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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E24

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E24

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 24

(A mistress)

Writer’s POV

Pink kept rolling and rolling on the be-d until it was morning. She sat up from the be-d feeling so anxious and nervous about the day’s activities.

I’m I gonna be meeting my parents today? Or my relatives? Or someone that knows Derek and I? Pink kept thinking.

How is it gonna be? Do I perhaps have other siblings aside Derek? Her heart unexpectedly started beating fas-ter as she started heading to the bathroom.

The room Prince Reagan had given to her last night. She paused on her way to look around the beautiful princess room. She has never been in any room more beautiful than the one Prince Reagan had given to her last night.

Her nervousness washed off a bit, replaced by happiness, satisfaction.

She continued on her way to the bathroom, after bathing and brushing her teeth. She c@m£ out to the bag she brou-ght along with her, which contained few of her clothing. She doesn’t plan on spending more than two weeks there as she also have her studies to face.

After putting on her clothes, she heard a loud ban-g on her door, followed by another loud ban-g on her door.

Pink’s heart fli-pped, fear engulfed her at the energy the person outside the door is using.

Does the person intend on breaking down the door? Pink wondered taking little petrified steps to the door. She got to the door and unlocked it, the person ban-ging on her door pushed the door almost hitting Pink with the door.

Pink’s eyes wi-de-ned at the action.

The animal must really hate me, she thought fuming silently. Her eyes finally fell on someone you could call a perfect beauty.

A lady. She is fuming out fire.

“Hey!!! Who the fv¢k are you? I heard prince Reagan c@m£ back with you last night. I un-derstand he is a prince and he is very handsome but must you always throw your dirty disgusting self at him. As a lady shouldn’t you have some sort of dignity? Well, he is mine! I don’t want to hear any excuse from you, I’m here to show you this” the lady hissed showing Pink her f!ngerswhich has a ring to it.

“So bit-ch! Get lost! Get lost before the prince comes back from his morning ride! I don’t want to see you now!” She hissed again, leaving Pink’s mouth hanging in the air.

All her life, she has never been this insulted.

Pink’s eyes remained on the lady’s f!ngers.

“Aren’t you listening to me, you who-re?!!” The lady thun-dered when Pink remained quite.

“Start packing your dirty disgusting clothes or do you want me to inform the king? Do you want me to call the guards to personally throw you out of here??” The lady screamed getting more angry at Pink’s silence.

“Oh gosh!” The lady fixed her hand on her w@!st.

“I’m coming back for you. You should learn to respect a princess, I’m not your average clas-s” the lady eyed Pink repeatedly and started leaving. Taking elegant steps that showed her powerful she is.

She must be a princess, Pink concluded in her mind but couldn’t get her mind off the fact that the prince is alre-ady married.

The thought made tears well up Pink’s eyes.

She swallowed nothing as she closes the door. She walked to sit down on the be-d forgetting the lady’s threat.

Tears gathered up her eyes the more but she held it in.

She doesn’t un-derstand the reason for her tears at all.

I have no connection with him, why do I feel this way? Pink wondered drying a single drop of tear that managed to escape her eyes.

“Get the door! Threw her out! If not anything, I should be the one occu-pying that room. Not some worthless who-re” Pink heard the lady’s voice again, she stood up. She walked to the door and opened it to see the lady coming with two guards like bouncers.

The guards made to enter inside the room and start picking whatever belonged to Pink but Prince Reagan c@m£ in time to save Pink.

“Celia” Pink heard Prince Reagan call.

She looked at the corridor to see him coming.

The lady started walking to him immediately.

“My prince” she called drying imaginary tears.

“Leave!” Reagan commanded the two guards to leave.

“But…!” The lady by the name Celia tried to intervene but Prince Reagan gave her a look that made her to keep quite immediately.

Pink kept standing, she kept watching as Prince Reagan walked up to her.

He is married! The thought kept ringing inside Pink’s head.

She kept staring at him with an unexplainable look, feeling kinda betrayed.

“Forgive her for acting that way” Prince Reagan apologized.

“She is my…”
“I am his princess, I’m celia” Celia interrupted Prince Reagan walking to stand beside him.

Hearing it again. Pink felt more down, her spirit lowered.

What was I expecting from a prince anyways? She thought holding the tears that has begin welling up her eyes again.

Everything happening right now is so shocking.

“Who is she, my prince? I’ve introduced myself” Celia looked at the prince, asking.
Prince Reagan looked at Celia and answered.

“She? She is my…”
He took his eyes back to Pink who couldn’t st©p staring at him.

“My mistress” he completed, looking at Pink to see if she’ll object to it but she didn’t. Pink could only stare at the prince, her heart shattering into tiny pieces.

So that must be the reason. The very reason he asked me to be his mistress was because he alre-ady have a wife, Pink thought and chuckled to herself, inwardly.

“What???” Celia screamed in pure horror.

“My prince?” She g@sped.
“A what? A mistress? How…how…” tears spilled from her eyes as she stared at the prince in shock.

“Yes celia” Prince Reagan replied in a calm voice.

“But…but…!” Celia shut her mouth as she tried speaking. She opened her mouth again.
“How could you do this to me? You are allowed to sleep with as many ladies, but why make one your permanent lady?” Celia asked, breaking down.

“Let’s talk somewhere else” Prince Reagan said. He looked at Pink again who hasn’t st©pped looking at him before walking away, leaving Celia to trail behind him.

On the way, he met with Derek who was exploring the house on his own, at the same time heading to his sister’s as-signed room.

Pink kept standing on the same sp©t unable to move.

“Married? Mistress?” She kept mumbling the words repeatedly.

So, it’s all makes s-en-se now. No wonder he didn’t ask me to be his girlfriend. It was because he was alre-ady married, a prince after getting married won’t just befriend any lady, he can just take the lady in as a second wife, a mistress, concubine and so on.

It all makes s-en-se now.

To think he has married someone as perfect as her. Do I even stand a chance? She scoffed at her own thoughts.

What am I even thinking? I don’t belong here with him. I don’t. I will head back to where I belong and forget about him after finding out our origin. I won’t be a mistress to him.

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