Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 212
She looked to Sarah first, and then to Jenny before continuing, "But you don't have to do this Jenny. Your parents are rich. Or at least a lot richer than mine and Sarah's. You have more choices than we do." She paused before continuing, "If he can help get me a job like Sarah. And help me pay for school. I don't know. I guess just don't know why I wouldn't take advantage of that."
She looked shy and looked away before confessing, "And if I am honest, I really like being submissive. I think it is natural for me." Once said, she looked back to see their reaction. But neither of the other girls seemed surprised by her comment.
They sat in silence for several minutes. Jenny finally broke the silence, "I guess I am in with you two. I don't want this to end tonight. It's been exciting and I like the sex with all of you too. Including him. Especially him I guess. I know I tell him he owns me all the time, but I guess he really does. I can't give it up. And as long as we are all in it together, then I guess I feel better about it." She shook her head and said, "Fucking sex slave for two years. A true whore being paid. Unbelievable. I hope nobody ever finds out."
"You're sure?" Sarah asked concerned.
Jenny sighed one last time. "Yes. I'm sure." She sounded committed, but Sarah could see Jenny still had reservations. With her decision made, Sarah felt assured and also a sense of relief. The idea of suddenly having money made her giddy. It would give her enough to make real life changing decisions. Sarah pushed her chair back and went to get Mr. Michaels.
They brought in wine glasses and a bottle, and he poured everyone a glass. Sarah confirmed that they were all in on his proposal and they clinked glasses and drank. Jenny downed hers pretty quickly and he poured her a second glass.
"I'm delighted that we will move forward together. I know the future will hold a lot of interesting adventures and thrills to come. Rest assured, I take my role as your Master very seriously. It means that you are in my charge, and I will always be here to protect and support you while you give me your trust and obedience. Now, let's get the paperwork out of the way so we can get naked and have some fun."
Sarah went first. Mr. Michaels started the video on his phone.
Sarah held up her photo ID and the signature page of the contract and recited her name and age. She continued, "I am of legal age and am agreeing to a two-year modeling contract to produce adult content which will include consensual intercourse and BDSM themes. I am not being coerced in any way and am doing this of my own free will. I am being paid for my work as an adult film actress. With that she signed her contract.
She also signed the application for the brokerage account. Mr. Michaels signed all three of her checks and had her endorse the back for deposit. He put all of her documents to the side. Ali followed the same procedure and did the same. Jenny looked a little sick to her stomach while making her recitation. Mr. Michaels stopped in the middle and told her to redo it with a smile on her face or the deal was off. Jenny stood and shook out her arms and tried to relax. She sat back down, put a smile on her face, and managed to get through it convincingly.
With all of the paperwork done, he led them upstairs. "First want to watch you take each other's clothes off." He climbed onto the bed and laid on his side at the edge to watch thern. Only too happy to fulfill his demand, Sarah pulled off Jenny's top. She and Jenny next took off Ali's skirt and top at the same time bending her over at the waist. All stood behind Sarah and pulled her skirt down. And then Jenny's. Both girls lifted Sarah top over her head from either side.
Standing arm in arm in a line, they posed for Mr. Michaels in the sexy bra and panty sets he had bought for them, just like the picture they had sent him earlier. "You all look so beautiful together," he stated with a heady satisfied sigh. After giving him a minute to soak in the sight of his nubile trio, they each released the clasp on their bra in unison and held an arm over their tits hiding them while slipping their bras off. With their free hand, they hooked their underwear with their thumb and slid them down their legs while bending forward and crossing their legs.
Stepping out of their panties, they kicked them aside and stood back up using the free hand to cover their pussies. Posing like three perfect statues of Venus for him.
Sliding her lower hand up, holding a breast in each hand, Sarah asked, "Are you ready for us sir?" When he smiled, they slowly moved their arms behind them, clasping elbows in palms, and uncrossed their legs in their standard submissive pose. His perfect slaves waiting for instruction. Taking them in, he visibly took in a deep breath and let at out small whistle. Taking out his phone, the girls waited with smiles on their faces, letting him take several pictures. When he moved behind them, he got one of their peach shaped asses while they all looked back at him over their shoulders
After moving back in front of them, he set down his phone and at his direction, they worked together to remove all of his clothes. Sarah's mouth watered seeing his cock and she knew her pussy dripped at the prospect of finally getting used after so long. "I think it is time for Sarah to get what she has been begging for," he announced. He stood behind her and pulled her hair to one side. He spread her legs farther apart and told Jenny to kneel before her.
Mr. Michaels started to kiss her shoulder and neck while Ali rubbed Sarah's tits and lightly pinched her nipples. When Mr. Michaels bit the soft skin of her shoulder, Sarah let out a long contented groan. Jenny ran her tongue up and down between her pussy lips. The lightest touch of the wet tongue on her clit almost sent her over the edge right away. Feeling all three people touch, lick and bite her at the same time made her weak in the knees. She had never wanted something more in her life.
Mr. Michaels moved them to the bed and Sarah laid down in the middle. She watched as Jenny sucked on his dick just long enough to get him wet and slick with saliva. Ali kissed her but still held off on pressing her tongue into Sarah's waiting mouth. Instead she just licked Sarah's lips in circles gently. He spread her legs open wide and the cool air on her soaking pussy lips sent shivers through her. Moving into position, he held his cock in his hand while running the head through her labia and over her clit.
The feel of the soft skin made her tremble. She wanted to scream at him to make him stick his cock into her. When he rolled his hips grinding the shaft of his penis back and forth over her clit, she moaned out loud. Finally done teasing her, she felt him position the head at her entrance and thankfully press it into her. But when she tried to lift her hips to meet him, he pulled back, keeping the head just at the entrance to her vagina. Sarah wanted to cry. He wouldn't stop teasing her. "Please Master! Please fuck me. I need you inside me! I'm gonna go crazy! Please!"
The girls had moved to her breasts and each one squeezed on a tit and played with her nipple. Jenny bit harshly on her left nipple and tugged it up. Sarah might have cum from that alone. He ran his fingertips up the underside of her thighs, while Sarah felt the trickle of pussy juice leak down her ass crack. When he pressed forward just enough to open her vagina fully, she thrashed her head back and forth while she whined in anticipation.
Frustratingly slowly she felt him transfer his weight. Then, with a single steady thrust, he forced his cock fully into her causing her to let out a long low moan feeling every inch as it went deeper. It seemed to take forever to her. As she ground her hips up to meet him, and his cock bottomed out in her, her orgasm started. One thrust was all it took. Feeling a cock in her after being denied for so long gave her no defense.
She lifted her head off the bed and announced, "I'm cummmmmming!" while letting herself go. A deep warm wave rolled over her. When he started fucking her in more earnest, each thrust brought a new wave of pleasure with it. Complete ecstasy washed through her. One orgasm rolled into a renewed one. Jenny released her breast with her mouth and moved up to kiss her deeply. Their tongues met and danced over each other. Sarah couldn't remember sex ever feeling so good.
All's hand slid down Sarah's stomach, over her hairless sensitive pubes, and found her clit. Rubbing her clit insistently while he continued to increase the pace of his deep thrusts sent Sarah down a deep climatic hole. Jenny stopped kissing her, but got on her knees beside Sarah and hooked Sarah's leg at the knee and held it up and open and tugged at Sarah's nipple. Ali did the same with the other leg while continuing to rub her clit. They stretched her open even wider.
Mr. Michaels pounded her pussy with long deep thrusts. It sent Sarah over the top a final time and she screamed through a soul shaking orgasm lost totally in the moment. Sarah couldn't remember a bigger or longer orgasm in her life. She lost track of time and could only feel the steady pounding of his hips into her midsection. The wet slaps of their bodies confirmed that her pussy had let go with a torrent of liquid.
She looked through glassy eyes at the owner of her soul. His handsome weathered face framed by the salt and pepper hair. Old enough to be her father, but truly her guide to her sexual awakening. She wondered in that moment if there was anything he could ask of her that she wouldn't do. Feeling comfort in his control over her and confident he would always take care of her. He had done so much for her already and she knew that they were still in the early stages of their relationship.
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