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The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E10

Story 9 months ago

The Exclusive Sex Worker - S01 E10

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 10

Writer’s POV

Pink watched as Reagan took a pack of cigarettes, lit one, then started walking out, to the corridor she doesn’t know exit.

Immediately he was out, she rushed into the bathroom, had her bath, then put on her dress.
She c@m£ out from the bathroom, dresses her hair then made sure she was okay to leave. But she had one fear in her, will he allow her leave?
She doesn’t know but she wanted to leave there. She can always come back once he request for her.

She started approaching the corridor, she felt wind b!ow her hair up as she got closer to him.

Her hand slowly opened the glas-s doors there, she stepped out to him.

He turned slightly to look at her, the smell of the cigarette rushing into her nose.

She titled her head back immediately at the smell.
“I..I.. I’m I allowed to leave because I wanna leave right now?” Pink managed to ask him throu-gh her nose.

Reagan’s brows thinned together and a slight frown appeared on his face.

“What is wrong with you?” He asked.

“I..um..I just don’t fancy the smell of cigarettes a lot” she replied again throu-gh her nose.

“Go tell Simon you wanna leave. Let him take you there, take note of where you are staying” he spoke.

“Ok, thanks” Pink thanked. She wasn’t really expecting he’d let her go.

She left the corridor to the room, she gr@bb£d her small bag, then walked to the door. She unlocked the door then got out to see the Simon he was referring to.

“Um..your boss said you should….” Pink was still saying when he interrupts her.

“Let’s go.”

He beckoned on her to move ahead, she did after shrugging her shoulders.

Does he know what I wanna say? Pink wondered as they both got into the elevator there. It took them down.

Simon stepped out first when the elevator opened, Pink followed him to the garage where they got into the black Bentley car which had brou-ght her there.

Throu-ghout the ride to Pink’s house, no word was uttered between them.

Pink wondered if Simon alre-ady knows her house.

She got answered when he pu-ll-ed up in front of her ap@rtment building.

“Ok” sli-pped from Pink’sl-ips as she opened the door then got down.

She got down from the car and was about leaving when Simon called her back.

“Pink right?” Simon asked.
“Yes” Pink replied fixing her hair to the back of her ear.

“Ok,so from what I have here, you live at the fourth floor, second door right?” He asked.
Pink kept staring at him as he kept going.

“Throu-ghout your stay with the prince, you should never go back to work at Cas-sy’s club. Keep your ear at alert, I might call or come pick you up even at 4:00am in the morning” he says.

Pink was surprised.

Even 4 in the morning? She thought but didn’t ask out.

“And…” he drew his word.
“One good advise I’ll give you is not to anger the prince. Don’t do foolish things not required of you, stick to his rules and not your club rules. If you anger him then get re-ady to face his anger for the rest of your life” Simon added.

Rest of my life? Pink thought.

“But, what does all those…” Pink wanted to ask but Simon alre-ady started the car, he revised then left.

Pink stood stranded staring at the fast moving car.

Do not anger him?

Rest of my life? Pink thought.

“You should at least dress more decently sis” Pink heard from behind. She immediately turned to see Derek standing steps away from her.

She got surprised and happy at the same time.

“Derek” she called, happyily.
“Are you back?” She asked.
“I just c@m£ to spend this Sunday with you since you always claimed you were lonely” Derek replied.

Pink wasn’t entirely happy at the answer she got, she was hoping that he c@m£ back for real.

She started walking towards him.

When she got to him, she st©pped.

“When are you going to really st©p this? I hate imagining the fact that you actually work as a slüt. You should really st©p it” Derek mumbled to her.

“Derek, we have talked about this alre-ady. plea-se don’t go back” she pleaded.

“Do you enjoy it? Spre-ading your legs on the be-d, to literally every guy that asks for S-x. You enjoy it right? Is that why you don’t wanna consider my advice,so we can live this place?” Derek asked.

The question annoyed Pink.

“Derek st©p! I don’t wanna hear such words from you” she snapped at him. She left him there, entered into the building and went up to their ap@rtment. She unlocked the door with the pin before entering.

She went straight to her room after that, she undressed herself totally. Went into the bathroom to take a 5 secs bath.

She c@m£ out after that, then left for the kitchen to prepare breakfast and lunch at the same time.

She was at the kitchen arranging the items nee-ded in preparing bacon when she heard the door open.

She didn’t bothered as to who was at the door, knowing it could only be Derek.

It didn’t take long before she heard Derek’s voice behind her.
“Sis” he called, but softly this time. Pink continued doing what she was doing, she didn’t bother to look at him because she doesn’t want another round of argument with him.
Soon, she felt a hand t©uçh her.

“I’m sorry. Your new job isn’t just settling down with me at all” Derek cooed.

Pink then turned to look at him.
“It’s ok, I un-derstand. You are concerned because we only gat each other, it’s ok not to feel okay with my new job” Pink said in reply to him.

They hvgged for some few seconds before Derek decided to as-sist her in cooking.

They talked about lots of things while they cooked together.

When they finally sat down at the dinning to eat, the door bell range.

Derek, stood up, he went to answer it.

Pink kept waiting to know who the visitor was. She nearly puke out her meal when she saw Tessy.

She stood up immediately.

“What are you doing here you devilish creature? Derek,why did you let her in?” Pink asked at the same time.

“She begged to see you” Derek replied her.

Pink turned to glare at Tess.
“Get out! Get out now!” Pink screamed at Tess.

“Um.. Pink plea-se I just wanna apologize to you plea-se. I mean no harm”Tess pleaded.
“No, I don’t nee-d an apology from your dirty mouth” Pink refused.

She started dragging Tess out but Tess doesn’t wanna move.

“plea-se Pink, I beg you to listen to me. I know what I did was wrong but I only did that because I like you brother, plea-se Pink” Tess continued pleading but Pink wasn’t hearing any of it.

She continued dragging Tess out until they got to the door.
Tess went to the back of the door and stayed there.

“Pink, I’m not your enemy here. You have to listen to me, Pink plea-se” Tess kept pleading to her but Pink alre-ady decided never to trust her again.

“Hey sis, hear her out at least. You are over doing things” Derek suddenly said in support of Tess.

“No! She is a snake, I hate her” Pink refused.

“Hear her out first. I can’t believe you wanna be a lawyer with this behavior” Derek.

Pink finally calmed down. She folded her hands beneath her che-st, glaring at Tess to go ahead with whatever she wanted to say.

“Pink, I really like you as a friend. That’s my honest truth. I’ve been looking for a way to become friends with you ever since you and your brother moved into this building. That day, I c@m£ here with the intent of becoming your friend but then met your brother here. I didn’t know what c@m£ over me, I started feeling weird, I thought it was just S-xual attra-ction, I thought that if I had S-x with him then…then I’ll st©p feeling this way about him, he is a year younger than I am anyways. That’s why I planned that when I saw the opportunity, I didn’t mean to hurt you. But since that night I..I finally got him drun!kand had him all to myself, I’ve never st©pped thinking about him. And I feel so bad for what I did to you too, I feel bad because I was originally trying to get close to you and not your brother but I scre-wed it up. I am really sorry, plea-se just forgive me, I promise I’ll abide by your rules. I will never betray you again, I truly want to be friends with you” Pink pleaded.

To Be Continued...

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