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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E30

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E30

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 30

Writer’s POV

“Um.. I’d want to tell you about her last night but you c@m£ in very late. She is my new found friend and she is gonna be staying here for the main time, her name is Pink,” Lilian introduced Pink to Ethan.

“Pink, meet my brother, Ethan,” Lilian introduced again.

“Hi,” Pink managed to voice out, ignoring the intense way Ethan kept staring at her.

“Hi,” Ethan replied her before concentrating back on his meal.

“Ok done. So Pink, do still school or you’re working?” Lilian questioned.

Pink hesitated for a while, trying to come up with a suitable reply that won’t say much about her.

“I don’t school anymore, for now tho,” Pink said.

“Oh, and why is that?” Lilian asked.

“Well, I can’t go out now. I might run into, you know my boy…”

“Oh, yeah. But why can’t you report him to the cops, he is abusing you. You should report him,” Lilian suggested.

“No! No! I don’t want that. No!” Pink stated.

Lilian shook her head, chuckling.

“I guess you are still very much in love with him after all,” she said going back to her meal.

The day gradually pas-sed by. Pink and Lilian sat down inside the sitting room watching a soap opera when the door opened with Ethan stroding in.

“Hey,” Lilian turned to greet him before noticing his long face.

“What is it now?” She added in question.

“I said it, I knew the manager was gonna act like a d!¢khead. He gave me until next week to get what he asked me to get, I’ll get sacked after that. fv¢k that man,” Ethan grumbled going to the fridge to gr-ab a bottle of water.

“Oh gosh. Being a reporter has always been your dream, we can’t allow that to happen. You can’t get sacked, considering all you went throu-gh before getting into that company,” Lilian said standing up and walking towards Ethan to console him.

Pink kept listening to them both speechlessly.

Lilian has been good to her. She had fed her, given her her clothes and above all given her a room to stay in until she decides to leave.

Loosing a job isn’t a good thing at all. It will greatly affect them both, they’re just like Derek and I, Pink thought.

I ran out to see if I could get anything on my relatives and parents since Reagan refused telling me any useful thing even after following him down here. Since Ethan is a reporter, he could help me dig up somethings about my relatives and I could find a way of helping him out too. That’s perfect! I never imagined luck could shine on me this much, Pink thought, a smile spre-ading throu-gh her feature.

“Ok, maybe I should really find a way of s£dûç!ng any of those prince. Which one do you think is easier to s£dûç£, one that won’t cut my head off?” Pink heard Lilian say to Ethan.

“Forget it Lilian, I’m actually giving up too. Maybe I should st©p dreaming too much” Ethan gro-an ed.

Pink stood up, she found her legs dragging her towards the kitchen side, where Ethan and Lilian were both discussing.

“I…I might have a way to help you,” Pink ch!pped in ma-king Ethan and Lilian to turn towards her.

“What do you mean?” Lilian asked.

“My..my b©yfri£ndis kind of, he works for the Prince Reagan. I learnt from him that prince Reagan goes horse racing every morning,” Pink explained.

“Really?” Ethan asked.

“Yes,” Pink answered.

“Where?” Lilian was the one who asked this time.

“Well, I nee-d a favor from you, Ethan. I nee-d to find my relatives too, can you help me dig up some informations on them?” Pink shifted the question.

“Huh, your relatives, you don’t know them?” Lilian folded her arms beneath her che-st, asking.

“Yes, plea-se. Now that I have nowhere to go again, I think I’ll look for them. I lost connection with them years ago, I can tell you the p@rticular location he goes horse racing every morning and I can also help you guys get in if you want that,” Pink narrated.

“That will be great. I’d do anything to get something out of those proud prince,” Ethan answered moving towards Pink.

Pink beamed smiles, happy that her plan was working according to plan.

Now, where did Derek tell me the princes goes for horse racing again? Pink thought fixing her f!nger into her mouth.

“Babe, thanks a lot. Helping my brother really means a lot to me,” Lilian said walking closer to Pink.

“It’s no big deal Lil. I’m in your debt anyways,” Pink shrugged.
“Yeah, I nee-d some informations from you about your relatives. You remember where you guys lived before you got separated from them?” Ethan asked peeling his l@pt©p from his bag.

“No, I don’t remember anything at all about my family,” Pink answered feeling a bit sad.
“Huh, nothing at all?” Ethan asked to be sure.

“Yes,” Pink nodded in confirmation.

“Ok, I’ll nee-d your blood sample, your age. Your thumb prints, let’s get this done fast. I can’t wait to throw my reports at that lousy manager’s face,” Ethan excitedly said.


“No news about her till now?” Prince Reagan asked going throu-gh his childhood albu-m.
“Not yet my prince, we are still trying to get the identity of the car owner. From there we’ll find out the address of the car owner,” Phili-p, Prince Reagan’s second as-sistant replied.
“Be fast about that, Phili-p. I want something on her tomorrow unfailing, it’s been a day alre-ady,” Prince Reagan urged.

“Yes, my prince. Surely,” he said before walking out.


“So, you did according to our plan?” Emily, Steven’s wife asked.

“Yes Emily, I can’t wait to get pregnant for the prince,” Celia responded happily.

“Huh, you are acting as if you don’t have a child alre-ady for the prince. You forget Frank?” Emily tea-sed. Celia realized that she has spoken more than she is supposed to say.

She brou-ght out a fake smile.
“Of course. I want to have a lot of kids for the prince, it’s exciting you know,” Celia said ru-bbing her belly.

“A second son for the prince,” she added.

“Aww, you love the prince too much. I’ll only have one kid for my husband, just one. I don’t wanna go throu-gh pains of child labor,” Emily cooed.

Celia snickered.

“You are too funny my friend.”
“So, how was it with the prince last night?” Emily asked ma-king Celia blus-h red.
“It was awesome,” Celia mouthed.

“But, why is the prince finding it ha-rd to t©uçh you, Celia. Isn’t that weird, or you did something to piss him off?” Emily asked, concerned.

Celia ru-bbe-d her temples not really sure how to answer the question.

“I don’t know, Emi. I don’t un-derstand him at all, and to think that he brou-ght home a mistress, a bit-ch to take S-xual plea-sures from. It’s a big sl@p to my face. But now that she has disappeared, I’ll make sure she doesn’t step her foot into the prince’s life again,” Celia stated, a mischievous smile creeping up her fac


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