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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E08

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E08

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8

(Oral S-x)

Writer’s POV

Immediately, he turned back and started leaving the clubhouse.

Pink stood there not willing to move an inch. Most of the girls there turned to look at her, some felt disappointed,some just glared ha-rd at her.

Pink saw Veronica angrily storming out, back to the makeup room.

“You should go” a familiar voice said from behind. Pink recognized the voice to be that of Tess’s.

“You are lucky you got picked by him. That prince is a rare gem, a lot of the girls here joined the club just for him, just to see if they could have a chance with him. You are really lucky, I repeat” Tess kept saying.

Pink angrily turned to look at her.

“Back off, Tess” Pink said throu-gh gritted teeth.

“You are not my friend anymore. Know your place” Pink added before walking to Mama Cas-sy who has been waving to her.

“Ok Pink. What are you doing here? Mr Reagan shouldn’t be delayed. Go, go” Mama Cas-sy beckoned on her.

“But…but, I don’t want to…I” Pink stuttered in refusal.

“You have to, you made him notice you” mama Cas-sy insisted.

“That man can’t be refused,the money you’ll get paid will make your give in.”

‘How much money?” Pink asked.

“Well, he is going to pay you himself. After he is probably done, satisfied with you” Mama Cas-sy added pushing her to the entrance.

Pink started leaving the club, heading outside to where Mr Reagan is. She got outside the bar to see a black Bentley there, she figured out that he is the one that owns the car.

She walked to the car then knocked on the window. The window rolled down, but it revealed a different person inside, not Mr Reagan.

“Get in, he asked for you to be brou-ght to him” the man who looked very much like a b©dyguard said.

Pink walked to the other side of the car, she went in.

The driver started the car, minutes later Pink found herself in front of a big h0tel.

One of the best h0tels around, only the wealthy people can afford to lounge in there.

The car parked in the garage. Pink opened the door and stepped down.

The guard led her into the h0tel, to a VIP room.

When she got into the room, she found Mr Reagan sited by a corner – eating.

Pink took a de-ep breath before she started approaching his table.

She got to him, then stood facing him. She watched him as he eat silently, he didn’t really spare her a glance.

She also used the opportunity to examine his looks.

The room was brighter, ma-king it possible for her to see what he really looks like.

After a careful examination, she realized that she has seen him somewhere before but wasn’t sure.

He has an oval shaped face, a peer of brown eyes. His hair flopped over to his face, covering p@rt of his eyes. It gave him a dangerous look.
She also noticed his skin colour, his skin colour is very white, it looks soft.

Maybe he gets a regular skin treatment, Pink thought to herself.

“Sit” his baritone voice c@m£ again.

Pink pu-ll-ed out a chair then sat down.

“What do you wanna eat?” He asked.

“I..I am not hungry, sir” Pink replied him. Reagan lifted his eyes from his own meal to look at her after her response.

The look on his eyes showed.

Don’t you dare refuse me. No one does that!*

“I’ll just go with anything” Pink quic-kly corrected herself.

Reagan took his eyes back to his meal, he continued eating.
“Anything? Like chairs? A telephone or…?” He took his eyes to her again.

Pink felt stupid replying with just anything, he is ma-king her feel stupid.

“Um…beef stew” Pink said.

“Simon” Reagan called immediately. His voice not really loud.

The door opened and the person standing outside the door c@m£ in.

“Yes” he answered.

Reagan used his eyes to talk to the guard – Simon.

“Miss, what would you like to take?” The guy asked Pink.

“Just beef stew” Pink said.

“Ok” the Simon guy said before leaving the room.

A waitress c@m£ in this time pushing in a cart of different meals.

Pink wondered who was gonna eat all the meals being brou-ght, her questions got answered when the waitress started placing the plates on her own side of the table.

They were different types of meal.

Pink wanted to protest but held herself.

The waitress left after a while, Pink started eating from the plates of delicious meal there. All of them tested so delicious that she forgot she was in front of a customer.

“I like treating my workers nicely” Reagan’s voice suddenly said. It made Pink st©p eating, she took her eyes to him, to see him staring at her.

And oh! His eyes is kinda small. Like that of a baby.

“So, that they can also give me the best treatment I deserve. I also like knowing them personally. What is your name?” He asked with his hands joined together, placed on the table.

Pink swallowed the meat inside her mouth. Then blinked before replying.

“My name is Pink” she said.

“What is your real name lady?” He asked again, not really believing her name to be Pink.

Pink stared at him for a while.
“I…I just told you my name sir” she said.

Reagan kept staring at her, as if waiting for her to correct herself.

“My name is Amanda Scott” she finally gave in to him.

Reagan relaxed a bit, folded his arms, his brows raised.

“Continue” he said.

Pink realizing that he wanted an introduction began.

“I am still a student, 21 year old. I..I am studying law…” she was still introducing herself but st©pped when she heard him scoff.

“A S-x worker studying law?” He asked but it wasn’t really a question. Pink could see that he was being sarcastic.

Like someone who studies the law but valuate it.

Again, he’s words made her feel stupid.

He stared at her to continue but she remained muted.

“If that is all, then you can finish up your meal” he says after a while.

“I’m ok now, thanks” Pink cooed, the stupid feeling in her not washing away.

He stood up and started walking towards a room, it looked like a closet.

“Your medical condition?” He asked.

“I’m perfect” Pink replied.

“So, I’ll be nee-ding your services for a week or so. I nee-d all the satisfaction I can get” Reagan said, he turned to look at her expression.

He took his eyes back to the closet after seeing that she was paying attention to him.
“We’ll be starting with oral S-x” he added.

Pink gulped on hearing that. She has learnt it but she hasn’t really done it before. He’ll be her first.

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