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He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E29

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He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E29

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 29

They all turned and started cheering. My face went bright red and my left hand (with my card key in it) went to my nipples. That’s all I could cover with one hand while my right hand got the bottle of water.

I made a dash for the lifts, figuring that I’d get back to our room quicker in the lift. I just hoped that there would be a lift waiting. I was wrong, and in that time 5 of the young men came over to me.

The started telling me what they’d like to do to me. I remembered the workmen when I’d been out jogging.

I heard one of them say,

“Fuck, she’s only a little kid. Leave her alone lads”

That seemed to have the desire effect and they all walked off muttering. For once I was really glad that I had the body of a little kid.

I started to relax a little and heard the ‘ping’ of the lift arriving. It was empty and I quickly walked in. Just before the doors completely shut an arm came in and the doors opened again.

“Shit!” I thought as a couple in their thirties walked in.

“Holy cow!” a very American man said. “You Brits are something else.”

The woman just smiled at me.

They both stared at me as the lift went up. After a few seconds the woman said,

“A dare or a bet?”

“A dare.” I said.

“I hope that it was worth it.” She replied then looked at her man.

“Winston, take your eyes off the poor girl; can’t you see that she’s embarrassed enough?”

Winston didn’t take his eyes off me and I was glad when the lift stopped at the ninth floor. As I walked out the woman said,

“I hope that your parents don’t find out.”

I didn’t really care if my parents did find out, but I wasn’t going to tell them that.

When I got back to our room I told Ryan all about my adventure. He told me that he’d though that I’d got lost, or arrested.

“I just knew that you’d enjoy it.” He said.

And he was right, I had enjoyed it; even though it had been scary and potentially dangerous; I had enjoyed it. My body had as well, I was dripping.

I went to sleep that night with my back to Ryan and his cock filling my hole.



I woke up early the next morning and I wasn’t feeling good. It wasn’t anything to do with the wine the night before, it was guilt. I felt ashamed at what I’d done. Masturbating and even fucking in front of those girls and getting changed in the gents changing room; it just wasn’t right.

When Ryan woke up I told him how I felt and, bless him, he did his best to convince me that we’d done nothing wrong, He asked me if I’d enjoyed myself (I had – a lot), then if anyone had been hurt or corrupted. He correctly said that those girls had done just the same as me, and it was obvious that they’d enjoyed themselves. Neither of us had had sex with anyone under-aged; not even touched or spoken to them. As for walking round naked and changing in the gents changing rooms, I had to confess that the men that saw me probably got as much pleasure out of it as I did, possibly more.

Part of me knew that Ryan was right, but there was still that nagging part of my brain that said that it was wrong, that I’d been bad girl. Ryan blamed my upbringing and told me that if he’d thought that I’d been a bad girl he’d put me over his knee and give my butt a good spanking. I told him that I probably deserved it.

Ryan tried to snap me out of it by teasing my clit. It worked a bit, but only a bit.

I was still feeling bad when we got back from breakfast and Ryan had to leave for the training course. I decided to have another shower to see if that made me feel better. It didn’t.

I didn’t bother to put any clothes on and lay on the bed thinking and still feeling guilty and ashamed.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing that I heard was the door opening. I was in a deep sleep and didn’t wake-up properly. I’d turned onto my stomach and had one leg bent, like in the recovery position. I heard a woman gasp then run out.

I was just getting back to sleep when I heard someone come in again. Then I heard the woman say,

“Is she dead Mr Green?” in a funny foreign accent.

That got my attention, but I didn’t dare move or open my eyes. Then I felt someone touch my neck. A few seconds later a man’s voice said,

“No Zuzinka, she isn’t dead; drunk or drugged maybe, but not dead. You go and do another room, I’ll check her out.”

I heard the woman walk out then there was a pause. I wondered what the man was doing. My first thought was, ‘is he going to rape me?’ then I realised that he must be some sort of hotel manager and being accused of rape wouldn’t do his career much good.

Then I heard a clicking noise, then another. The man was taking photographs of me. I felt a draught on my open hole then heard more clicks. Shit, he was getting close-ups of my pussy. I felt that familiar, nice tingling in my pussy and felt it get wet.

I felt warm air being blown on my pussy; was he blowing on my pussy? It certainly felt good because I had another wet rush.

Why I did this I will never know, but I sighed and turned over onto my back, still keeping my eyes closed. What’s more, as I turned over I moved my legs apart and put my right hand on my stomach.

After a minute of nothing I heard more clicks. I got another wet rush. Shit, I was getting horny.

More clicks.

There was another pause then my hand moved down to my pussy. Before I knew it my finger was rubbing my clit.

More clicks.

I was just on the verge of cumming when I heard the woman’s voice again. My finger kept going as I heard the man say,

“Okay, okay Zuzinka, I’ll be right there.” The next thing that I heard was the door shutting.

I waited a minute or so then opened my eyes. I was alone. Had I dreamt it or had I just frigged myself for one of the hotel managers. I touched my pussy; it was soaking. Maybe it wasn’t a dream.

I sat up and looked out of the window to see that it was raining. I looked at the clock and realised that it was 12 o’clock; I must have slept for a couple of hours. Anyway, I felt a lot happier. So much so that I decided to go to the leisure centre and have a workout. Before I did anything else I opened the mini-bar and got out 2 little bottles of vodka. I downed them like I drink shots.

I pushed the new remote vibe up my pussy, switched it on, put my bikini top, tennis skirt and trainers on and skipped down the hall to the lift.

I picked up a towel and went straight into the workout room. No one was there so I went straight to the exercise cycle, adjusted the seat and started peddling. I’d dried my pussy after I’d put the vibe in and it was still dry as I started to slide from side to side on the seat. My clit dragged a bit at first and it was a little uncomfortable, but that didn’t last long.

I was just getting a good rhythm going when I got zapped. Soon after that I started to cum. It felt good; all my negative feelings had well and truly gone.

I’d started slowing down when the door opened and Jim came in.

“Hi Tanya, come back for some more have you?”

“More what?” I thought, but said, “Yeah, I’d forgotten that you said you worked afternoons this week, but now that you’re here, could you help me with some of the machines again please?” I pointed to the thigh stretcher, the weights and the rowing machines.

“Sure, which one would you like try first?” Jim said.

I pointed to the rowing machines.

Jim told me to sit on one and to put my feet on the foot rests. To do that I had to bend my knees and my skirt bunched-up round my waist. I looked at myself in the big mirror and I could clearly see my shiny pussy. I hadn’t realised it, but my bikini top had moved sideways and part of my right nipple was visible. I pretended not to notice.

As Jim fastened the straps round my trainers I looked at him in the mirror. He was looking at me in the mirror, or to be more precise, he was looking at my pussy in the mirror.

I blushed, but thought,

“What the hell, I’ll be going home tomorrow and I’ll never see the man again.”

I felt another wet rush as I looked at my pussy in the mirror. It was very swollen and very wet.

Then I got zapped again. This time I gasped out loud.

Jim came back to earth, turned and asked me if I was okay. I nodded.

Just then the door opened and a man came in with a video camera. Jim introduced him as Sam, another staff member. Jim explained that Sam was making a promotional video for the hotel and that he wanted to include footage of a personal trainer tutoring a guest. Jim asked if I minded if Sam videoed our session.

Fuck! That means that this Sam would have me on video, not only me, my pussy and nipples as well. I thought for another second then thought that it was a con there was no way that this big hotel would use an amateur with a little video camera like that. They’d use professional people with mega expensive cameras. If this was a con then would the video end up on the internet, on one of those porn tubes? The thought scared me, but at the same time it excited me. I just knew that Ryan would want me to agree to it. I had visions of someone showing it to my mother. I smiled and said,

“Okay, do you want me to sign some sort of release then, and will I get paid for being in it?”

Sam told me that it was early stages yet, but if and when the session got published they’d contact me about payment. He said that the hotel had my address.

Published! I thought, you mean go viral on the internet.

“Okay then, can we get started?” I said.

“Just pretend that I’m not here.” Sam said.

Jim looked down at me and said,

“Okay, you can start now, take it easy to start with then build up speed.”

I started pulling with my arms and pushing with my legs. Each time I went forwards I could feel the draught inside my pussy as knees widened. Jim was watching me in the mirror, so was Sam with the video camera. I swear that he was using the zoom button.

I did this for 3 or 4 minutes then stopped. I told Jim that my arms were aching.

“Good,” he said; “That means that you’re making progress. Which machine would you like to try next?”

I pointed to the thigh stretcher.

“Okay, you sit on it and I’ll adjust the settings.”

After Jim had finished he came and stood in front of me alongside Sam. Unlike the previous time I’d used that machine I didn’t bunch my skirt between my legs. I just left it where if fell when I sat down – stretched across the front of my thighs. From where they were standing they could probably see my pussy even before I stretched my legs wide.

“Okay, Jim said, “You can start.”

I took a deep breath and pushed my thighs wide apart. My skirt was covering nothing and the video camera was pointed at my soaking pussy.

Just as I was taking a breath to start to push my thighs together I got zapped again; a quick one.

I gasped and Jim asked me if I was okay. I nodded and took that deep breath. My face flushed as I squeezed. When my legs were as closed as they could be, Jim asked me if I was okay. When I told him that I was, but that it was harder than last time, he told me that he’s set it one notch harder because I’d found it easy the last time. I told him that I’d give it one more go.

And I did; when my legs were wide apart I took a breather. I looked up at Sam and saw that his shorts weren’t doing a good job of hiding his hard-on. I smiled

a bit then took another deep breath and squeezed.

I was panting a bit when I’d finished. I waited a few seconds then got off the machine. As I did so I looked at myself in the mirror. Mr right nipple was totally on show. I heard a noise and looked round to see that another young man had come for a workout. He had a good look at us then went to the exercise cycle.

Ignoring my exposure I asked Jim if he could demonstrate ‘spotting’ again for me. I told him that some of the girls at school had been talking about working out and I wanted to make sure that I knew what they were talking about.

“Okay,“ Jim said, “I’ll spot you, then you can spot me, just so that I’ll know that you’ve got it right.

We walked over to a bench and Jim got the weights and stands out.

“Right Tanya,” Jim said, “You lay on the bench with your chest under the bar and I’ll move in to spot you.

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