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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E09

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E09

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 9

(plea-suring him)

Writer’s POV

Pink watched as Reagan found his way to the bathroom built inside the room.

She gulped down the saliva that formed in her mouth. She is going to be taking him with her mouth, plea-suring him with her mouth.

She drank up the water there, then stood up. Her palms started getting sweaty.

Looks like she hasn’t really gotten used to used to her job as a S-x worker.

She walked slowly to the be-d then sat down, waiting for him to finally come.

She doesn’t really know how things work around him. Mama Cas-sy had said that he has a different pattern.

After the long wait, the bathroom door opened. He walked out only on short, a white towel with him in which he used in dabbing the water from his hair.

He walked straight to the closet, took out a shi-t then put it on, he literally started dressing up.

It made Pink curious, was he not serious when he said that she was gonna start with oral S-x?

She stayed muted, she kept watching him dress up.

When he was fully dressed up, he made for the door without a word to her.

He got to the door, he turned the door knob and was about to walk out when Pink spoke up.

“Are you going somewhere?” She asks.

“Just stay there” he’s baritone voice replied her. He opened the door then went out.

It didn’t take up to five minutes, the door opened. A waiter c@m£ in to pack up the dishes and the remaining meal.

Pink la-id on the be-d, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. The thought on how to get her brother back to the ap@rtment filled her head.

According to Derek, the only way he can return is if she st©ps being a S-x worker, it’s not so possible.

What way? She kept thinking, she didn’t realize when sleep took her.

She only opened her eyes after lots of hours pas-sed.

She sat up on the door, her eyes running round the h0tel room. Her eyes finally settled on Reagan.

He was sitting and on the sofa handing his phone.

She must have made some sound because Reagan looked her way immediately.

He took his eyes back to his phone like he hadn’t noticed her.

She stood up from the be-d, walked towards her small bag, opened it then brou-ght out her phone to check the time.

Her eyes wi-de-ned immediately.

“9:00am??” She g@sped out.

“Looks like you are a heavy sleeper. You disappointed me yesterday, are you like that to your other customers?” Asks Reagan.

She dropped her phone back into her small bag.

“I’m…I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I must have oversle-pt I…”
“Of course you oversle-pt. I should be reporting that to Cas-sy” interrupts Reagan.

Pink swallows nothing.

“I..I’m really sorry, if there is anything I can do to less£n your anger. I’ll do it, but plea-se don’t report me” Pink pleaded.
Reagan lowered his phone.

“Go take your bath” he orders.
“Yes..yes sir” Pink stuttered helplessly, she turns and ran into the bathroom there.

She leans her head on the wall, knocked herself repeatedly.

Mama Cas-sy will surely get annoyed with her if Reagan tells on her.

Damn! How could I have sle-pt off? I wasn’t taught that, I pray he doesn’t tell on me, Pink scolded herself.

Pink had her bath. After bathing, she found a towel that looked unused there. She gr-abs it and wra-p herself with it before stepping out from the bathroom.

I am only gonna be putting on my dress after I’m done doing what he wants, Pink thought.

She c@m£ out to see Reagan sited comfortably on the be-d, waiting for her.

He was half n-ked meaning that he wanted them to go down to business.

Pink walked up to him.

‘Go on’ his eyes said to her.

Pink squ-atted slowly in between his both legs.

She wondered if she was the one to take off his shorts or he’ll do it himself.

When he kept mute, remained still. She concluded that he wanted or expected her to take off his shorts.

So, with shaky hands. She made for his shorts.

She made to pu-ll it down but it seems impossible, she looked at him with pleading eyes.

He adjusted on the be-d, giving Pink the opportunity to slowly bring down the short down to his th!gh.

His c0ck sh0t out, she resisted the urge to look up at him again.

She took her hand to his c0ck, she wra-pped her hands around him but the silence between them was deafening.

She wondered if he was the one she was really tou-ching. He wasn’t even reacting.

She slowly took her eyes up to look at him.

“Is this your first time?” He suddenly asks.

“I…yes” Pink replies.

“Then if you can’t do it, I better ask for someone who can” Reagan said then made to fix his c0ck back into his short but she didn’t allow him.

“I’ll do it. I can do it” she insisted.

He relaxed back to her, immediately she fixed his c0ck into her mouth and started trying to plea-sure him.

He didn’t really react to it in the beginning but when she kept going, she started hearing his de-ep gro-an s and m0@n s of plea-sure. It gingered her to do more.

If she can satisfy him all he wants now. Who knows? Maybe next time he’ll ask for her again, and possibly keep her up to two weeks. And that means that she won’t be satisfying other men but just him.

His de-ep m0@n s got intense as time pas-sed by.

Pink got suprised when he suddenly st©ps her. He then stood up, he turned her back to face him.

The towel covering her n-kedness was down in a sec, leaving her n-ked.

He made her bend down, then the next thing Pink felt was him coming into her from the back.

Seems like he is fully in the mood.

Pink winched at the f0rç£ he is suddenly using.

With the way he talks, walks slowly. She can never imagine him to be so aggressive now.

Pink had to hold onto the be-d ti-ghtly when he started slamming into her fast.

She doesn’t un-derstand why guys likes fv¢kïng her @$$ so much rather than her pvzzy.

Reagan held ti-ghtly onto her w@!st as he thrû-sted into her. gro-an s of plea-sure left his mouth as he did that.

Men, he is really turning into a S-x freak.

Reagan felt his ¢v-m building up, he gro-an s grow louder as he re-leased but he avoided re-leasing into her but did it on the floor instead.

Next, he made her lie on the be-d, he c@m£ on t©p of her again, in between her legs.
He made her legs wra-p around his w@!st before slamming into her again but from the front this time.

Pink has long accepted to endure and enjoy both the pains and plea-sure being a S-x worker brou-ght. So when she started feeling extreme plea-sure, she didn’t hold back, she let herself m0@n out so loudly.

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