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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E25

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E25

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 25

Writer’s P O V

Prince Reagan sat down on a sofa in an empty room waiting for Celia to come in.

She c@m£ in still shedding tears.

“You can’t do this to me, my prince, you can’t. You have to cut all tiers with her” Celia sobbe-d.

“What will all my friends say? That I can’t even hold onto a man. What will they say when they learn that you have gotten a mistress? They will think I can’t satisfy you, but you are the one who doesn’t t©uçh me much even when you come back” Celia sobbe-d ha-rd .

“I can’t do what you ask of, Celia, she is my mistress for a reason and I nee-d her to be save” Prince Reagan said.

‘What? You are still speaking of her safety? For goodness sake, did that bit-ch bewitch you?” Celia half yelled.

“Celia, I can’t help you” Prince Reagan said standing up to his feet.

Celia fell on her knees and continued crying loudly.

Prince Reagan walked to her, he squ-atted to her height.

“I’m sorry for hurting your feelings, celia. But just pretend she doesn’t exit, that way you will be fine” Prince Reagan said.
Celia stared up at the prince and felt like punching him.

“What are you saying? I should pretend? How on Earth will I do that? I can’t. I am not pretending, I’m done crying. I’m going to the king to report your acts now” Celia huffed standing up on her feet.

“Celia?!” Prince Reagan snapped ma-king her st©p.

“The king won’t help you so accept it. It’s better for you that way” Prince Reagan said getting annoyed.

Celia started crying again.

“You are so cruel. I hate you” she rasped at him before running out from the room.

She ran into Simon on the way. She dragged him to a room to question him.

“Simon, who the hell is that dirty bit-ch? Why did she come back with the prince? Didn’t I tell you to prevent the prince from ever getting too close to any woman? What are you a personal guard for huh?!” Celia screamed at him in question.
Simon kept staring at her like she was some movie.

“Oh! St©p staring at me that way. Don’t act that way around me!” Celia snapped getting more angry.

“Tell me everything about that bit-ch before I kill someone” she rasped. “Which family is she from? I’ve never seen that bit-ch before” Celia folded her hands ti-ght in a fist.

“I have nothing to explain to you” Simon finally uttered.

“Huh! Simon don’t give me that attitude. Don’t you feel any sympathy for me? We are have known each other for years. We are siblings, why do you enjoy acting like an idiot?” Celia sl@pped his che-st while yelling.

“My royalty lies with the prince, Celia” Simon said, signing.
His response got Celia even more angry.

‘I’m going to kill to bit-ch then. Since you don’t want to speak up. I’ll kill her” celia fumed.

“Aren’t you afraid I’m gonna go tell on you right now?” Simon ask.

“Oh, you won’t! Because if you do, I’ll reveal the fact that you are…are… Frank’s real father” Celia said. The information made Simon’s eyes wi-de-ned.
“What did you just say?” Simon bawled.

“You heard me!” Celia folded her arms before going to sit down on the be-d.

“You must be joking” Simon huffed, before turning towards the door.

“Oh! You don’t believe? You can go for a DNA test then. I aren’t st©pping you” Celia rolled her eyes at him.

“You fv¢kïng who-re!” Simon spat out really angry.

“You want to tie me down, don’t you?”

“Call it whatever you wanna call it, Simon. But you are gonna have to do everything I say from now on” Celia rolled her eyes at him again.

“Never! I won’t bow to a woman. I won’t be tied down to you, your plans will never work!” Simon said throu-gh gritted teeth.

“Oh really?” Celia rolled her eyes for the third time.

“Well, you are free to go. All your dirty secrets, ones that will get the prince to personally kill you himself will get revealed. It will get revealed that you were having an affair with me three years ago, with the prince’s bride, but you told everyone that I am your little sister. And worst, you are thr biological father of Frank. How do you like that being revealed?” Celia sm-irked at him.

Simon went closer to her.

He lowers himself to meet her.

“My royalty lies with the prince now. All those are in the past, so I aren’t scared of anything and you won’t be getting $h!t from me. And if anything happens to Amanda then the prince will be coming for you for killing her. You don’t know how much he loves and cares for her, try to l@yyour hands on her and see for yourself what he will do to you” Simon replied her.

The sm-irk on Celia’s face fell immediately.

He leans away from her and started towards the door.

“So, you don’t even care about your own son?” Celia asked.

Simon turned to look at her.
“I have no son with you. He is the prince son now, at least that’s what you claimed from the very beginning” Simon responded before walking out throu-gh the door.

Celia fumed in much anger.

“You are such an idiot, Simon.

I’ve just realized that now. Why on Earth did I get entangled with you in the first place?” She kicked the floor and continued fuming.

After thinking for a while she stands up and went in search of the fourth prince wife to be.

“Emily” she called running towards her.

Emily turned to look at her.

“Emily plea-se help me, plea-se help me” Celia cried.

“What is it, Celia?” Emily ask.

“Um…the prince” Celia retorted in between sobbing.

“What happened to the prince?” Emily asked.

“He..got himself a new bride, a mistress for now but I heard he really loves her. The bit-ch c@m£ to me this morning and laughed at my face, she said she is gonna take the prince away from me. I’m scared, plea-se help me. plea-se help my son” she cried holding unto Emily’s hands.

The prince after sitting in that room for long, stood up, he started going to his room to bath and change his wears.

He got to his room but looked at the opposite room to notice it open. The room he had given Pink to stay in.

He left his door and walked inside the room to see Pink sitting on the floor with her head placed on Derek’s l@ps.

They both looked up when they noticed his pres£nce.

Pink moved her head from Derek’s l@ps to fully face him.
“I wanna speak with your sister” he said referring to Derek. Derek hesitated for a while before leaving.

Leaving the two of them alone.
Prince Reagan strode slowly towards her. He stood facing her.

“So, you are married and you didn’t even tell me from the start?” Pink was the first to speak up.

“You must be feeling betrayed now, aren’t you?” Prince Reagan replied her with a question.

It made Pink chuckle.

“She’s beautiful” Pink looks up at him and said.

“She looks like a real princess. You did a good job picking out a wife there, but her actions left me shocked. I guess she wants no woman near her man” Pink said becoming bitter.

The prince remained quite for a while before speaking up.

“I nee-d you to act as my mistress for the time being. I don’t want anyone attacking you” prince Reagan said squ-atting down to meet her gaze.
“Why? What am I to you, my prince? Why do you wanna protect me at all cost. You are even going against your own wife for me. Who was I to you in the past? plea-se tell me, I wanna know.”

To Be Continued...

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