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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E05

Story 8 months ago

The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E05

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 5

"Hey girl! Wakey wakey!" a cheerful girl's voice sounded beside my ear and I slowly got up and yawned loudly.


"Oh hey Kristen. Why're you here so early?"

"Don't ask silly questions. Quick, go wash your face! The boys will be coming soon. I can't wait!"

Shit! I totally forgot that the boys would be coming over. I even slept at 4 am last night battling. "What time is it now?!" I shrieked, throwing things off my bed.

Yeah... I can be pretty weird. Forgive me for that, please. Heh.

"It's 9.45 am. Now hurry before they come," Kris said, pulling me off the bed.

"Where are my parents?! Why didn't they call me up?!"

"They left you a note on the fridge saying they brought Lili out to the park so we could have some private time for us teens. Anyway, now isn't the time. Quick, get ready!"

After washing up and a quick bite of the butter toast that Kris made for me, the doorbell rang.

"Yoohoo, Dalanie! We're here," I heard Zachary shout.

Kris ran to the door and yanked it open.

"Ooh who's this beauty?" Zachary whistled, checking Kris out.

Of course, Kris being Kris, blushed hotly. "I'm Kristen. Kristen Finnerty. Dal's best friend. And a close friend of Alexa."

"Yeah, I know you. Seen you with my sis a couple times at church. You're pretty cool," Alexander said, ripping open a pack of gum.

"Thanks," Kristen giggled and turned a little red. "Come in and make yourselves at home."

"Oh we definitely will," Zachary swaggered in.

I rolled my eyes at him then smiled and beckoned for the rest of the boys to come in.

"Hey Looney! Nice place!" Damon gave a thumbs-up sign and the rest except Zachary nodded.


"Hey gurl, why looney?" Kristen nudged my side.

"Oh, he's like that. Quite a joker. Don't mind him."

"Ayy, Dalanie's house ain't as nice as mine," Huxley sulked.

"Ayy, mate. Your house is like a pig sty. You can't compare a pig sty to a beautiful cozy home, can you?" Kael stifled a laugh.

"Enough about my house. Let's just play some games," Zachary started blushing.

Aw... he looks so cute...

WAIT!! I don't like him!!

"Dal...?" Kris nudged me a little.

"Argh!" I screamed in shock. The guys turned to look at me and they laughed out loud.

"Sorry..." I whispered,

embarrassed. Glaring at Kris, I twisted her ear lightly.

"You're gonna pay for this, I freaking swear."

"HAHAHA! And what are you gonna do?" she said, pulling away from my grip and getting ready to the start the game.

I just chuckled then got my fingers ready smash the keyboard.


"Aww YEAHHH!!!!" I shrieked, delighted with the words "RADIANT VICTORY" on my laptop screen."

"I can't believe it!" Damon sighed. "This is the fourth game we've played and so far Looney's team has won all the rounds!"


"Up for another round, guys?" I laughed evilly.

"Let's take a break first." We've been playing for the past three hours non-stop!" Kristen rubbed her eyes.

"Sure," Alex agreed.

"And it was just getting fun," grumbled Kael.

"Of course it's getting fun for you! You're on Dalanie's team!" Zachary shouted, slapping his back.

"Well, you had the chance to be on her team. But the egotistical you chose to lead the Dire team!"

"I am NOT egotistical! You-"

"Woah, chill guys!" I roughly cut the guys off. "No fighting! How old do you think you guys are?! For the next round, Kael will remain on my team. As for you, Huxley, you can choose who's team you want to be on. And if my team wins, you're not to complain or do anything. Just accept defeat. After all, it's just a game."

"Yeah, there ain't no reason to ruin our friendship over DOTA 2," Damon crossed his arms, looking pretty pissed.

Kris nodded approvingly.

"He started it!" Zachary pointed at Kael.

"No, he started it! I was just-" Kael couldn't finish his sentence.

"-Since you both act like kids, we oughta treat you like kids. Apologise to each other. Now," Alex was really serious.

"Sorry, Zach."

"Sorry, Kael."

That was really mature of Damon and Alexander. Seeing as they are bad boys.

"Okay, all is well now. Let's have some cookies! My mum baked then last night for us!" Kristen squealed, taking out two huge boxes of cookies from a big recycle bag.

"Woah... That, is ton of cookies," Damon gaped in awe.

"Not that much," Kristen laughed. "There's about forty five in each container."

"Can you believe it?! Ninety cookies all to ourselves!! Your mum must have been baking a lot last night," Kael grabbed one and shoved it in his mouth. "Shanngsh."

I'm pretty sure that meant 'thanks'. Gee, these boys are so cute!

Everyone laughed and took a cookie each.

"Come on guys, one last round," I said, putting my hands on the keyboard and mouse.

"I'm still sticking to the Dire team. Not because I'm egotistical," he glanced at Kael. "But because I want to show Dalanie that I can win!"

"Okay, the fight is on! Good luck, everyone!" Kristen shouted.


After a whole hour of hardcore fighting, the game finally came to a stop.

"GOSH! Why can't I just beat Dalanie in one game!" whined Zachary.

"That's mainly because you lack experience, Huxley. I've been playing for about four years now."

"Fine. I admit defeat. I've only been playing for a year."


"Pretty good for a year though, I have to say," I grinned.

"Oh... thank you," Zachary blushed.


I didn't want to make it awkward, so I turned to Kris and we started talking about really random things.

"I need the bathroom, Looney. Where is it?" Damon asked.

I was about to answer but Zachary kindly offered to bring Damon in my place.

"Thanks, Zachary."




Okay, so the main reason why I offered to bring Damon is simple.

I need advice!

"Bro, I really need your help."

"I know," he said, dragging me into the bathroom and closing the door behind.

"You... know?" I tried not to look as he unzipped his pants.

"Anyone can tell. I just don't know why Dalanie herself doesn't find it obvious. I think even Kristen thinks you do like Dal-looney."

"Really that obvious? I hope not," I scratched my head.

"Look, if you really like her, go for it," Damon said as he flushed the toilet and went to wash his hands.

"But she's like... so up there and I'm way down below."

"Just go for it. You don't lose anything, after all."

"NO! If she rejects me, I lose her," I looked away.

"Yeah. You could try not to be too cliché. I honestly think that she's someone who likes special things, not cliché stuff," he turned to face me and leaned on the bathroom sink.

"You think?"

"But you see, even if she likes cliché stuff, it doesn't hurt to be non-cliché, right?"

"That is true," I said and we both walked out of the bathroom.

"Exactly. So give it a try," Damon pat my back encouragingly.

"I just fear rejection, okay? What if I'm not her type?"

"Everyone fears that. And everyone asks that same question. It's normal. But everything happens for a reason. Take your time. If it doesn't work out, she's not for you. If it does, then lucky you!"

"I get it, bro. I know what to do. But it'll take me a while. I'm too nervous."

"That's okay. Like I said, don't rush it. But don't take too long, either. There are probably other guys who like her too."

"Thank you," I managed a small smile.





"Hey... Dal? We gotta go off soon," Alex said sadly.

"Yeah... We've got a snowboarding competition in an hour. But we gotta be there early. You girls wanna come? It's just down the road," Kael suggested.

"That'd be cool! I don't mind!" Kris cheered.

"Sorry, I don't think I can make it. I've got a family friend coming around at four."

"That's okay. I can go alone," Kristen winked.

"Of course you can," I snickered.

Kael and Alex started to pack up and they helped Damon and Zachary pack up too."

"Why are they taking so long?" Alex asked.

"How would I know?" Kael laughed.

"We could make a move first. They'll catch up," Alex shifted, a bit uneasy and constantly looking at his watch.

"Chill man, we've got enough time," Kael replied.

"We could go first, I guess. I'd like to see how it's like before the competition starts," Kris said nervously.

"Oh, in that case, we could go first. Come on, Kris," Kael led her out with Alex following behind.

"Good luck, guys! Have fun!" I shouted out to them. The boys turned around and thanked me, grinning. Kris smiled and waved.

Just then, Zachary and Damon came to the living room and noticed that all their stuff was gone.

"What the..." Zachary mumbled.

"Oh, shit! The snowboarding competition!" Damon shouted.

"Relax, guys. You have enough time. Alex, Kael and Kristen went off first."

"Kristen?" Damon asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, she wanted to watch you guys. I can't, sorry. Family friend coming over later."

"It's okay. Another time then," Zachary said, actually looking rather sad.

"Good luck, though! Even if I'm not there, have fun!" I smiled encouragingly.

"Thanks, Dal!" the two said in unison and left quickly afterwards.

I've got a little tidying up to do.

However, as I was about to start, I received a text from Kris.


Sad u couldn't come. This place is beyond awesome. It's where the boys come by to practice a lot. Anyway, it's gonna start soon! We need to start coming here!!


I smiled at the text and put my phone back on the coffee table. I guess I could leave her alone for a while.

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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E04

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The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve - S01 E06

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