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The Love Of Money - S01 E233

Story 2 months ago

The Love Of Money - S01 E233

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 233

Saturday 7:15 pm

The aftermoon was a relatively relaxing one. Richle and I spent some time gaming while Megan went out with Emily and Natashya to do some shopping. I wondered if getting a taste of my wealth level would influence Richie's relationship. Would being the girlfriend of the brother of one of the wealthiest men in the world play a part in what kept Megan hooked on Richie?

Apparently, I wasn't the only one with that concern. Richie mentioned it as well, expressing anxiety over how star-struck Megan was with it all. He wondered whether Megan would continue to date him for the right reasons... when he left for college and other opportunities presented themselves to Megan.

"Look" I said, pausing our game. You can't be responsible for how Megan feels about you. All you can do is live your life, enjoy the time you have with her, and if something doesn't feel right, do what you gotta do to fix it."

"Yeah" Richie said, "but how do know if something needs fixing?"

I shrugged. I think it's just something that you can feel. You know when Megan or Mom are mad at you, even if they aren't saying anything? It's like that... or you could catch her with another guy. That's also a sure sign that it's not working out."

Richie laughed despite the distasteful joke.

"Just be honest with her," continued. "Tell her if you feel like something's off in the relationship or if you want to break it off."

"Break it off? Why would I want to do that?" Richie asked.

"Believe me, bro," I said. "You're gonna be going to college soon, and your relationship is gonna be long distance. You'll learn that Megan isn't the only one interested in you. There are a lot of other girls who are just as good as Megan in different ways. You're intelligent and kind. You're a catch; any girl would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend. If you find out that Megan or any other girl is with you for the wrong reasons or isn't treating you right, bail."

"Heh," Richie said. "When did you get so wise?"

I looked back at the TV screen, unpaused it, and smashed Richie's character off the map. "Since I got cheated on, inherited a lot of money, and learned a lot of hard lessons really fast."

"Motherfucker!" Richie said, focusing back on the screen.

"Don't talk about my mom like that," I chided.

"Yeah," Richie said, ignoring my joke, "You sound much more confident than you did six months ago. It's like you found cheat codes or something."

"Or something," I repeated as we started fighting in the game again. "I know sound a lot more mature than did, but I'm still figuring a lot of this out. Also, it's easier to give my advice to others than listen to it myself."

"Is that why Jessica is here?" Richie asked.

"Yeah," admitted. "I almost got back with her last night."

"Really?" That caught his attention. He glanced at me, and I used the opportunity to throw his character off the map again. "Fuck!"

"Yeah," I said.

"What changed your mind?" He asked as his character resurrected again.

I hesitated to answer, remembering that this was my seventeen- year-old brother I was talking to. Then I remembered that he'd heard about the eight-person orgy I had in the garden hot tub. I didn't need to sugarcoat things with him.

"I had sex in the elevator afterward," I said.

"Whoa... really? Was this before or after the hot tub thing?"

"Just before," I admitted. "She wants to date me."

"Who? Erin?" Richie asked.

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The Love Of Money - S01 E232

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The Love Of Money - S01 E234

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