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Molly - S01 E03

Story 1 month ago

Molly - S01 E03

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 3

well. Looking back, I can see it now but in the moment I was certain was simply projecting what I wanted her to feel. After all, she and Chris seemed so happy, so there would be no room in her heart for me. I am very dense when it comes to a woman's feelings. I realized I was standing there gaping at her, and attempted to will myself to say something.

Preferably something smooth and charming. But nothing came out of my mouth. Molly shifted back and forth on one foot while staring up at me. My mouth moved, but no words came from my lips. Tears still fell from her eyes, but the flow had lessened. I took solace in the fact that at least she could see the shock on my face.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. You're single and so is Megan. You can do what you want," she mumbled bitterly. "I'm drunk, so let's just forget this talk. Okay?" She tried to paste a smile on her face, but I could see that it failed to reach her eyes. I stepped forward to hug her again, but Molly pushed past me and headed back to the dance floor.

I sighed heavily and headed to the bathroom. My shirt was wet where she had cried into it and I did my best to dry it. I didn't want Megan to know that our actions had brought tears to her sister. Satisfied that I had gotten most of it, I made my way to VIP area and ordered a stiff drink. The waitress brought it quickly and I downed it before she finished distributing the round so I ordered another. Molly was nowhere to be seen, so I sat and mingled with our friends and was drinking steadily until Megan found me and dragged me back out on the dance floor. Despite her best efforts, I couldn't respond the way I had during our first dance. I could feel her growing frustrated with my lack of reaction, but my mind was filled with the sight of Molly standing there waiting for me to reply.

I chastised myself for freezing up. During my "wild phase" I prided myself on being smooth and suave. I was never at a loss for words and could sling a line of B.S. at a second's notice. I noticed Megan had stopped moving, so I looked down at her questioningly. Clearly I had missed something in my reverie. Her hands were on her hips and I could see her eyes smoldering with barely constrained fury. "I asked if you fucked my bitch of a sister!" Megan yelled, drawing the attention of everyone around us. Suddenly, everyone was standing around watching.

"No," I growled. "And never call her a bitch in my presence."

"Then what happened?" her voice grew louder as she ranted. "You couldn't keep your hands off me and then barn! I might as well be dancing with my brother. Are you gay?"

"Nothing happened. And I'm not gay." I growled through gritted teeth. I was losing my cool. While I may not have been attentive to her during our dance, my dick certainly had and was as hard as I had been all night. I turned to walk away, but Megan grabbed my arm. I glared at her hand, but she refused to take the hint.

"Damn it, talk to mel thought you liked me! Now you seem like a different man," she whined. The crowd had gathered closer, watching the show and trying to hear every word.

"I am not getting into this here. Follow me and we can talk." With that I jerked my arm away from her grasp and headed back to our area. I sat with my friends and we laughed about my impending demise. I tried to take it easy on the booze, but the waitress brought me a double every time no matter what I said. I didn't see Megan again until we were all piling into the limo. She refused to look at me, so I rolled my eyes. I helped the ladies stagger into the limo and then turned to help arrange one of the guests across the back seat as she was sound asleep in her husband's arms. When Megan and I wound up sitting on opposite ends of the bench, Molly quirked her eyebrow at me. I shrugged and soon had a fresh glass of champagne in my hand. I sipped it slowly, but both Megan and Molly seemed determined to outdrink the other. Megan leaned forward and whispered something to the driver. As we made our way back toward our side of town, the limo took an unexpected exit. I looked at Megan as we wound through the city but she refused to meet my gaze. "Who lives here?" one of our friends slurred when we pulled up to a large townhouse.

"I do," Megan huffed.

Chris perked up at this. "I thought you were staying at our place?"

"I have a stomach ache," Megan replied as she climbed out. She caught her heel on the curb and nearly faceplanted. One of the guests laughed, and she strode away angrily. When I turned to face the remaining people Molly was staring at me, with an unreadable expression on her face. I shrugged, not knowing how else to respond. Chris fell asleep as we dropped the rest of the guests off at their houses. Soon, it was just Molly, Chris and me.

I was still trying to get my head around what she had said earlier. Did she really think I belonged to her? Did that mean she was in love with me? I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn't notice Molly move until she crawled into my lap. "I'm sorry I ruined your birthday," her words struggled to escape her inebriated mind. She leaned in, resting her head on my shoulder. She reeked of booze. It was the first time I had seen her this drunk. "I had planned on giving you a lap dance at the club, but then I got jealous." I was shocked how easily I understood her drunk speech. "How about I give you a rain check?" she giggled and pushed her breasts into my face. I was partially sober, but couldn't resist burying my face in her cleavage. God she smelled good! nuzzled her breasts, kissing every inch of exposed flesh, I kissed my way up to her neck and heard the most delicious groan escape her lips. I raked my teeth across her collarbone and felt her shiver against me. Her hands grabbed my face and tilted it up as she crushed her lips against mine. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth, causing me to groan and wrap my arms tightly around her. I knew I should stop, but I was lost in the moment. Molly hiked her skirt up and straddled my quickly growing erection. She ground against it as we devoured the other's tongue. Luckily, the limo had reached my house before things got too far out of hand. I noticed the divider was down and the driver was watching me make out with another man's wife. Seeing him watch us sobered me up enough to stop. Molly fought me as I pushed her off me and crawled out of the limo. I smiled and thanked her for a great night. I walked up to the driver and handed him a $50.00 thariking him for a great night and his discretion. Yeah, it was a slimy thing to do, but didn't want Molly's reputation to suffer from my lack of self-control.

To Be Continued...

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Molly - S01 E02

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Molly - S01 E04

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