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How Traditions Start - S01 E123

Story 1 day ago

How Traditions Start - S01 E123

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 123

Tom looked tired yet satisfied as he walked over. He put his hand on Liz's shoulder lovingly and squeezed as he walked over the fridge. "Son, you wanna beer?" He asked as he bent down.

'Sure, thanks dad." Zach said cheerfully and watched his father as her grabbed two brewskis, opening them with a satisfying fizzie and handing one to Zach.

"I'm so glad you boys could help." Tom said and took a long sip. "I can't believe we finished fixing the barn, it would have taken me forever by myself. Tom added and took another sip.

"No problem dad. Zach said, raising his beer in solute and took another sip. They sat there chatting, father and son, drinking the beer around the kitchen table while Liz worked on dinner, listening to the two and adding the occasional remark.

Tom finished her beer first. He threw the bottle away, then wrapped his hands around Liz and kissed her neck. "Stop." Liz said teasingly and swatted his hands so he would let go. "You're filthy. go take shower first. She said, shaking her head.

"Yes dear." Tom said obediently, stealing another kiss then making his way to the master bedroom, leaving Zach and Liz.

Liz looked over at her son as he chugged the last of his beer and got to his feet. "Zach?" She said nervously, her voice slightly shaking. She knew she wouldn't have a better opportunity to discuss this with him.

"Yeah mom?" Zach asked kindly, smiling at her.

"I need to talk to you about something." She started saying as he studied her quizzically. "About tonight." She added and Zach became flustered.

"Um, okay. What... what about tonight?" he asked.

"You're still planning to... you know, with Lisa, right?" Liz managed to ask.

"Um, yeah. I thought it was what you wanted, what we decided. Why, is something wrong?" he asked nervously.

'No, nothing is wrong, not really. It's just, I'm not sure how to say

this.' Liz stuttered, blushing.

"Say what?" Zach asked. "Did dad and Lisa not...?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"It's just that Lisa kind of...freaked out last night when your father took her to our room. Liz said and Zach raised his eyebrow. "She wasn't very happy with the idea of...it, and I ended up...calming her down. She told him.

"So, they didn't?" Zach asked quietly, curious and nervous.

"Oh no, they did, eventually, but your sister...had a hard time accepting it." Liz explained to her son, looking into his eyes. 'I had to be there with them before she agreed to even take her clothes off.' Liz added.

"Walt, you were there with them?" Zach asked, eyes going wide as his mother nodded. "While they....had sex?" he asked and Liz nodded again, embarrassed.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm not sure Lisa would be as open to the idea of you...you know. Liz said.

"Oh." Zach sald as an unexpected pang of disappointment hit. "So, you think Iwe...shouldn't?" Zach asked.

"No, I think that's even more of a reason for her to spend the night with you. Liz said and took a deep breath. "But I do want to ask you if you would consider something." Liz continued nervously.

"What's that?" Zach asked.

"I think it will be better if...I'll be there with you." Liz said, spitting it out

"You..you want to be there with me and Lisa?" Zack asked surprised. "You want to be there while I have...sex with her?" he asked, and his mother nodded again.

"Lisa is really shy about that kind of thing and I think she might not do it if I'm not there to support her." Liz explained.

"What... would you be doing if you joined us?" Zach asked, mouth going dry, a creepy shiver going down his spine at the thought. He looked a little disgusted.

"Um nothing really. I'll just be there to support Lisa, to reassure her. Liz explained nervously.

"Will you like, watch us?" Zach asked, bothered by the idea of his mother watching while he had sex with his youngest sister for the first time. They hadn't seen each other naked since she took his virginity, and though he might have been okay with her seeing him naked, he was definitely not comfortable with her watching him have sex


"I'm, um, I guess I can look away if it helps." Liz said mumbling and

"What about the rest of it?" Zach asked, the notion still uncomfortable and embarrassing.

"Sweetie, if you're not comfortable with me being there I don't have to, but Lisa might not agree to do anything if I'm not. I don't want to embarrass you, and if Lisa is comfortable with it, I'll leave you two alone." Liz told her son.

Zach looked at his mother feeling even more nervous about tonight than he already has. "Okay mom." Zach finally said agreeing nervously and his mother smiled gratefully.

"How did you think of doing it?" Liz asked.

"I thought about just popping into her room after she went to bed.' Zach said and Liz nodded in agreement.

"So, we'll wait for her to go to bed then go to her room together?" Liz suggested and Zach nodded reluctantly. "I'll try to make it as least awkward as possible. Liz assured her son.

"Wow, thanks mom. Zach said sarcastically with a chuckle and shook his head, not believing what he just agreed to. He heard Jack climbing down the stairs and with a final look at his mom headed upstairs. He needed to clean up for his special night with his little sister.

Lisa looked around the dinner table cheerfully, taking another spoonful. Throughout the day none of her siblings brought up what had happened last night, and though she thought she received a few knowing looks, she could not be sure it wasn't her imagination. She laughed as Presley told an amusing story and looked around the table before settling on her own plate.

Zach was trying to hide his nervousness as he ate dinner with the rest of the family. They all gave him devious looks, knowing what he was about to do to their little sister, but that didn't make him nervous, he engaged in sexual activities with all three of his younger siblings on several occasions over the years. What did make him nervous, beside the fact that he was about to have sex with his innocent young sister, was that his mother was going to be there with him.

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How Traditions Start - S01 E122

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