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Sarah's submission - S01 E210

Story 2 months ago

Sarah's submission - S01 E210

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 210

He nodded before continuing. "But that is water under the bridge. You each made a choice in how to repay me and you have all lived up to your side of the bargain. Despite a few missteps along the way." He paced back and forth with his hands behind him. Sarah Thought he looked like a jungle cat ready to pounce. And she feared the other shoe would drop soon.

"I told you that if you did what you were told and became my willing slaves, there would be an endpoint. That you could get out from under my control without the repercussions of having committed the felony. I also believe in the motivation of the carrot and the stick." He paused again to let everything sink in. "So first the carrot. Open your folders."

The girls opened their folders as instructed. The first item on top was an envelope. "Go ahead and open your envelope and take out what is inside." Sarah tumed it over and saw that it had been left unsealed. She opened it and pulled out a check. She furrowed her brow as she studied it. A check made out to her in the amount of $20,000 from a TMFT Production Company, LLC. Sarah's jaw dropped and her head spun as she realized what she held in her hand.

She looked to Jenny and then Ali. It looked like they each had a check for $20,000. He waited for them to turn back to him for an explanation. "You'll notice that the checks are not signed yet. The second item is an application for a brokerage firm to open a new account. You are going to sign the application so that we can open an account in your name. I'll have signing and trading authority on the account with you." Sarah still didn't know what to think.

"Now take out the third item in the folder." The girls pulled out another stapled set of papers. The title at the top said Modeling Contract and Release Form and looked to be several pages long. Sarah felt even more confused but put it down and looked at Mr. Michaels. No point in trying to figure it out in advance. He obviously had a full agenda. Could he really be giving her that much money?

"The third item is the stick and it is exactly what it looks like." He paced again while he considered his next words. "You all know I now have hundreds of hours of your sexual adventures over the months of your service to me. This is a contract between you and my production company that includes a full unconditional release of all photo and video content that we have shot together. It gives me the legal ability to launch you as an instant porn star with a wide array of content."

A punch to the gut would have been less stunning. She fought off Instant panic and held back yelling at his upheld hand, but also thought she might vomit. "Relax. I have no interest in ever letting anyone see a single frame of anything I have on you. This contract is only insurance. I have the all the proof I need to file the felony charge against you, and I have you each willingly offering yourselves as prostitutes to me." He paused for a minute.

"This additional measure is just another means to ensure you never turn on me and try to implicate me in anything. And believe it or not, it is also insurance for you as well from any other girl under my control turning on you exposing you along with me. This is the nuclear deterrent option to be used as a last resort. Think about it. No different than the videos you got on the boys. It's easy to make promises now, but as the years pass, someone might be tempted to turn against the rest of us. However, I am confident nobody will knowing that they have this held over their head. Take a minute to consider it."

Sarah felt the moment of panic ease. Strangely, she understood his logic and in a weird way, it made some sort of sense. And she did trust him. She believed he had no intention of ever really publishing anything. He was too private a person to do anything like that.

"The money will appear to be your payment as a model signing her two-year contract. But that's not really what the money is for. When we started this, I told you that there would be an end date to your service to me as my sexual slave at my beck and call. I've decided on two years from your original consent date to be my willing submissive. If you agree to continue after tonight, I will sign your check and it will be deposited into your new account. The money will be yours to do with whatever you want."

He continued, "You are welcome to spend it. But if you leave the money in your account, and you want me to, I will manage the account and invest it in the stock market. I'll do it for you, or will work with you to teach you how to pick stocks and bonds yourself. You will be able to watch your investment grow over time. That will be your choice. He paused and waited for questions, but the girls were clearly too shell shocked to speak.

"At the end of the two year period, you will no longer be at my beck and call. But make no mistake. own you now and I will own you for the rest of your life." He stopped and chuckled. "Well...the rest of my life I guess, right? I am a little older than you."

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Sarah's Submission - S01 E209

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Sarah's Submission - S01 E211

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