that you were working afternoons this week Jim.” I said.
“Yeah I was supposed to be but he’s here (pointing to a poster on the wall) today and tomorrow and the last time that he was here he went for a swim. It’s all hands on deck to make sure that none of his fans pester him. Last time we ended up with about 20 girls in the pool with him. We’ve got to check that anyone who goes in the leisure centre is either a guest or a member.”
I looked at the poster. It was for a concert at the O2 arena and the star was a Canadian boy pop star; not one that I liked. Jim looked down at my towel and continued,
“No workout for you today Tanya?”
“Jim, your dirty mind is working overtime again.” Sandra said, “Just because a girl has a towel wrapped round her doesn’t automatically mean that she’s naked underneath it.”
I turned to Jim, unfastened my towel, gave him a quick flash then fastened my towel again.
Jim’s eyebrows raised then he said,
“She’s definitely not naked under that towel….. Are you still having those pains?”
“Yes, but they’re twice as bad today.” I answered with a smile.
Jim looked puzzled for a second then he grinned.
“If you’re still here when I get a break I’ll come and SEE you. Oh, a guy called Dave is looking after the workout room today; I’ve told him all about your requirements so I’m sure you’ll be okay with him.”
Just as Jim went to open the door for me Sandra said,
“Tanya, aren’t you that girl in the video that Sam made?”
“Shit, who else in here knows about that?” I thought.
“Relax Sandra,” Jim said, “You’ll get to see the rest of it later.”
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