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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E32

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E32

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 32

Writer’s P O V

Pink took Ethan and Lilian far away from the security post into a ranch house.

“Ok, this is where they’ll keeping their horses when they get back. You know what to do from there,” Pink said referring to Ethan and Lilian.

“But, what if..he happens to be with his guards?” Lilian asks.

“I’ll look for a way to lure them away, Lilian. You just have to be quic-k…” Pink was still saying when they started hearing sounds coming from outside.

“Geez, they are here alre-ady!” Lilian exclaimed pu-lling off the big hoodie she has on. Leaving herself clothed only in a thin revea-ling dress.

Ethan quic-kly brou-ght out his c@m£ras from his bag and started setting it.

“Ok, Lil. I won’t be there with you, you’ll have to do it alone,” Pink said to Lilian.

“But why? I’m afraid that prince might strangle me,” Lilian huffed.

“He..he won’t, hopefully,” Pink cooed trying to calm the tension down.

They hide their selves in a corner immediately the door to the ranch house opened.

Derek’s face was the first face Pink saw, she saw him dragging a white horse into the house but remained still.

Derek left after that but returned again with another horse. When he went outside again, Pink bec@m£ worried that he might not come in back and that they may all disappear from there.

“Derek,” Pink called ma-king Derek halt in his tracks. He turned to see whether the horses has suddenly started speaking, he focused his gaze on the horses, he started going back to where the horses are, suspicious.

When Derek was fully in, Pink c@m£ out from her hiding to his surprise.

“Aman…” he was about half yelling but Pink was quic-k to place her hand on his mouth.
“Hey, shut up. Don’t move,” Pink hissed re-leasing her hold on Derek’s mouth. Derek continued staring at her in awe.

“What…what… have you been here the whole time?” Derek whispered.

“No, it’s not that, Derek,” Pink replied and asked.

“Is the prince outside?” She asked.

“Yeah,” Derek replied giving her a suspicious look.

“Why are you in a disguise anyways? What’s with the big eye glas-s?” Derek questioned.

“Alright thanks. I’ll explain things to you later,” Pink said pushing Derek further in.

She ti-p ti-ppoed to the door, peep out to see Prince Reagan standing right outside, beside Prince Steven. Sweats covered their b©dy, ma-king their hair we-t.

Prince Reagan’s hair glued to his head, giving him that cute badas-s look.

Pink f0rç£d herself to st©p looking at him, she went back to meet Lilian and Ethan where they were still hiding.

“Plans changed, I think I’ll have to get involved a little bit. I’ll lure either of them in and immediately either of the prince comes in, Lilian you jump on him and do your think quic-k, while Ethan takes the pictures,” Pink whispered to them both.

“Yeah re-ady, as long as I’m getting something,” Ethan whispered back to her.

Pink breathed in and out before stepping out from the ranch house, Prince Steven who was facing her side was the first to see her but he didn’t recognize. He pointed at her, wondering who she was. Prince Reagan had to look behind him to see someone that looked like Pink but Pink was quic-k to run into the ranch house leaving Prince Reagan damn curious of who she really is.

So as Pink predicted, Prince Reagan ran into the ranch house but got st©pped by Lilian who suddenly attacked him.

Lilian couldn’t dare k!ss!nghim on hisl-ips as she had thought she could, she got scared and only hvgged him. She wra-pped her arms ti-ghtly around him with her eyes closed, praying and hoping in her mind that the prince doesn’t kill her.

“The fv¢k! Who the hell are you people?” Prince gro-an ed trying to get Lilian off his skin but Lilian being determined tho scared still cling unto him. She knows that Ethan could have been taking a whole lot of pictures so she wasn’t re-ady to let go.

Derek just stood where he was watching the crazy think his sister and his friends were doing, stunned.

Where did Amanda meet all these crazy people? Derek wondered.

After some minutes, Prince Reagan was able to get Lilian off his skin. He gr@bb£d her by the n£¢k in fury, aiming for her life.

Ethan ran out to save his sister but couldn’t because the prince’s hold on Lilian’s n£¢k remained ti-ght.

He was strangling her and Pink couldn’t keep watching, so in a stuttered tone. She whispered his name.

“My prince,” Pink’s voice distracted Prince Reagan a lot from what he was doing. Even tho he hadn’t seen Pink, he could recognize her voice from anywhere.

Ethan succeeded in pu-lling Prince Reagan’s large arms away from Lilian’s n£¢k. They ran out of the ranch house, ran pas-s Prince Steven who was waiting for Reagan and didn’t st©p running, heading for the gates.

“Amanda,” Prince Reagan called in a gr0@nreally hoping he hadn’t been imagining things.

“Come out,” he instructed impatiently.

Derek found his way to where Pink hid, he gr@bb£d her arm and pu-ll-ed her out.

“Your friends left you, you can st©p hiding,” Derek said, bemused.

“Damn you Derek!” Pink winched ru-bbing the so-re on her arm. She lifted her eyes to see the prince’s eyes fixed on hers.

“Just pretend you didn’t see me for now. I’ll.. I’ll come back soon,” Pink stuttered, nervously. She was about running out from the ranch but Prince Reagan gr@bb£d her arm. He pinned her to the walls of the wooden house, angry.

She winched at the f0rç£ he used.

“Where do you think you’re going to?” Prince Reagan snapped at her pressing her to the walls.

“St©p…you are hurting me,” Pink cried hurt by the f0rç£ he was using on her.

“Derek, leave us,” Prince Reagan ordered.

Derek hesitated but later left, leaving both of them alone. Prince Reagan freed Pink, he went closer to the door before locking it.

“What do you think you are doing? You have been missing, it’s almost close to two weeks since you ran off. Now you sneaked back here with your new found friends and think you can sneak back out huh!?” Prince Reagan snapped at her again.

“I..I am sorry for leaving the way I did,” Pink cooed her gaze on the floor.

“Do you know how worried I was Pink, I was going crazy thinking about you. Praying and hoping you didn’t get into the wrong hands, I should have known better,” Prince Reagan said throu-gh gritted teeth.

“I said I’m sorry okay. I didn’t mean to, if you had complied with the main reason you brou-ght us here, I wouldn’t have run off the way I did to still search for info concerning I and Derek’s life,” Pink retorted.
“So, you’re saying, I’m the reason you ran off on your own. $h!t! You could have gotten into the wrong hands,” Prince Reagan thun-dered.

“I know, I took my chances and I’ve found out what I nee-d to know. Now I get the reasons why you didn’t want me to find out anything, you didn’t want me to find out that your father was the very reason why my whole family got scattered, my whole relatives died. You were trying to protect your fv¢kïng father,” Pink screamed out at him in annoyance, recalling everything Ethan found out about Pink’s family. Tears pricked her eyes but she didn’t let them fall.

She stormed to the door and was about unlocking it when Prince Reagan pu-ll-ed her back to her sp©t.

“Who told you that, how did you get all those informations?” Prince Reagan asked, his voice growing low and calm at being caught.

“Let go of me. You shouldn’t have brou-ght me here. You gave me hope and took it all away again,” Pink shouted struggling to get away from the prince’s tra-ps. By now, the tears she was trying to hold back has began spilling from her eyes.

“Hey, I can explain ok?” Prince Reagan cooed, trying to get her in place but she kept struggling. He took his hands to her cheeks and cu-mpped it, stilling her movement.

Now it was time for prince Reagan to apologise because he was starting to feel guilty.

“I’m sorry. I..I should have revealed it to you the moment I found out, but I was scared you were gonna go back. I didn’t want you to leave, I had to look for a way to tra-p you here,” Prince Reagan said in a apologetic tone.

Pink kept staring at prince Reagan who also couldn’t st©p staring at her. A moment pas-sed with neither of them talking, Prince Reagan slowly reached for herl-ips before slamming his on hers.

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