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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E04

Story 8 months ago

The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E04

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 4


The ribbon came off easier than I thought. I took the lid off and peering in, I saw box of Nerds chilling at the bottom of the box and a note. I picked up the note and read it:

Hey Dalanie Duckling,

Merry Christmas! Hope you accept this gift of Nerds. I may have been nice to you yesterday in the park but believe me, I'll get my revenge for you stepping on my foot on Christmas eve. Be worried.

HAHAHA, Zachary H.

"You stepped on him?! Why?" Lilith asked.

"Uh... He was being a creep," I flatly replied.

"Creeps wouldn't buy you Nerds," dad pointed out.

"Actually, I would agree otherwise," mum defended me.

I smiled smugly at dad and he shrugged. I took the Nerds and kept it in my jeans pocket.

"Gotta go," I grinned and ran out the door.

"Where is she going?" mum asked loud enough for me to hear, and they all just laughed knowingly.

"Ah, took you long enough, baby girl," a voice said.

I turned to my left and saw - Zachary.

"Uh, hey? And don't call me baby girl. I'm not your baby girl," I tried to frown but it was difficult with such a handsome face in front of me.

"Hmm, you got me thinking... since when did I ever say 'my baby girl'?" he smirked. "Don't let your thoughts run wild, baby girl."

"I just wanted to thank you for the gift," I said flatly, flipped my hair and walked back into my house.

As I did so, I heard quick and heavy footsteps coming up behind me and before I knew it, a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a warm chest pressed itself to my back.

I knew who it was.

"You're welcome, my baby girl," an oh-so-familiar voice said with all sincerity.


I returned home with a light heart and probably the most genuine smile I've ever had in a long time.

"Looks like someone has had a great time," dad said, lowering his newspapers and smiling.

"Huh..." I tried acting blur.

"You're our daughter, honey. Acting blur doesn't work," mum wagged her finger at me pretending to be angry.

"You're my mum. Acting angry doesn't work," I replied, wagging my finger at her.

With this, everyone laughed.

"Anyway, we should be opening our presents now," mum said, squealing like she was still a schoolgirl.

That earned her a back hug and a top-of-the-head kiss from dad.

"Eeeeew," Lili closed her eyes and ran away. Laughing, I ran after her and swooped her up and sat her in front of the Christmas tree.

"C'mon now, don't you wanna see what you got?" I asked with a smile.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, mum and dad ran to the tree and we all started ripping open our presents.


Lilith got a stupid creepy doll and accessories for it. She also received some clothes for herself to wear.

Mum got a slightly shiny purple purse and a diamond bracelet. Dad got a designer brand black belt and red plaid flannel.

I got some card games and a light blue wallet.

"Man, I always wanted a flannel," dad commented, hugging it close to him. "And it's the perfect size."

"Yeah, and these game cards would be nice during road trips," I merely shrugged and got up to put it away in my room.

"Oh come on, I know you like it. You've been eyeing on that Point It Out board game for a long time. It's about the same," mum grinned.

"No, mum. The board game is surprisingly quite different from the card game. Anyway, I guess it's still a Point It Out. Gold edition even."

"That's the spirit! Now go keep the gifts. We're heading out for lunch," mum nudged my sister and I towards our bedrooms.

"Be quick or your mum and I will go on our own," dad winked and grabbed mum by the waist, leading her to their room.

I chuckled and went to get ready.


"Damn, that steamed fish was hella good!" I said, still wanting to eat it.

"Indeed, I think that was the best steamed fish I've ever ate," dad nodded, rubbing his stomach.

"Ooh, TOYS 4 U! Can we please go take a look?" Lili pleaded with puppy eyes.

She has to stop that. I swear it's getting on my nerves a lot.

"Sure," my parents being my parents naturally said yes.

"And... I'll just wait here," I pushed my parents in.

Ten minutes later, they were still not out yet. But that's when I heard a guy voice.

"Not going into TOYS 4 U? I'm assuming you're waiting for BOYS 4 U huh?" the guy snickered.

Without looking up, I answered with a sigh," Huxley, fudge off and go do your thing."

"You are my thing, babe," came the reply and I heard a few other guys laugh.

Vexed, I looked up and glared at those in front of me. Ya know, I don't think my glare could last long.

There, in front of me, was (yes,) Huxley, but he wasn't alone. Three other hot guys stood behind him.

The one on my left had quite the emo looking hairstyle. His hair colour consisted of black and a few streaks of dark purple. He had a small black stud earring on his left ear and wore pretty heavy looking clothes.

Noticing me stare at him up and down, he took the initiative and said "Hey pretty, you must Dalanie."

"Yeah. Huxley told you about me?"

"Of course. Oh yes, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alexander Oesterling."

Woah... that's Alexander? He's really cool.

I just smiled and returned the greeting.

Moving on, in the centre of the three, we have a chestnut-coloured hair boy with a messy hairstyle. He wore a blue flannel and dark blue jeans. His shoes and SnapBack were from Vans. The boy shot me a quick and cute wink.

"Hey Dal-Looney, I'm Damon. Damon Watten."

Dal-Looney?! I'm not looney!


"He doesn't mean it, don't worry, Dalanie," the boy on the right said.

"It's okay. Nice to meet you, Da-moan."

"Nice one. Although I don't moan a lot," he winked.

I laughed and turned to the boy on the right. I started to checked out his dressing. It was a lot similar to Zachary's, but he wore a black and red SnapBack that said 'VOGUE' on it and was wearing a nice pair red Converse.

"I'm Kael Cambern," Kael said, lifting his cap a little and wearing it back.

"Nice to meet you, Kael."

"Mum, can we get that next time?" I heard my sister say.

Looking past the boys, I saw my family walking out of the store. The boys turned around and my family looked at them for a second or two.

"Hello, Zachary! Fancy meeting you here! Honey, are they your friends too?" mum asked, obviously referring to Alexander, Damon, and Kael.

"Uh... we just met," I stuttered.

"Great seeing you still make new friends, hun, but we gotta go. Dad suggested we watch a movie," mum grinned and hurried Lili along, beckoning for me to join them quickly.

"Sorry, you guys heard my mum. I gotta go. Nice meeting you all," I smiled nervously and jogged towards my family.

"See you soon, duckling," I heard Zachary say. I looked back and glared at him but again, didn't glare for too long because his friends were waving at me. I waved back but shot Zachary a death glare.


The movie was good but the popcorn was better. That's what I think, anyway.

As we started walking back, Zachary and his friends were walking in our direction.

"Hey Aunty, hey uncle!" they cheered. Damon bent down and pinched Lilith's cheek lightly. "Hey cutie!"

I snickered, then sighed and rolled my eyes at the wild male in front of me.

"Yes, Huxley?"

"Oh, nothing. Going home? You should come home with me. We can play games," he leaned in and whispered those two words in my ear.

I backed up and smacked him in the side of his forehead.

"Woah, what was that for?" Kael gasped and rushed over to his mate's side and checked his forehead.

"You're welcome, creep," I flipped my hair and walked away.

"She's fierce! Exactly your ideal girl!" Kael sniggered.

"Not so loud, idiot! Her parents are here!"

"You boys are so much fun! If you want, feel free to come to our place and play video games with my daughter," mum chirped.

"Yeah, I'm sure Dal would love the company," dad nodded in agreement and so did Lilith.

"Actually, I play with Kris and that's enough so-"

"C'mon, don't be a poop, honey. Make new friends," dad put an arm around my shoulder.

I pouted and turned to the boys as dad let go off me.

"Does tomorrow sound good?" I sighed with exasperation.

"Definitely. We'll be there at 10," Damon grinned.

He looked pretty cute when he grinned.

"See you then, Dalanie!" Kael chuckled and the boys and my family went our ways.

Great. Just great.


Back at home, I suddenly had the best idea: I think it would be good if Kristen came over too!

I immediately phoned her and I jumped straight into the details and tomorrow's plan.

"O.M.G!! Playing video games with hot guys was the last thing I thought I'd ever have a chance to do!!"

"Uh, yeah. Okay. Cool."

"Really, Dal? Cheer up! They're sooo hot! I gotta decide which Victoria Secret perfume to wear tomorrow! What do you think? Should I wear them all?" Kristen kept squealing with an exceptionally high pitch voice.

I had to hold the phone away from my ear for five minutes.

"But you know!" I shouted from a distance into the phone. "If you put all you will stink like shit!"

"That's true!" she laughed loudly.

"Ah! Think I could use this one? It's the Victoria's Secret Tease Eau de Parfum!"

"Sure whatever. Go do your girl thing. I'm gonna go play a round of DOTA 2 before dinner. See ya tomorrow, woman!"

"See ya tomorrow too then, woman!"

Ah... I need some quiet times on my own now. Don't get me wrong, I love Kris but she can get pretty girly and I don't need to be around her when that happens.

Sorry, but I'm just not that girly sort.

Anyway, time to battle with the Dire team!

"C'mon Radiants! Push mid!" I screamed at my laptop screen while charging forth to battle.

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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E03

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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E05

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