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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E03

Story 8 months ago

The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E03

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 3

In the afternoon, I walked to Kristen's.

"Hey, Dalanie. Told you there wasn't a way to avoid me, is there?"

I turned around to see Zachary's figure towering me. What does this boy want?

"Ugh..." I groaned. "You? Why are you always here? This isn't even your house but you've stayed for a night! Please Huxley, I ain't got time to entertain you."

"Well, this year my parents wanted to stay over so that's what I did. Problem?" he sneered.

"Bye, Huxley."

"Wait. My aunt told me to get to know you more. Geez I can't believe I'm asking this. I don't usually ask girls out. Anyway, we could meet at the park or somewhere you'd like to go?"

"You... don't ask girls out?" I stammered.

"Why would I? They are the ones who want to bang me. Not the other way round. But boy do I wanna bang Scarlette. She's one hot babe!"

"Okay, whatever. You know I don't really care right? Aunt Jeanne asked you to meet me, so I will listen to her. The park will do. What time?"

"Your choice. I'm free the whole day. Call me," he shrugged.


I played video games with Kris the whole time. Good thing she's quite a gamer too. We talked, of course. About Zachary.

"So you have his number?! And he has yours?!" Kristen exclaimed while reloading her gun.

"Yeah. Sucks to be me, right?" I replied in an annoyed tone while trying to kill the nearby dude.

"Kind of. But he's really hot. It'd be nice to even be his acquaintance. I didn't even get to where you are."

"I have to meet him later because of reasons," I sighed wearily.

Kristen laughed a little. "Tell me about it, girl."



After playing three hours of non-stop video games, I decided to stop and take a break. That's when I glanced at the clock and realised that it was already 5.

"Um, Kris?" I bit my lip as I approached her.

"Yes?" she asked, her smile comforting me.

"I'd better get going. I still have to meet Zachary and I need to be home by 7.

"No problem, girl," she said pulling me in for a hug. "Thanks for today. Good luck with the boy!"

"Thanks so much, I grinned as I grabbed my valuables and left the house.''


As I headed to the park, I took out my phone and called Zachary. He said he would be there in five and I started running in case I would be late.

When I reached the park, Zachary was nowhere to be seen. I sat on an old spruce bench and stretched my legs out to relax. A small pile of snow from the leaves of the tree behind me slipped into my jacket hood. There was a light wind blowing and everything around me was so serene.

"Sorry I'm late!" I heard someone say. I turned to my right and saw Zachary running towards me in his dark brown snow boots, plain white shirt, black jacket and jeans. His messy hair was blown by the wind and it made him seem like a hot model running towards me.

"It's okay. I just arrived too," I said, sweeping the freezing fallen snow beside me off the bench.

"Thanks," Zachary smiled a genuine one as he sat beside me on the seat. "So... we should start again. Hi Dalanie. I'm Zachary. Same age as you. I go to Kingston High and I'm quite the notorious guy in the neighbourhood. But some still don't know me. They're lucky."


I laughed at his comment on himself and then smiled while extending a hand. "Hey Zachary, I'm Dalanie. I go to Parkvale High. I've never heard of you before."

He extended his hand and shook mine. His hand felt so warm... and mine? Hell, it was icy cold!

"Parkvale High huh? You know Alexander and Alexa Oesterling? They're pretty close-knitted twins."

"I do. And my best friend is one of Alexa's close friend from church."

"I see... What's your best friend's name?" Zachary stood up and stretched.

"Kristen Finnerty," I said.

"Nice name."

"It is, indeed. And... um... I guess you can be pretty nice," I muttered the last sentence.

"I guess you can be, too," he said, finally sitting down. "But we're still acquaintances. Gonna wanna know you more," he smirked and took out a packet Nerds. "I love these. Want some?"

I smirked back and took some. "Guess we now have one thing in common."

"Let's take a walk. You don't get this kind of serenity everyday. But before that, I brought some eggnog. Aunt J made me bring them. It's in the car. Wait here," he said and patted my shoulder.

Really, if you ask me, I think Zachary can be quite the jerk but he's got a good heart deep inside. Perhaps if he wasn't such a bad boy, he'd be my type. I think a little badness is okay but not too cocky like Zachary anyway.

"I'm back! For you," he said and passed me a cup of eggnog. "Let's go. We seem to have more than just loving Nerds in common."

"Thanks, Zachary. Okay, let's go."


"Dalanie, it's your turn to wash the dishes. Get going now, we'll be watching Hotel Transylvania 2! It's already come out online!" dad chirped nudging me in the direction of the kitchen.

"Okay," I said, scraping the last bits of food on my plate onto my spoon. After swallowing the last bit of food, I got up and headed to the kitchen.

As I washed the dishes, I started to stare outside blankly at the window directly above the sink. Looking out at the star-filled sky, I wondered what Zachary was doing.

Wait what?

Why am I even thinking of him? This is getting pretty creepy.

"Dal honey?" a delicate voice asked from behind.

I spun around and instantly answered, "Yeah, mum?"

She took the soapy plate out of my hands and said," You seem quite spaced out. A penny for your thoughts?"

"I don't know. Am I?" I asked, continuing to stare into the night sky.

"Is it about a boy?" mum playfully nudged my side. When I didn't answer, she continued. "Zachary, if I'm not wrong?"

Biting my lip, I nodded. "I don't know what's gotten into me. There are so many hot guys out there like... you know... my Geography classmate Nick Calkins... or this guy I often see at lunch break with the jocks - Wesley Mill. Zachary makes me feel funny."

"Well if you ask me, you're having an actual crush on someone for the first time in your life!" mum clapped her hands excitedly.

"So... this is how crushing on someone feels like? Fuzzy all over on the inside?"

"Quite. Finally you're liking someone! For years, I've waited!"

"Uh..." I started, narrowing my eyes.

"Don't be shy. You were blushing when you saw Zachary. He is one hot boy. You could start off as friends! I'd love to have him as my son-in-law!" mum chuckled.

"Mum..." I groaned. "You're moving hella fast."

"Sorry. Anyway, the movie should've been set up by now. Come out quickly," mum said and returned the plate to me.

After she left, I actually thought about what she said. Maybe I did have a crush on Zachary. Oh well, I should ignore it, right?


The next morning, I got awoken by an annoying Lilith who kept jumping on my bed. Sometimes, having a little sister is really annoying.

"Quick, get up! It's boxing day! I wanna see your presents!"

I groaned and got pulled up by my sister. Wow, I didn't know she was that strong. But damn, she's weird! She seems more excited for my present rather than hers.

"I'll brush my teeth, get changed and I'll be down in about fifteen, Lili. Wait for me downstairs," I said, pinching her cheek.

"Be quick! You've got a super special present this year!"

What super special present? Oh whatever, I need to get changed. I brushed my teeth speedily and got changed into a blue jacket and black skinny jeans. I ran downstairs just to see Zachary standing in the doorway and mum letting him in. He greeted my parents and ruffled Lilith's hair. Dad immediately regarded him as though he was his son. Pretty funny, I know.

"Where's Dalanie?" I heard him ask.

Lilith looked around and saw me. I was in the most awkward stance ever.

My hands were on the bottom of second flight of the staircase. My butt was jutting upwards and I was kneeling slanted against the stairs. Everyone turned to look at me. I could see Zachary trying hard not to laugh. I felt so much blood rushing to my face but quickly stood up.

"Uh, hey? Just doing my morning exercising routine," I said and started doing some jumping jacks.

"Morning exercises huh?" Zachary did not seem to buy it.

"Oh yeah of course. One has got to keep fit, right?"

"If that's the case, you wouldn't have just woke up, right? After all, half the morning is already gone," he casually stated and my family just laughed in approval.

"Fine, fine! Think what you want!" I retorted angrily then turned around and started to head back to my room.

"Wait up, Dalanie! At least... could you accept this? It's just a small gift. Got it at the last minute. I wanted to get something as a sign of our friendship. But I didn't know what a duckling would want. Don't think too much, okay? It's just a friendship thing," he smirked, emphasizing on the word friendship. "Nice to know you. This won't be the last time we're meeting, though, I'll be back," he said and gave me a flying kiss.

How are my parents and Lilith just watching this awkwardness going on and not actually saying anything?

"Thanks, Zachary. Sorry I didn't get you anything. I wouldn't know what a bad boy would want. And I know you don't like me, so we can just be friends."

"Of course. Friends we are."

"Thank you again for the gift, Zachary," I said as he took his leave.

"Ooh! I wanna see what you got from your boyfriend!" Lilith tugged on my jacket.

I glared down at her, but my hand seemed to have a mind on its own and it pulled the ribbon off the light pink box.

Okay, I was curious anyway.

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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E02

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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E04

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