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Molly - S01 E05

Story 1 month ago

Molly - S01 E05

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 5

"Why not? We've already seen your cock. It's not like you'll be corrupting us or something."

"I am not going to willingly expose myself to you giris Ms. Hardin. Now get out of here before I assign you both detention!" Christie scampered out of the locker room, but Alyssa simply smirked.

"How are you going to sign the slip if you can't move your hands?" She slowly turned and walked toward the door. She stopped just short and tumed back to me, "You know it isn't fair that I got to see you naked and you didn't get to see me naked. Her hands grabbed the bottom of her skirt and Alyssa slowly lifted it. I forced my eyes closed and heard a throaty laugh. "Oh my. You are just too much fun Coach White. See you soon." I kept my eyes shut until I heard the door open and shut.

I hurriedly got dressed and ran to the principal's office. The girls were seated in the outer office. I motioned to the secretary and she waved me in. "Jim, we have a problem." He turned to look at me, so I continued, "I was taking a shower when two girls walked in. I made sure to lock both doors but they claim the door to the gym was open.

Jim plopped down in his chair heavily, "Damn Jarod. This is not how I wanted to start my day."

I sat across from him and looked down, "Like wanted this?" I sighed heavily, "It gets worse. Both had their phones out and I'm fairly certain there are several pictures of me completely naked winging their way through cyberspace."

"Oh fuck. After the incident last year the school board is going to flip! How could you let this happen?"

"What should I have done? Taken their phones? couldn't do that without exposing myself to them again." I leaned back in the chair and started rubbing the bridge of my nose. This had started out as a great day, but now it was circling the drain.

Jim looked at the monitor and saw the girls seated outside. "I take it those are the two?" I nodded. He leaned closer to the screen, "Is that Christie Jacobs?!?!?!" Again, I nodded knowing what his next question was going to be. "She's Sandra Jacobs' sister, right?" | hung my head and nodded. "The girl who got expelled last year due to you?"

I jerked my head up, "No. She was expelled for having sex in the boys' locker room. I just happened to be the one to catch her. Then she tried to seduce me in my classroom to keep me silent. When that failed, she tried to claim I had assaulted her, not knowing about the new camera system.

"Fuck Jarod. When you step in it, you really step in it don't you?" I simply stared at him, not able to dispute his argument. "Okay, get out and send them in. I'll try to diffuse the situation. Oh, and take the rest of the day off."

I nodded and headed out. Alyssa looked rather smug as she stood up and walked into Jim's office. Christie was even more nervous and dropped her phone as she stood. Without thought I bent down to pick it up, as being a gentleman was hardwired into my DNA. I handed it back to her and she hit the button to check that it still worked and I saw her screensaver was me. She blushed and then scurried into Jim's office before I could say anything.

I drove home, trying to figure out how the girls managed to get into the locker room. The cleaning staff didn't work in that area of the school until after lunch. I knew the other coaches routines and they all were teaching during first period. The maintenance crew had keys but they always announced themselves when they entered a room. Jim had a key, as did Mrs. King the assistant principal. But I couldn't imagine either leaving the door unlocked. The more I thought about, I was convinced that one of them had a key. It had to be Alyssa, she was simply too sure of herself. I knew if I could talk to Christie without Alyssa there I could get the truth.

Knowing that I would go crazy if I went home, I turned and headed for the gym. I needed to blow off steam in a big way. Thankfully, I kept a duffle bag in my car. I quickly changed and slipped in my earbuds before attacking the weight room. An hour later, I was panting and once again drenched in sweat. My arms were quivering with fatigue so I wandered to the water fountain for a break. I slipped my phone from the arm sleeve and checked the dozens of texts I had heard arriving as I pounded out sets. The first was from Molly, "Why did I just find a picture of you naked on a student's cell phone?" I groaned, wondering just how bad this was going to be. A few more texts from colleagues, then another from Molly, "Are you okay? I talked to Jim and he told me what happened. Call me. I'm worried about you." A few texts from students, mostly female students asking why they were never invited to watch me shower and then one from Jim, "Call me."I sighed heavily and dialed his number. He had talked to the school board and I was to take a week off. Since Christie Jacobs had videoed the whole encounter, I would not face any reprimand. Great. There was a damned video of me out there. Jim assured me that the phone had been confiscated before she could upload the video. But Alyssa had sent the photo to nearly everyone in the school, hence my imposed vacation. I sat there for a few minutes,

simply staring at the phone. I should call Molly so she would stop worrying, but I was too emotionally drained so i texted that I was fine and would call her later I tried to stand, but my overworked muscles refused to comply. I took a deep breath and forced them to do my bidding and staggered to the locker room. I avoided the showers, instead heading for the ice bath. I wore my gym shorts into the tank and stayed as long was possible. I quickly changed back into my clothes and headed home. The last thing I remembered was lying down on the couch after eating a big lunch.

I was awakened from my nap by insistent pounding on my door. 1 groaned and rolled over, waiting for the person to give up and go away. After several minutes, I got up and answered it intending to send the irritating person packing. If it was the press, I was going to rip them a new one. When I opened the door, Molly leaped into my arms. Through her tears, she blubbered that I had told her about my depression after Cindy's death and she freaked out when I didn't call her back. Then when she got to my place and I wouldn't answer she imagined me dying with a bottle in my hand. I stroked her back and told her I was okay. It was the second time in a few months that I had held her as she cried and I struggled to keep the tears from my own eyes. Such a beautiful creature should never shed tears. I explained that I had blown off steam at the gym and had fallen asleep on the couch. I led her inside and seated her on the couch. She still clung to me fiercely, but her sobbing had subsided. I kissed her forehead gently and said I wouldn't do anything that stupid again, I rocked her slowly.

When she composed herself, Molly pushed me away and said, "Damn you. You should have called me. I was a nervous wreck! I couldn't think straight. I skipped dance practice and drive like mad to get here." She stood and began pacing. "You asshole! Why couldn't you call me? Just hearing your voice would have put me at ease. But no. You decided a nap was more important. A fucking NAPI UGH, men. Why can't you think beyond yourselves? I called Chris and told him to come check no you. But did he? Hell no. He said I was overreacting. Okay, so maybe I was but he didn't KNOW that for sure." She blushed as she said the last sentence before continuing her tirade, "He laughed at me. My own husband laughed at me. He better not think he is getting anything from me anytime soon! How dare he do...

I stood in her path and grabbed her arms, interrupting her, "I'm fine Molly. See? You had nothing to worry about. I'm pissed at Alyssa and Christie, but I would not drink away my frustrations. I am in a much better place than I was back then. And I have great friends surrounding me." smiled and pulled her under my left arm, "Don't let thoughts like that get into your pretty little head again, okay?"

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Molly - S01 E04

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Molly - S01 E06

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