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How Traditions Start - S01 E124

Story 1 day ago

How Traditions Start - S01 E124

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 124

Zach felt hot, flustered throughout dinner and dessert, when they moved to the living room. While every member of the family, except Lisa of course, knew he was going to have sex with her, none of his siblings knew his mother would be there with him. He preferred to keep it that way for as long as possible.

After dessert and some chatting, each one did his own thing. Jack was reading a book, Presley and Molly went upstairs to Molly's room for some girl time, and Lisa was watching some old movie on TV along with their father. Zach also tried to watch the movie but was too distracted. He kept staring at the screen, not really watching the movie until Lisa was apparently bored.

Zach's heart was pounding as he watched his little sister get to her feet. She was cute, in a young girlish kind of way, and he looked at her as she smiled her innocent young smile, clueless to what he had planned. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans shorts and a tight black top and he watched the way it hugged her little tushy as she climbed up the stairs. His heart started beating harder as he listened to the floor creak under Lisa's feet, then the sound of her bedroom door closing.

Zach took a deep breath then turned over to look at his mother. She was wearing a pair of tight black jeans and a long-sleeved button-down jeans shirt, the top button open. Her long blonde hair was loose and streaming down the front of her shirt. Zach himself was wearing a pair of light blue Bermuda shorts and a light blue V neck t shirt. His mother gave him a questioning look and Zach nodded, then rose to his feet, his mother doing so shortly after.

Tom looked away from the TV at his wife and son, giving them a comforting smile, while Jack dozed off with the book his was reading open on his lap. Zach and his mother exchanged another look, as if to say, are you sure? Then walked up the stairs.

Zach headed to his sister's room, heart pounding, when his mother stopped with her hand gently on his shoulder.

"Did you bring a condom?" she whispered nervously as Zach stared at her, then shook his head shyly and quickly stepped over to his room. He was so nervous about his mother being there with them that he completely forgot about the condom. He grabbed

one from the nightstand drawer, then hurried back, his mother standing in front of Lisa's door waiting for him.

Zach and Liz exchanged a final nervous look before Zach knocked on Lisa's bedroom door. "Yes?" Lisa's soft voice answered, and Liz reached for the knob, slowly opening the door. She stepped into the room, trying to look composed and smiled at her daughter. "Mom? Zach?" Lisa asked standing next to her open closet, looking at the two of them confused.

Liz stepped in, followed by Zach, then closed the door behind them. "Hey Lis." Zach said with a nervous smiled and gave his mother a look, not sure if he was supposed to start or she was.

"What's up?" Lisa asked confused, looking between her mother and oldest brother. She was just about to change and was still wearing the same clothes from earlier.

"I, err, well..." Zach started blabbering nervously, not sure what to say. He looked at Lisa, then at his mother who gave him an urging look, "How...how was last night?' he finally managed to ask.

"What?" Lisa croaked, face turning red, trying to look small. "What... what do mean?" she asked softly.

"I mean, you know. With...with dad, how was it?" Zach continued to ask, not knowing what else to say.

"Um, it was...okay." Lisa managed to say, feeling so embarrassed she wanted to scream.

"Oh, good, good." Zach said awkwardly.

"What's going on? Did you come in to ask me that?" Lisa asked confused and embarrassed.

"Um, well no, not exactly. Zach started saying, giving his mother another quick glance before looking back to Lisa. "Actually, I came to see...to ask, if...if after last night you maybe want to try to...to have..sex again, but with you know, someone closer to you own age, like maybe...me?" He finally managed to ask, turning a bright red.

"You...you're not....you're not serious?" Lisa asked nervous, frightened. She looked at her brother, who looked almost as nervous as her, then over at her mom who nodded, confirming that her older brother was indeed serious.

"We just figured that after last night, you might want to try it again,

see what you like, and um...you would be more confortable doing it with me. Zach explained.

"Why is mom here?" She asked, still looking at the two with shock.

Zach looked at Lisa, then turned to look at his mother and said nothing, he would let her take that question.

"I'm just here two make sure you're comfortable with whatever you choose to do with your brother. I know last night was.... overwhelming for you and I figured you might be more comfortable with me here. Liz explained in a leveled voice.

"You're serious?" Lisa asked Zach, starting to believe that he was. "You'd really have...sex with me?" She asked and Zach nodded. "Even with mom here?" she asked.

"I..well, yeah. If you want to. Zach said blushing.

"Can I ask you something first?" Lisa asked shyly.

"Um sure." Zach retorted.

"Did...did you really have sex with mom, you know, when you turned eighteen?" Lisa asked shyly, curious, and she watched her brother nod. He was handsome, with his broad shoulders and strong arms, she never really thought about it before, but her older brother was quite a hunk and the tingling sensation between her legs returned at the thought. "You'd really be okay with us having sex?" Lisa asked uneasily. "It doesn't bother you that we're siblings, you'd be having sex with your sister?" Lisa asked, voice soft, eyes big, torn between what her body was telling her and what she had known so vividly until last night.

"No, I, um, well. Zach started squirming and gave his mother a sideways glance.

"What? You don't really want us to, do you?" Lisa asked, looking a little hurt.

"No, it's not that." Zach said, studying his sister. "It's just that I, um, kind of...already did. Zach admitted, blushing as his mother looked at him.

"Already did what?" Lisa asked, not understanding.

"Had sex... with my sister" He said shyly as Lisa's eyes went wide

"Oh my god, you what?" Lisa called out. "With who?" she asked but Zach stayed quiet. "Molly?" she ventured a guess and Zach squirmed before nodding. Lisa was shocked yet also kind of not. Those two spent a lot of time together growing up, staying up late in each other's rooms, went swimming together in the pond. She looked at Zach and by the way her was looking at her she could tell that wasn't all.

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How Traditions Start - S01 E123

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