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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E02

Story 8 months ago

The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E02

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 2

"Oh my gosh what took you so long?! And... you look very fed up," Kristen stifled a laugh at the doorway.

I glared at her. "Some brat called Zachary Huxley held me back," I said as we went up to her bedroom.

"Hello, uncle! Hello aunty!" I casually greeted them and their guests on the way.

"Oh whateve- wait what?! By Zachary Huxley, do you mean Zachary Huxley Zachary Huxley?"

"Uh... there's like.. more than one Zachary Huxley?" I asked, rather confused.

"No, silly. Okay let me ask you. Does that Zachary Huxley have light brown hair?"

I nodded.

"Blue eyes?"

I nodded again.

"Seems to always have that devilishly smug smile at the corner of his lips?"

I nodded impatiently. "You... know him?"

"Sorta. And girl..." Kristen slapped her forehead. "Please don't tell me you had an attitude towards that guy. Or called him brat right in his face?"

"Of course I did. Anyway, what is your point?"

"Big time, Dala-girl. You just messed with the ultimate bad boy of Kingston High."

"So? There are also bad boys in our school. Not like you've never seen me handle them before."

"Yeah, but this guy. He doesn't let people off the hook as easily as the bad boys in our school do. He's a heartbreaker. A rule breaker. Notorious for failing papers but an all rounded jock. Also an extreme troublemaker. But not to mention he's rich and charming as hell. He's the son of the chairman of OWA bank!"

"Okay... you make it seem like it's such a big matter."

"It is!! And I can't believe you don't know Zachary!!" she exclaimed, flailing her arms in the air.

"But wait... how do you know him?"

"You know Alexa Oesterling, my close friend from church, right?"


"Occasionally, she hangs out with them especially since she's the twin of Alexander Oesterling who's a super close friend of Zachary and two other bad boys - just not as bad as him. Of course she's quite close to them too. After all, the five grew up together."

"Wow, strong bonds. What are the two boys' names?"

"Damon Watten and Kael Cambern."

"Sounds pretty hot."

"Yeah, I know. Those four together are easily the most popular bad boys in the neighborhood. But Alexander and Alexa came to our school and Zachary, Damon, and Kael, went to Kingston High instead."

"But why?"

"Too much trouble if they're put together. Anyway, it's 9.45 now. You should really get going? We'll talk again tomorrow maybe? You don't have plans, do you?" Kristen asked, we both getting up and walking downstairs.

"Nah, I'm free. Catch you tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know about Zachary and his friends," I said we headed to the door.


"Anytime. after all, we're best friends. Help me thank your mum for the chocolates, okay?"

"Sure. Hang on, what do I do if I see Zachary later again?"

"Ignore him."

"You know, he doesn't like to be ignored."

"For now, anyway. Can you?" she asked fretfully.

"I'll try."


On the way home, lucky for me, Zachary was no longer drinking at the side of the driveway. His red sports car, however, was still where he left it.

"Seems like he hasn't left," I grumbled and walked up to my house. All the cars were still in our driveway. No one has left yet.

I rang the doorbell and Lilith came to open it.

"Where did you go, sis?"



"None of your business?"

"Maybe I should have just left you frozen in the cold."

"That's fine. I can stay overnight at Kristen's."

"Come on now, girls. Stop arguing. You're just in time for our late night games," Grandma came up to us and pulled us both in, the door shutting itself.

"Yay! Twister!" my childish sister jumped up and down happily. I just grabbed a glass of wine and drank it up in three gulps.

As the alcohol burned in my throat, I thought of the conversation about Zachary with Kristen.

"Are you playing, Dalanie?" Uncle Angus asked.

"Oh... uh, I'll join in the second round."

"Sure. Come in whenever you like," he smiled.

I smiled back and went up to my room. Whipping out my phone, I immediately stored Zachary's phone number into my contacts.

What the hell am I doing?!

"555-8291," I mumbled as I pressed the numbers on the screen.

Suddenly, a rolled up piece of paper in a plastic mineral water bottle was supposedly thrown into my room through an open window.

Annoyed by the litter bug, I got up to see who it was.

Yup, you guessed it. Zachary Huxley.

"What do you want?!" I yelled, already exasperated by his silly acts.

"Annoyed so fast? Hmph, not fun," he pulled a sad face.

"By you, yes!"

"Alright, alright, read the note first. Perhaps you'll change your mind on how you feel towards me?" he asked with a seemingly innocent smile.

I picked up the bottle on my bedroom floor and pulled the note out.

Hey hottie duckling,


Care to tell me your name and give me your number? We should have some un sometime. Don't you agree?

That hot guy, Zachary H.

"You have issues," I rolled my eyes, crushing the note. "Who's going to have fun with you?"

"Slow down, duckling. I never said what fun meant. It could be a casual game of anything. Who's the sick minded one now?" he asked, a small smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

"Ignore him." Kristen had said.

I decided to, and closed my windows and curtains.

"Hey... party pooper," were the last few words I heard Zachary say.

I picked up the crushed note and tossed it into the bin together with the plastic bottle. Then I went back downstairs and started playing Twister, Snap. and other random games till 11.30.

"Well, thank you all for everything! We'd better make a move now," Grandpa and Grandma said, and the rest of the family agreed.

"You're welcome! Merry Christmas!" my parents and sister replied in unison. I just smiled and wished everyone a merry Christmas.

After everybody left, I told my parents I was really tired and urgently needed some sleep.

"Go ahead, honey. I've got dad and Lilith to help pack up the place," mum said with an understanding smile.

"Thanks, mum. You're the best. Love you," I hugged her tightly and went to my room for a good night's rest.


"Oh, yes! I completely forgot about it!" I could hear my mum laughing from downstairs. Ah, it must be Aunt Jeanne who's returning yesterday's foldable chairs.

I got out of my bed and put on a long sleeved red and white sweater and light blue jeans then ran downstairs to wish Aunt J merry Christmas.

I was running down halfway when I heard a familiar male voice. No, not my dad's. His is huskier than that voice I'm hearing.

Peeping from the corner of the staircase, I saw four people at the front porch:

Mum, Lilith, Aunt J and Zachary Huxley.

Lilith was standing slightly behind mum, fiddling with her brand new doll and looking at Zachary with a bright smile. Zachary on the other hand, was tousling my sister's hair.

I charged forth, only to be stopped by mum's gentle voice.

"Dalanie! Meet Zachary, Aunt Jeanne's nephew. Zachary, Dalanie."

"Hey Dalanie," he winked with a crooked smile and leaned on the doorframe. How could someone look so flawless even with a stupid-looking crooked smile?

"Hi, Zachary," I had to resist the urge not to punch his perfect face. Aunt Jeanne and mum just laughed light-heartedly at the introduction.

"My, my, Zachary's quite a charmer," mum commented, patting the tall Zachary on the shoulder.

Lilith turned to look at me and pointed at my face. "Dalanie you're pink! Your face is so pink! Oooh...."

"What the..." I quickly cupped my cheeks. "I'm not..."

"Yeah you are. 'Cause you saw a hot guy! There he is!" she collapsed to the ground laughing while pointing in Zachary's direction.

"That's not nice, Lilith. Don't be silly. Get up now, and help daddy make pancakes," mum ordered but she didn't sound serious. In fact, she seemed like she was considering Zachary and I to be friends.

"You both are the same age. Just try hanging out with him. He's a nice chap, although he's quite notorious for being a bad boy," Aunt J whispered into my ear.

"He's 17, too?!"

"Yup! Do you want his number?" Without waiting for a reply, Aunt J gave it to me. "And you should get Dalanie's number too. Here," she said and gave Zachary my number.

Worse day ever? Worse day ever.

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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E01

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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E03

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