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How Traditions Start - S01 E122

Story 1 day ago

How Traditions Start - S01 E122

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 122

Zach was supposed to spend the night with his youngest sister tonight, just like he had with Presley in the night after her eighteenth birthday, and like Molly and Presley had with Jack on the nights after his, but Liz didn't feel as certain about tonight as she had previous years.

Lisa and Tom's night did not go as expected, and Liz was worried how her youngest daughter would take to her big brother. Liz still couldn't believe she was there last night, she was with her youngest daughter, watching her as she lost her virginity to her father. Liz blushed, though it was not very noticeably with the heat, at the thought that she showed her daughter how to jerk her father's penis, how to suck it, and even demonstrated to her what sex was as Tom entered her right there for Lisa to see. It's true that her young girl did eventually want to have sex with her father, but only after much deliberation.

Liz stared at her husband, then at her two boys, thinking whether she should just let everything play out and hope it will all work out, or if she should do something differently. She considered telling Lisa about it beforehand, asking her if she would be alright with having sex with Zach, but wasn't sure it would be wise. She certainly needed to give Zach a heads up before tonight but wondered what she should tell him to do differently. She kept pondering this as the boys finished their break and were about to go back to work.

"Liz, everything okay?" Tom asked his wife, noting her thoughtful expression.

"Huh?" Liz asked, shaking it off "Oh, yes." She said with a smile, looking up at her husband. "Actually, you know what Tom, could you give me a hand with something?" Liz asked, deciding to get her husband's opinion.

"Yeah sure. You boys can continue without me for a bit?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, sure dad." Jack said confidently, running his hand though his sweaty hair, and went back to work as Liz and Tom walked out of the bam.

Liz grabbed Tom, guiding him further away so the boys wouldn't hear, then shared her inhibitions with him. "What do you think? Liz asked after she finished explaining her worries 'Hu, well, I don't think you should ask her before if she's up to it. I think it will just get her more worked up and make her less likely to agree." Tom offered, still thinking about it.

'So, you think I should just talk to Zach and hope everything goes well?" Liz asked.

"I don't know. Maybe Lisa would be more open with him because she already had sex, but even before we got to that, she was reserved through all of it." Tom said and Liz gave him a frustrated look. "All I know is that if you hadn't joined last night, nothing would have happened." Tom added.

"What is it?" Liz asked her husband as she noted the shift in his gaze after the last sentence. He seemed to be thinking something over.

'I have an idea but I'm not sure about it. Tom said hesitantly.

"What?" Liz asked hopeful.

"Maybe you can be there with her tonight too." Tom offered.

"Be there? While... Zach...?" Liz asked unsure and Tom nodded. "Tonight? When he's with Lisa?" She continued asking, making sure she understood.

"Yes." Tom said nodding and shrugged.

"You think that will help?" Liz asked skeptical.

"Like I said, nothing would have happened last night if you hadn't joined us. Tom said casually and Liz stared at him thoughtfully, considering it.

You think Zach would be okay with that?" Liz asked. Her husband's idea was interesting, but she wasn't sure her son would agree.

"I don't know, you'd have to ask him." Tom said with a shrug.

"Oh god, that would be so awkward." Liz chuckled nervously as she started considering it more seriously. Even after watching her husband have sex with their daughter, she still couldn't picture being there and watching Zach. "Would you be okay with that?" Liz asked Tom.

"Me?" Tom asked surprised "Yeah sure. Why would it bother me? You do plan on just watching them right?" Tom asked and Liz gave him a teasing smile. "Liz?" Tom asked alarmed.

"Yes, of course if I'll be there it would just be to watch. Don't be ridiculous." Liz said giggling, noting it sounded a little creepy. "Okay, I'll ask Zach then. Liz said decisively, looking at Tom who nodded. She thanked Tom with a quick peck on the lips then turned and went back to the house as Tom returned to the boys.

Lisa nervously walked into the stables where Molly was grooming one of the horses. The familiar smell overpowered her, and she walked over, taking heavy steps to where her sister was.

"Hey Lis. Molly said as she spotted her sister and gave her a warm smile.

"Hey." Lisa answered shyly and tried to put on a smile. She was ready for her sister to say something about last night, teasing her, questioning her, but Molly said nothing.

"I missed this guy." Molly said after a moment of silence, petting the brown horse's mane, then continuing to groom him with the brush. She turned to Lisa and smiled at her. "Can you help me with Bowie, I know he's your favorite. Molly said and Lisa nodded. She grabbed one of the grooming brushes and took a seat on the tall stool next to the majestic creature. She petted his mane as he neighed pleased then started grooming him.

Lisa and Molly sat in silence, grooming the horses without saying anything. Lisa was still nervous, sure her sister was about to say something, blushing each time their eyes met, but after a long silence realized, to her relief, that she wasn't going to address what Lisa did last night.

"What did you think about the campus?" Molly finally asked, breaking the silence and with a shy smile Lisa answered. With that the sisters started chatting as they continued to the rest of the stables.

"I call dibs on the shower." Jack called as he and Zach sauntered into the house, their father behind them. All three of them were dirty and sweaty from the day's hard work. The boys were both still bare chested, the work shirts slung over their shoulders, while Tom pulled his shirt back on.

"You are such a college boy. Zach said chucking. "Go ahead." He urged his brother and Jack quickly made his way up the stairs. Liz was in the kitchen, getting started on dinner, and smiled at Zach and Tom as they made their way into the kitchen.

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How Traditions Start - S01 E121

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