Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 30
As I sat on the bench with my feet on the floor either side, I saw that Jim had set things up so that he and Sam, and that camera, would be able to look at the mirrored wall and get a good view up my skirt. I was feeling very naughty and as I lay back I pulled my skirt up a bit. I could feel that my pubic bone wasn’t covered.
I’d misjudged it a bit and my head was partially hanging over the end of the bench. I shuffled down a bit, feeling my skirt get even higher.
Sam and the camera moved to near my feet.
Shit, my dripping, swollen pussy was going to fill the screen when that video was being shown. I could even feel my clit throbbing. I wanted a copy of that video for Ryan to look at.
I got into the right place and put my hands on the bar. Jim moved in and stood either side of my head. I looked up and could see up his shorts to his balls and the base of his hard cock. I licked my lips then looked up at Jim’s face. He’d seen me looking up his shorts and I blushed.
“Right Tanya, lift the bar and extend your arms.”
I did.
“Sometimes, if you push yourself too far, you can get in a position whereby you can’t get the bar back on the stands. If that happens, the spotter can grab the bar and help you put it back on the stands.”
Jim grabbed the bar and helped me put it back on the stands.
“Let me try that again.” I said, and lifted the bar right up.
The weights were virtually nothing and I guess that Jim wasn’t anticipating any problems, so when I got zapped again, and suddenly lowered the bar to my chest Jim wasn’t ready for me.
His reactions were good and he grabbed for the bar, getting hold of it just as it got to my chest. The thing was that his hands were between the bar and my nipples. What’s more, the movement had pushed my bikini top well away from my AAAAs. When Jim lifted the bar off me both my little tits were on display. I pretended not to notice, but did notice that Sam was now pointing the camera at my chest.
“Okay Tanya, I think that you’ve got the idea. Would you like to try spotting me now?” Jim said.
“Okay.” I said and shuffled down the bench so that I could stand up. Sam moved back and I pretended not to notice that my bikini top was all twisted round and covering nothing that it was designed for. I looked round and saw that the man that had come in a few minutes ago was slowly peddling away on the exercise cycle and staring at us.
Jim got down and into place. Then he asked me to move into the right place. My heart pounded as I moved my legs to either side of his head. I didn’t know how dark it would be under my short skirt but I just knew that Jim we getting a great view of my wet thighs and pussy. His face was inches from my pussy. I got another wet rush and wondered what would happen if the vibe zapped me with a long hard blast right there and then.
I never got the answer to that question.
There was a long silence as Jim took in the view. I looked at Sam and he was still recording. Then I looked in the mirrors. I gave a fake gasp and moved my hands to my breasts.
“Guys, why didn’t you tell me that my bikini top had got all out of place? I think that you’ll have to edit that video Sam, you don’t want to have a little girl showing her little tits on a public video do you?” I said as I put my top back to where it was supposed to be.
“Jim. Lift the weights and I’ll see if I can hold them off you.”
Jim did and I leaned forward to grab the bar. It was so light that I easily lifted it out of Jim’s hands and put it back on the stands. I stepped back and told Jim that I was happy that I knew what spotting was.
For a few seconds Jim just lay there. I saw the big bulge in his shorts and wondered just how big he was.
Jim stood up and asked me if there was another machine that I’d like him to show me again.
“No. I think that’s it, but I have a question about sit-ups. Everyone that I talk to seems to tell me a different way of doing them. What’s the right way Jim?” I asked.
Well, there is no right way Tanya, and people do do them in different ways. Would you like me to show you some of them?” Jim asked.
I said that I would so Jim told me to go over to the mat near the exercise cycle and lay on my back. When I got down I went to lay with my feet near the mirrored wall. I got it a bit wrong because my head was hanging over the edge of the mat. To put that right I shuffled my butt down the mat about a foot. As I did I felt the back of my skirt bunch up round my waist and my bare butt come into contact with the mat.
I propped myself up on my elbows and checked that the front of my skirt was still covering my pussy. I then looked in the mirror and saw my slit. I let out a little giggle.
Jim and Sam came and stood at my feet.
“Right Tanya, Jim said, “Lay flat and hold your hands behind your head.”
As I did that I felt my bikini top rode up. I was sure that it was above my nipples.
“Some people do it with bent knees. If you’re doing sit-ups like that it’s best to have your feet and knees about 18 inches apart. Would you like to try that Tanya?”
I bent my knees and brought my feet up near my butt and spread them about 18 inches. As I did that I felt the front of my skirt drop round my waist and a gentle breeze on my soaking pussy. I looked at Sam and saw that the video camera was pointing at my pussy, and recording (the red light was on).
“Good.” Jim said, “Now try to sit up, keeping your hands behind your head and your feet flat on the ground.”
I did, and felt my tummy muscles strain.
“Try doing it 5 times please Tanya.”
I managed 3 then I got zapped. It was a medium length blast and I lay there and shivered. I felt my pussy muscled clench and wondered it that would show on the video.
“Okay Tanya, now put your legs flat, still with your feet about 18 inches apart.” Jim said.
I did, and realised that my skirt was staying bunched round my waist. I turned my head towards the exercise cycle and saw that the man on it was just sat there staring at me; or should I say my pussy. So were Jim, Sam and the little red light.
Ignoring my exposure (unlike everyone else), Jim told me to try to sit up like that.
I did, but it was harder, and my feet automatically rose up a few inches as I sat up.
“That’s harder isn’t it?” Jim asked.
I giggled a bit and thought that it wasn’t the only thing that was harder. Jim continued,
“Your legs coming up like that are your body’s reaction to make it a bit easier. What a lot of people do is to ask someone to get down by their legs and hold them flat on the floor. Would you like me to hold your legs down while you try and sit up again?”
Jim didn’t wait for an answer; he got down on his knees between my feet and put his hands on my ankles. I was a bit disappointed that he didn’t put his hands on my thighs.
The first time that I managed to sit up my stomach muscles strained like hell, so did my face; and I fell back to the floor.
I tried it twice more before giving up.
We all stood up and I looked at myself in the mirror. I was pleased to see that my skirt had fallen back into place, but my bikini top hadn’t. The bottom part of the triangle was resting on the top of my nipples. I ignored it.
“Right!“ I said, “Thank you for that Jim, you were very helpful, and Sam, I hope that you got the footage that you wanted. I guess that I’ll be able to see the finished video on the hotel’s web site, but would it be possible for you to let me have a copy of what you’ve recorded today please; the un-cut version? I’d like to see it and as soon as I tell my father about it I know that he’ll want a copy. He’ll be mad with me for not having a copy when I tell him about the fun that I’ve had. I don’t want to get my bottom spanked - again. I’m going to go and relax in the sauna now so I’ll see you around; unless you want footage of a guest in the sauna Sam?”
“Err yes Tanya, that would be very helpful.” Sam said.
“Okay then, I’ll see you in the sauna.” I said and started to walk off.
As I walked through the door I heard Sam say,
“Fucking hell Jim, that was fantastic. There’s 2 LED light strips in my bag, can you go and get them and follow me to the sauna?”
As I walked through the door into the gents changing room I heard Sam start to say,
“That’s the gent…..”
But he cut himself short and followed me in.
There was one man in there, in the showers; he wasn’t looking my way.
I went straight to the lockers and opened one. I took my bikini top off and put it in the locker, squeezed my nipples then unfastened my skirt letting it drop to the floor. The only noise in there was the shower running. I stepped out of my skirt and bent, knees straight, picked it up and put it in the locker.
I turned to Sam and said,
“I won’t be long; I’ve just got to take my trainers off.”
While facing Sam I saw that the camera was till recording; he was getting footage of me undressing as well. I also saw the door open and Jim walk in. When he saw me he stopped dead in his tracks then after a couple of seconds he said,
“Tanya, this is the gents changing room, you shouldn’t be in here.”
I told him that I always went into the men’s changing room when I went swimming with my daddy; and that I was in there with him last night.
Jim looked a little confused as I turned and bent at the waist (legs straight and feet a bit apart) and untied my trainers. I stood up and leaned back against the lockers and lifted each foot in turn to take my trainers and socks off. I put them in the locker and closed the door.
“Shall we go then?” I said to Jim and Sam. As I walked out I looked at the man in the shower, he was looking at me and covering his cock with his hands.
I walked straight through the rest area and opened the sauna door. I was pleased that no one was in there.
It wasn’t as hot as it had the last times that I’d been in there so I climbed up to the top bench and sat in the corner like the German girls had – one foot on the same bench as my butt and the other foot on the bench below.
Before they came in I heard them talking outside the door, Jim said,
“Remember Sam, this kid is 100 per cent jailbait. Okay, maybe she is the biggest tease that we’ve ever met, and she probably wants it as much as we do, but she’s a kid, and I for one don’t want to risk going to jail. Don’t even think about touching her.” Jim said.
“Yeah I know.” Sam said as he opened the door for them to come in.
When they saw me up in that top corner with my pussy spread wide, they just stared for a few seconds.
“Wow!” Sam said; “you look gorgeous Tanya. Jim, will you switch the lights on and hold them up please?”
Jim did and I was immediately blinded. As my eyes adjusted to the bright light I asked Sam if he minded me sitting up there. I told him that every other time that I’d been in the sauna the 2 German girls had been in there, sitting just like I am now.
“What German girls?” Sam said.
“You know, I told you about them. They’re about 14 and are here with their father.” Jim said.
“And they use the gents changing room as well.” I said, “And they don’t wear any clothes in the leisure centre as well. One time that they were in here sat like this I watched them play with themselves like this.” I started rubbing my clit.
”They both had a big ‘O’ as well.”
“A big ‘O’, what’s that Tanya?” Sam asked.
“You know; an orgasm. Daddies been showing me how to do it; I’m getting good at it, do you want me to show you?” I asked.
Neither of them spoke, but I could just make out the red light on the video camera move a little.
I started rubbing my clit harder. The lights were so bright that I could only see a silhouette of Jim and Sam.
After a couple of minutes of frigging I got zapped, a long one. After having my pussy stared at for so long I was ready to pop. My AF was a 9.5. Just a little more rubbing and sticking a finger inside me took me over the edge. I arched my back, started shaking and said (quite loudly).
“Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhh Oh fuck, that’s good!”
As the waves of pleasure started to subside a couple of aftershocks made me gasp and arch my back again.
When I was able, I said,
“See, I told you that I was good at the big ‘O’. My dad tells me that my big ‘O’s make him proud of me.”
I think that I’d shocked Jim and Sam a bit because all that Jim could think of to say was,
“Yeah, I bet that your father is real proud of you”
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