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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E31

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E31

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 31

Writer’s P O V

“Who is that? I think someone is following us,” Lilian said looking at driver’s mirror to check out the car coming right behind them.

“Huh,” Pink turned to look behind her, confused. At a careful observation, she realized the car is worth millions of dollars.

The palace! Reagan might have s£nt them, the thought kept ringing inside Pink’s head as she stared at the car that continued following them.

They c@m£ out from Lilian’s house an hour ago. Lilian decided to get one or two clothes for Pink at the shopping mall, Pink didn’t want to follow her because of the fear of being seen by Reagan.

She is so sure that Reagan won’t just ignore the fact that she ran off alone and will want to find her by all means.

Panic filled Pink at that.

“I don’t wanna go back now,” she mumbled fixing her f!ngersinto her mouth.

“Could it be that your b©yfri£ndthat works for the palace, Pink? It must be him, because I can’t figure out any other reason why someone will follow my car,” Lilian asked and answered her question.

“Yes, probably. But I don’t want to go now,” Pink answered nervously.

Lilian saw the worried look on Pink’s face, then decided to break the traffic rules.

She increa-sed the speed of the vehicle ri-ding past a lot of cars, moving in between them and causing vehicles to get out of the way for her.

As she kept speeding away, she noticed the car still following hers.

“fv¢k!” Lilian bite her lowerl-ips as she mumbled. Then she decided to use another trick to get away from them.

She increa-sed the speed of the car again and noticed the car getting close to hers.

She watched the car pas-s hers to suddenly hit the br@ke of her car, she reversed and started going back throu-gh the other road, leaving the car which was following them a bit confused for a while. Before they could think of reversing, the cops ran up to them and held them for road block and over speeding.

Pink and Lilian exhaled a sigh of relief seeing that the car has been caught by the cops.

“Gosh, you are so good at driving Lilian,” Pink smiled walking into her house with her.

“Yeah, my Dad taught me how to drive before pas-sing away. I also do car racing back in highschool,” Lilian said to her.

“Woah, I didn’t expect you’d reverse at that point. I’m grateful the cops didn’t get us tho,” Pink cooed.

“I’ll have to change the plate number of my car. They might have copied it down, can’t take chances,” Lilian answered.

They both got into the house to see Ethan typing away on his l@pt©p.

“Ethan, what are you doing here?” Lilian asked, surprised to see her brother.

“Well, took permission from the company. It was granted on the basic that I return back to the company with a lot of meaning stories,” Ethan replied rolling his eyes at the process.
“Oh, so who wants a sandwich, I wanna make one for myself?” Lilian asked throwing her hands up.


Prince Reagan received a call from one of his guards.

“What?” He asked.

“My prince, we..we lost the car,” the voice from the other end said.

“You what? Gosh, what can you ever do right?” He gro-an ed into the phone.

“We got delayed by the cops, we’re sorry,” the voice apologized.

“Well, fv¢k you! Get off my phone, as-s-holes.” Prince Reagan rasped cutting the call and throwing his phone aside.

Two days now and Pink hasn’t been found to where ever she ran off to, Prince Reagan thought in annoyance.

After arranging the files and do¢v-ments in front of him. He stood up and started strolling out to calm himself down.

He got to the Frank, his son’s room and st©pped seeing the door slightly opened.

He took few steps towards the door to hear Celia’s voice coming out from there.

He looked into the room to see Celia feeding him with some cereal. He made to leave but Celia was quic-k to grasp his pres£nce.

She left her son, ran to the door and opened it to see Prince Reagan walking away.

“My prince, you c@m£ to see Frank?” Celia asked her eyes glittering with happiness.

“I asked him and he told me that you haven’t visited him ever since you c@m£ back. You can come in, I’m done feeding him anyways,” Celia cooed opening the door more wi-der.

Prince Reagan saw little Frank staring at him from where he sat and his heart melted, guilt filled him for always running away from the boy because of fears that he might not be his son.

He reversed his steps then walked into the room to meet Frank’s intense gaze.

“I’ll leave you two my prince,” Celia said, happiness evident in her tone. She closed the door but didn’t leave, instead she placed her ear on the door to listen to whatever Prince Reagan was gonna say to Frank.

Prince Reagan went to stand in front of him.

“Hey, how have you been?” Prince Reagan asked squ-atting down a bit to become eye level with him.

Frank nodded twice without uttering a word. He is a little boy who doesn’t like talking, even his words are ha-rd to un-derstand as he is only two years old.

“Your mom has been good to you right?” Prince Reagan asked again. He nodded.

“Ok, I don’t really have much to say to you. I’m kind of really busy that’s the reason why you haven’t been seeing me. But I’ll create more time for you buddy, you like that?” He said and asked, not really sure he was gonna keep to his words. The little boy nodded again at prince Reagan. A sad smile formed on Prince Reagan’s face.

He is afraid to get too attached to the boy. What if he turns out to be someone’s else son then he won’t be able to let him go.
He has considered running a DNA test a lot of times but was really scared of the outcome. Probably because he still wanted to trust Celia and leave her as his wife or probably because he is afraid of getting criticised and mocked by his brother and father.


A week pas-sed and it was time for Pink to also help Ethan and Lilian. She and Lilian has become best of friends now and Ethan? Well Ethan has become another case this past few days, they have also gotten really close, mainly because of the fact that she was always around him when he worked on finding her origin.
Lillian handed Pink a blue wig and an eyeglas-s to change her looks so no one will be able to really recognize her.

Right now, they are on their way to the joint houses of the princes.

They arrived the gate and got st©pped by guards.

They all got down from the car and Pink walked to them, not really sure if what she has in mind can help them.

“I’m here to see the guy leaving here with prince Reagan. Derek, his name is Derek,” Pink said sounding as polite as she can.
The two guards there looked at each other recalling Derek’s name and that he is staying with Prince Reagan in his own cut out house.

“Yes Derek, it’s not been too long he arrived here with the prince. He is actually my brother and I’m here to speak with him, you can go call him out if you like and it you nee-d a perfect description of him, I can give you. And…he actually asked me to come tho, he says the prince wanna meet my friends and I here for something,” Pink lied.

The two guards kept staring at themselves and at Pink.

“Gosh, Prince Reagan will soon get back from horse racing with the others, once he gets back and finds out that I am not in with my friends here, he’ll be so mad at you, you guys knows his temper a lot,” Pink lied again, getting tired of their mean faces.

When the guards heard her saying horse racing, they un-derstood between themselves that she must really know the prince for her to say such, because people outside the palace doesn’t know that. And about Derek, people outside haven’t seen him before. Gathering up all her lies and figuring out that she might be saying the truth, they decided to let them in.

After getting in, they didn’t allow them go far, they simply told them to wait till when the prince could return from horse racing alongside Derek so they will clarify if what Pink is saying is true.

Ethan, Lilian and Pink stood at the corner the guards asked them to stay but when they were no longer watching. Pink started leading them away quietly.

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