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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E23

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E23

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 23

Writer’s POV

Pink blinked repeatedly, still staring at the prince who has just shocked her with his words. His words sounded so strange, she couldn’t easily break them down.

“What…what?” She f0rç£d her mouth open after a while.

The prince relaxed his back on the office desk.

“You are in shock, I should give you time to calm down and think over it” he said before leaning up from the table and walking back to sit down on his sit.

The office door opened three seconds later revea-ling a man in his late twenties.

The man looked at the prince before taking his eyes to Pink. His eyes wi-de-ned and for few seconds, he st©pped walking.
Pink wasn’t looking his way, she was alre-ady lost in her own world. When the man realized that the prince was now bringing his eyes up to stare at him. He regained his posture and walked br@very to the prince.

“Sir, you s£nt for me me” the man said.

“I nee-d a new secretary immediately” the prince says in a order.

“Yes sir” the man bowed slightly in reply, c0cking his eyes towards Pink in the process.

“Edward!” He heard the prince snap at him. He took his concentration back to the prince.

“Yes sir… I’ll be on my way, permit me” he stutters a bit before turning back and taking the door. He got to the door and opened it, as he was about to go out, he looked at Pink again and that was the time Pink noticed someone’s eyes on her.

She looked back at him wondering why he was staring at her intensely before he finally shuts the door.

She snaps her head towards Prince Reagan’s side and watched him as he orders for coffee.

His words filled her mind again.
“Be my mistress”
“Seriously?” Pink didn’t know when she g@sped out.

A mistress?

I have never imagined myself being a mistress to anyone. And why on earth will I even become a mistress?

No! Never! I can’t, even if he is a prince and there is some p@rt of me that feels excited by his offer. I can’t still take it.

What will Derek think of me again? Well, it won’t hurt him much considering the fact that I will only belong to one person and not a lot of men but I wanna get married too. I wanna get married and flaunt my husband. I won’t have any claim to him once I agree to becoming his mistress, his wife will be the one getting all those roles.

And I hate sharing. I don’t want to share my man with anyone, Pink shakes her head in thought.

But once you agree Pink, you and your brother will never get hurt or suffer. You two will be protected by the prince, Pink thought again.

She sighs knowing the second fact is true.

Gosh! A mistress? I’m not up for this at all.

Pink snaps out of her trance when she saw someone placing a cu-p of coffee in front of her.

She looked up to see a pretty lady, neatly dressed standing there. After placing the coffee carefully in front of her, the lady turned back and left.

“You should drink up” she heard the prince say. She turned her head towards his direction to see him staring at her intensely.

” And if you decide to leave now, I’ll call someone to come take you to your brother. I won’t be leaving the company until night fall, plans changed, we’ll be flying to Thailand tomorrow” the prince narrated.

Pink just kept staring at him, dazed. He finished his s£ntence, he took his eyes back to his work and Pink kept staring at him.

“Why?” She suddenly blurts out in question but the prince bearly heard her.

Why do you ask me to be your mistress? You can just simply ask me to be your girlfriend if at least you wanted me close or something. Or you probably like some p@rt of me or you probably feel indebted to me but why a mistress? Why that? Pink asked him the remaining p@rt of question in her head.

Four hours later.

The prince stood up from his chair, he walked to the sofa Pink is waiting on. He watched as she sleeps peacefully with her eyes closed.

You probably might be wondering why I made such a request of you. Let’s say it’s probably because of a lot of reasons, but the most important one of them is to protect you, I hope you’ll say yes to my request, the prince said in his mind while staring at her slee-ping face.

*Fast forward*

Pink sat opposite the prince in a jet re-ady to leave for Thailand. She has been keeping mute, not speaking much lately. She hasn’t also replied to his request of being his mistress.

Derek also noticed the awkward silence but never said anything. He and the prince started off on a wrong footing.
He doesn’t wanna piss the prince off again after finding out that the prince actually knows them from way back. Probably the reason he acted that way.

It took them more than 8 hours to get to Thailand and when they finally got there. Pink’s heart skipped, not only Pink but Derek’s heart also skipped a beat.

So, this is where it all started? Pink thought looking around at the dazzling airport.

The prince who was the first to get off the jet started walking towards two black jeeps few meters ahead of them, four men on black stood around the jeeps looking so serious.

Pink and Derek again, followed the prince behind like little kids till they got to the jeeps and entered.

The prince sat in the second jeep while the men in black guarded Pink and Derek to the first jeep.

Everything looks so amazing. The car started off and drove out from the airport and into the road.

Pink and Derek’s eyes couldn’t leave the window. They kept staring at everyone. Excitement, nervousness filled their hearts.

By the time they arrived their destination, it was alre-ady so late in the night.

The door of the Jeep got opened for Pink and Derek, they stepped down to see the Prince waiting for them.

Pink smuggled herself up to the prince suddenly feeling so scared of her environment.

Something like a sm-irk formed on the prince’s face when he noticed her state.

Pink started looking around the big compound, not just a house, different big beautiful houses spre-ad out inside the large compound. About six houses.

Pink and Derek followed the prince to one. When they entered, Pink and Derek’s mouth fell open.

This is a real palace, Pink thought her eyes running around the sitting room.

“Reagan” someone called to Prince Reagan. A guy, a guy older than him.

“I have been waiting for you” the guy said walking up to them with a champagne glas-s cu-p in his hand.

“Hey brother” Prince Reagan greeted the guy.

“Yeah, how was your trip?” The guy asks, his eyes coming to settle down on Pink and Derek.

A female walked to join the guy.

“My prince” the lady greeted, holding unto the guy’s hand firmly.

“You are back” she added, smiling.

“Yes” Reagan nodded at her before he started walking away.

“Reagan?” The guy called.

Prince Reagan turned to look at him.

“Who are they?” The guy asked, referring to Pink and Derek.

Prince Reagan gave the guy a weird smile and a look which the guy un-derstood before walking away with Pink and Derek.

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