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Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E05 (Story Episode)

Story 4 years ago

Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E05 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 5

WeLL Thank God She did not, she instead go down low tiLL she dip her hand under the bed, and your guess is right, goLd circLe is bold written on the pack she is hoLding, she twist up seductiveLy bitting her Lip, in no time i dont know how or who tore the goLd circLe pack, its when i started sweating profuseLy ramming into her that i reaLized, the intercourse Lasted for about 15 minutes, what i notice was that during the se.x she keep on screaming Loud, i dont know if shes doing that feeLy to draw attention, or if its that shes feeLing pain, because after the first few t----t there is bLood aLL over my LittLe johny, “ooops shes a virgin” we both coLLasped into each other arms, after Like five minutes she broke the siLence, she kissed my fore head and whisper into my ear, “oLa i Love, pLs dont break my heart” i wont i reply kissing her in the process, she push me away pLaying, lets go and bath Lazy boy.. She dragged to the bathroom, i show her am not lazy with a very hot quickee under the shower.. For the next one week we live a crazzy life, its se:x everywhere anytime, from kitchen to toilet trying different se.x styLes.. We stoped when she realized im loosing a lot strenght and i look jaded too

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Adventure With Aunty Caro - S02 E04 (Story Episode)

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Adventure With Aunty Caro - S02 E06 (Story Episode)

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