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The Love Of Money - S01 E232

Story 2 months ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E232

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 232

"I'm not saying anything." Richie said. "I don't want to risk the chances of Mom and Dad not letting me come back here. This place is cool as hell."

"Awesome," I muttered as I dug into my eggs.

"You might have to worry about Emily, though," Richie said. "As soon as they started talking about what happened last night, she bolted."

Images of Emily straddling Natasha's face entered my mind. I could still see her tits swinging as she rocked her hips back and forth over the dancer just moments before spotting me in the doorway.

"Nah," I said. "I think Em will be fine."

We spent the next twenty minutes grilling each other about our lives. Richie wanted to know everything, from having personal security to riding on a private jet. I filled him in on everything, leaving out much of the dirty stuff. In doing so, I surprised myself by just how much editing I had to do. I really had been a scoundrel over the last three weeks. I could barely even talk about my lawyer without mentioning how hot she was or how I was railing her every chance I got.

He told me how he would be going to NYU in the fall. They'd been dating for about a month, and he was a little concerned about continuing their relationship while he was at college and she was back home. He had been taking enough AP classes and planned on taking CLEP tests to get out of enough courses to finish his status as a Sophomore by the end of the fall semester. At eighteen, he would be a college Junior. He had also secured a spot on the football team as a second-string wide receiver. On top of that, he was looking into their robotics program. Jesus... my little brother made me look like a waste of space compared to him.

Thanks to our shenanigans last night, Jonah was a little weird with me at first, and I wouldn't have been surprised if he thought I was the same, but after twenty minutes of having Richle there as a buffer, we fell back into a rhythm in no time. I asked him about Honey, and he admitted that there was something there but that she had expressed concerns about getting involved in a relationship with someone while being a dancer. She'd also admitted to some commitment Issues. For now, they decided to keep things as friends with benefits and see what happens. She was free to be with other people, and he was free to do the same.

While I was catching up with Richie, Jessica and Rose joined us with plates of food, and the ladies began another round of discussion about last night's activities. Jess, uncomfortable at first, seemed to grow mildly accustomed to talking about her former boyfriend's adventures with other women.

Eventually, Kelly got to her feet and placed her hands on her hips. She was tall for a woman-around six feet, give or take, with average curves that made her appear more slender than she actually was due to her height. Her chief assets had to be her legs, bust, and lips. Dressed in tiny cotton boy shorts, Kelly's legs went on for miles, displaying a golden expanse of toned, muscled calves and thighs that led up to gently sloping hips and ass. Her Double D bust looked very healthy on her average frame. Her lips were generous, and she wore scarlet lipstick, contrasting beautifully with her Indian complexion.

Her dark eyes sparkled as she gazed at me from across the room and said, "Well, I have to leave in, like, an hour, and except for Megan, I think I'm the only one here who hasn't had billionaire dick. I think we ought to change that."

I nearly choked on my mimosa. "What?"

"Aw," Kelly said with a pout. "What's the matter? Did Rose and Jess not leave you with enough in the tank?"

I glanced at Jess and watched as she stared at her plate and pushed her food around. It was impossible to divine what she was thinking. Then I looked back up at Kelly. She was gorgeous, and I didn't have anywhere I needed to be immediately. Richie would be hanging around till the family gathered here for supper, so there was plenty of time to hang with him.

"Alright," I said, setting my plate down as I rose to my feet. I stepped around some of the ladies sitting in the middle of the floor on my way to Kelly and grabbed her hand as if I was inviting her to dance. "Let's see what you got. Gotta warn you, though, Rose and Jess are a tough act to follow."

"We'll see," Kelly said, leading the way out of the living room, presumedly down the hall where she'd slept. I glanced back at the rest of them and saw ear-splitting grins on all their faces. A few of then cat-called us, except Jess. She was still staring down at her plate, giving no indication of what she was thinking.

"I'll be back soon," I said, disappearing from the living room. Kelly and I were in a room in no time, shedding our clothes off as we made out. As soon as I had my robe and my shirt off, I grabbed her by her damp, freshly washed hair, tilted her head to the side, and plunged my tongue as deep into her mouth as could. I could faintly taste lipstick as we wrestled orally with each other, our hands running up and down each other's bodies as we groaned into each other's mouths.

My cock was already fully hard by the time we collapsed on the bed, and I started to roll her over, but instead, she forced me on my back, climbing on top of me and inserting my dick inside her already slick pussy. She immediately began riding me as fast and as hard as possible, trying to milk as much out of that hour-and out of me as she could.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E231

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The Love Of Money - S01 E233

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