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Molly - S01 E06

Story 1 month ago

Molly - S01 E06

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 6

simply staring at the phone. I should call Molly so she would stop worrying, but I was too emotionally drained so I texted that I was fine and would call her later. I tried to stand, but my overworked muscles refused to comply. I took a deep breath and forced them to do my bidding and staggered to the locker room. I avoided the showers, instead heading for the ice bath. I wore my gym shorts into the tank and stayed as long was possible. I quickly changed back into my clothes and headed home. The last thing I remembered was lying down on the couch after eating a big lunch.

I was awakened from my nap by insistent pounding on my door. I groaned and rolled over, waiting for the person to give up and go away. After several minutes, I got up and answered it intending to send the irritating person packing. If it was the press, I was going to rip them a new one. When I opened the door, Molly leaped into my arms. Through her tears, she blubbered that I had told her about my depression after Cindy's death and she freaked out when I didn't call her back. Then when she got to my place and I wouldn't answer she imagined me dying with a bottle in my hand. I stroked her back and told her I was okay, It was the second time in a few months that I had held her as she cried and I struggled to keep the tears from my own eyes. Such a beautiful creature should never shed tears. I explained that I had blown off steam at the gym and had fallen asleep on the couch. I led her inside and seated her on the couch. She still clung to me fiercely, but her sobbing had subsided. I kissed her forehead gently and said I wouldn't do anything that stupid again. I rocked her slowly.

When she composed herself, Molly pushed me away and said, "Damn you. You should have called me. I was a nervous wreck! I couldn't think straight. I skipped dance practice and drive like mad to get here." She stood and began pacing. "You asshole! Why couldn't you call me? Just hearing your voice would have put me at ease. But no. You decided a nap was more important. A fucking NAPI UGH, men. Why can't you think beyond yourselves? I called Chris and told him to come check no you. But did he? Hell no. He said I was overreacting. Okay, so maybe was but he didn't KNOW that for sure." She blushed as she said the last sentence before continuing her tirade, "He laughed at me. My own husband laughed at me. He better not think he is getting anything from me anytime soon! How dare he do

I stood in her path and grabbed her arms, interrupting her, "I'm fine Molly. See? You had nothing to worry about. I'm pissed at Alyssa and Christie, but I would not drink away my frustrations. I am in a much better place than I was back then. And I have great friends surrounding me." I smiled and pulled her under my left arm, "Don't let thoughts like that get into your pretty little head again, okay?"

Molly hung her head and stared at my rug for a while before whispering, I can't lose you Jarod. I know it isn't right and I love Chris, but if I lost you I'd go crazy." I hugged her tighter and kissed the top of her head. I held her for a few minutes until she looked up at me, "Do you remember that night? In the limo?" Oh shit. Here it comes. I knew I had let it get out of hand. I expected her to yell and scream at me, but she smiled up at me, "When you kissed me, I felt like I was in heaven." She blushed again, "I know we can't go any further than that, but I need you to kiss me now. Please?" It was impossible to resist such an offer and I found my lips pressed against hers without thought. It wasn't like the night in the limo when we were riding an alcohol-infused passion. We kissed tenderly, lovingly. Molly's hand stroked my chest and I moaned into her mouth. The kiss lasted forever, and was over far too quickly. We were both breathing hard when we drew back. I stared down into her gorgeous green eyes, wanting to etch this moment in my memory forever. Molly blushed and stepped back, "So what does a girl have to do to get a glass of water?"

I laughed and headed to the kitchen to get us both a drink. We sat on the couch again, our legs pressed against each other as we sipped our water. Molly turned to me, "So I have a question." I turned to face her, "Why did you have a hard on in the shower?" she grinned at me, "Was it because of little old me? If so, I'm sorry for your, um, condition in the photos." She giggled.

I laughed. Obviously she had studied the photo when she found it. I must admit, my ego swelled thinking about her hunched over her desk staring at the photo of naked me. Wait. Did she say photos?!?!?! "Photos? As in more than one?"

Molly laughed throatily, "Oh yes. Alyssa took about 20. Half were close ups of your cock. I must say, it was quite a shock to see that you shave down there. God, I want to feel it to see if it is as smooth as think it is." choked on my water. Was she asking to touch my dick? "But don't think that is a good idea." My face must have shown my disappointment as she laughed, "I am serious. I would start by stroking it and then would have to rub it against my face and, well, you can see where it go from there." She smiled at me, her eyes glowing with mischief. She licked her lips then looked pointedly at the tent forming in my shorts, "Naughty, naughty. I bet you were thinking of me on my knees sucking that beautiful cock when the girls interrupted you." She slid closed to me, pressing her breasts into my arm, "Were you stroking it? Did they catch you jacking off?"

"No." I answered huskily, "I was afraid that I couldn't explain why I was jacking off in the guys' locker room." shifted, trying to relieve the pressure in my shorts. It was getting crowded the harder | became.

"Mmm, I can understand that. So what were you thinking of?" Her hand slid onto my leg at the edge of shorts. "Were you thinking of me sucking you off?"

"No, I was picturing you bent over, holding the shower pole as I fucked you from behind."

Her hand slid up my thigh, pushing my shorts with it. "Oh really?" Her eyes shone with laughter and desire. "So you think I would just strip and bend over with no foreplay?" She rolled her eyes, "Men!"

I laughed, "In my fantasy, you came in and told me that you hadn't been able to stop thinking about the limo. You said you wanted to show me what would have happened if I hadn't gotten out."

"Ah, that makes sense." She stroked my thigh, pushing my shorts higher and higher. "I have been thinking about that limo ride. I was so ready for you to fuck me that night." She kissed my cheek, "Thank you for not doing it. I would have regretted it later." She cocked her head at me, "You are a nice guy, Jarod." She leaned in and kissed me again. "I should go before we get carried away." Her hand slid up and grasped my dick through my shorts, "And it looks like you have something to take care of. She grinned wickedly at me as she stood. I groaned and stood as well. I walked her to the door and she kissed my cheek, "Call me tomorrow?" Then she turned and strutted to her car. Damn. She knew how to drive me crazy. I came three times before my lust was sated.

Once my mind was clear, I again started trying to figure out how the girls had gotten into the locker room. I logged into the school system and looked up Christie Jacobs' address. I took a shower and got dressed then headed over to confront her. I knew she would tell me what wanted to know if Alyssa wasn't around. My anger had returned as I drove over, so by the time I got to the door I was determined wasn't leaving without answers. But it wasn't Christie who opened the door, it was Sandra.

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Molly - S01 E05

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Molly - S01 E07

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