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Sarah's submission - S01 E211

Story 2 months ago

Sarah's submission - S01 E211

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 211

"But I will own you and I will always expect you to make yourself available to me a couple of times a year when I call for you. For old tine sake if nothing else. Or consider it your penance for your original crime. If you decide you want to make yourself more available to me than just the required couple of times a year, then there will be additional rewards and continued support from me. Again, that will be your choice."

He took a drink of water. Sarah did the same realizing her mouth had gone dry again. "That still leaves us with a final big decision for you to make tonight. You do not have to agree to continue. If you decide right here and now that you would like to be done with our arrangement, you can walk out of here tonight and our time together will be at an end. I will consider these last months to be full payback for the money you stole, and you can leave with no retribution. You will be forfeiting your check even though I will still expect you to sign the contract as my insurance. And I will still expect you to make yourself available a couple of times a year and to be fully willing while we are together. But the day to day expectations will end."

"When you do sign your contract regardless of what you decide, you will do so while I record you reciting the passage included on the note card attached to the contract. It is simply you stating that you are of age and acting of your own free will and not being coerced." Sarah found the card he referred to and saw it mirrored his de***********jon well enough.

He looked from girl to girl again waiting for questions that didn't come. "All of this is a recommitment to your willingness to be my submissive sexual slave. You will be rewarded and punished as I see fit and seek to please me in every aspect. Lastly, if you do decide to continue, I have one last incentive to our arrangement. Sarah, you will find an additional envelope at the back of your folder. Go ahead and open it."

Finding it as described, she opened it. Inside she found two additional checks, each for another $10,000. He continued to explain, "For each girl that you help bring into our 'community' and help train, I will give you an extra $10,000 reward. Any girl you bring will be given the temptation to be good and walk away or to do wrong and face the consequences."

"If they commit the crime, then they will make their own decision just like each of you did to pay those consequences or follow in your footsteps and be my submissive. If that is the path she chooses willingly, and you help me get her acclimated to this "Tony Michaels' Fuck Toys," he responded without batting an eye. This brought a chuckle from the girls and then him.

Sarah continued to stare at the papers. "This is a lot to take in. You always give me a lot to take in." She blew out a deep breath. "And just so I am crystal clear. I agree to sign everything and we continue to have sex as we have been for another year and a half or so and I walk out of here tonight with $40,000?" Just the mention of that number made Sarah pause. "And you'll help me invest it?" It all sounded too good to be true.

Mr. Michaels nodded and simply said, "Yes."

Barely hesitating, Sarah looked him in the eye and said "Yeah, I'm in. I'm ready to sign. Get out your camera so we can record this thing." She stacked her papers neatly and sat back in her chair and folded her arms waiting before adding, "Does this also mean you will stop teasing me and for the love of God fuck me tonight?"

Everyone erupted in laughter for a prolonged time at that and it broke a lot of the tension. Jenny asked, "Sir, would it be okay if the three of us talked for a minute? In private?"

"Of course. I will get us some drinks. Does everyone want some wine?" Getting a nod from each of the girls, he left the room to retrieve the wine.

Jenny turned to Sarah. "So, you are really going to do this?"

Sarah responded, "Are you kidding? Yes of course I am. All this money. Plus, he helped get me a job. And the clothes and massages every week. Not to mention he has made sex a constant roller coaster that just keeps getting better. Yes, he scares me at times. Makes me do things that are uncomfortable at first. And then he melts my brain with the best orgasms I will probably ever have in my life."

She nodded to herself, convincing herself that everything she said was true. "And this is just the start. There's no telling how much he will probably help me out over the years. Having someone like him to support me? I'll do anything he tells me. As far as I am concerned, he is the best thing to ever happen to me. I'll be his good little girl for as long as he will have me."

Ali chimed in, "I'm in too. If you would have asked me when this started if I would be willingly agreeing to this, I would have thought you were crazy. But it's a lot of money and a big opportunity. This will pay for a lot of school. And like Sarah said, the sex has been unbelievable. I gave up my virginity to him and I don't regret it. You all have taught me so much about myself."

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Sarah's Submission - S01 E210

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Sarah's Submission - S01 E212

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