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Molly - S01 E04

Story 1 month ago

Molly - S01 E04

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 4

The day that changed everything

I went home for Christmas break the next aftermoon.

was afraid to face Molly after the encounter in the limo. She called twice while I was away and I let it go to voice mail both times. I called when I knew she would be busy and left a message for her. Megan called as well, but didn't leave a message. I didn't call her back. What could I say? was infatuated with her married sister and even though it was never going to go anywhere, I could never be with her as I knew it would hurt Molly too much. I knew should do something, but had no idea what that was. Chris called when I got back in town and insisted I come over to watch the playoffs with him. I couldn't decline without say I was avoiding his wife, so I headed over. Thankfully, Molly was out, so there was no awkwardness.

To distract myself from the situation with Molly, I buried myself in my coaching duties. The spring season was approaching and half of our runners had a good shot at making it all the way to state, something that had never happened. The most we had sent to state before in the same year was three, so I was excited to help the team. I still had a free period first thing, so I volunteered to show up at school at 5:30 AM to run doubles for anyone who wanted the extra time. Nearly everyone showed up the first morning, so I had to ask one of the trainers to come in to help. As usual, I ran with the kids. They told me it pushed them to do better and all of them dreamed of a day when they would lap me in a race. I had a tradition where I challenged all the new runners to a race the first day of work outs. Knowing I would be smoked in a short distance, the race was three miles around the track. I usually won, instantly gaining their respect and they were quick to listen when I promised to make them faster. Each year, at the end of the season I would race the entire team. The deal was that anyone who lapped me during the race was rewarded with a steak dinner at my expense. It had been close, but so far I had not paid out on the bet. This year, it looked like several would be eating on my dime.

One day, after a morning session, I was called into a meeting with the athletic director and principal. He had caught me locking up the track and I was still covered in sweat. I was annoyed at having to remain in my drenched work out gear, but my mood changed when I found out I being promoted to a full coach! It wouldn't go into effect until the new school year but I would get a much larger stipend and be able to get bonuses based on the team's performance under the new contract. I was on cloud nine as I headed for the locker room to shower. I was so happy I nearly walked past Molly who was scurrying in the opposite direction. Molly laughed and said we had to stop meeting like this. I laughed shared my good news. "I'm being promoted to coach next year!" Molly squealed and flung her arms around my neck despite the fact I was still damp from sweat.

"EWwwwwwww! You're all sweaty," she whined. "Now I'm going to smell like wet dog all day long. She kept her arms out to her sides, not letting them touch her clothes.

I grinned at her. "I'm heading to the showers to clean up. You can join me if you want." I wiggled my eyebrows for added effect.

Molly punched my arm, but the smile and blush that spread across her face let me know I had gotten to her. "You wish! bet you wouldn't know what to do with me if you got me naked."

My mind flashed back to our make-out session in the limo, causing my cock to stir. We had never talked about that night, but I had cum countless times imagining what could have happened. "I'm sure I could figure it out. I AM a science teacher after all." I winked at her and was pleased to see her blush deepen. I always found it adorable how easily I could make her skin flame crimson.

She giggled and turned, "I have a class to teach. I guess you will just have to use your imagination." She added the extra swing to her steps as she walked away that I knew would be there. I always looked and she always turned to watch me enjoying her strut. I made it into the locker room without anyone noticing my semi- hard cock. I locked the doors behind me and stripped. It wouldn't do to have a student walk in while I was naked. As I stepped into the shower, my mind began picturing Molly joining me. My dick stiffened as my mind played out the events. I had shaved the night before, so I knew my cock would be very smooth. I had started shaving at the behest of one of my conquests. I found that I liked the feel and had fewer issues with tangling while running so I kept up the man-scaping. I debated taking care of business, but could not think of a way to explain why I was masturbating in the boy's locker room if I was caught. So I resisted the urge as my fantasy played out in my head. I was soon fully hard at the thought of bending Molly aver and plowing her from behind as the water cascaded over her.

I was lathering shampoo in my hair when I heard a gasp behind me. I whipped around to see Alyssa Hardin and Christie Jacobs, two senior cheerleaders standing there in full uniform. I froze with my hands on my head while they looked at me. "Oh my god! He shaves his cock. It looks HUGE" Alyssa said. My hands dropped to my crotch and I noticed they both had their phones out. Oh shit.

"What are you girls doing in here?" I blurted. "And how did you get in?"

Christie looked afraid but Alyssa just smiled, "The door was open and we came in to decorate lockers for senior week."

"Bull shit! I locked both doors." I was wondering how would get out of this situation without getting fired, True, I had done nothing wrong, but two female students had seen me naked and had pictures to prove it. I could see the headlines in my head. "Tell the truth, how did you get in?" put a bit more force in my voice, trying to assert myself. Fuck, what would this do to my new contract?

"And put those damn phones away!"

Christie squeaked and looked ready to bolt, but Alyssa stepped forward confidently, "The door to the gym was open Coach White. Maybe the cleaning staff unlocked it." She smiled sweetly at me, and I instantly distrusted the young girl. The look on Christie's face spoke that she couldn't believe her friend could lie so easily. Both lowered their phones but I could see Alyssa frantically typing away. I was amazed she could do that without looking at the screen. I wanted to snatch the phone from her hand, but was still standing there naked with my hands covering my slowly softening cock. It was not a job that could be accomplished one handed yet.

"Get out of her. I want to see you both in the Principal's office in five minutes." I had to get control of the situation and knew that the best way was to tell the truth immediately.

Christie turned to leave, but Alyssa just smiled, "Why don't you escort us Coach White? That way we can't run away. She flashed a hungry look at my hands before giving me that fake sweet smile again. "We can walt right here."

"Christie, I'm not wearing clothes. I need to rinse my hair and get dressed and I can't do that if you are here."

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Molly - S01 E03

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Molly - S01 E05

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