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Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E04 (Story Episode)

Story 4 years ago

Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E04 (Story Episode)

Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 4

We chatted for so Long before tania Left, now i am Left with caro indoor. ShouLd i make advance towards her ? Oh no that we be a very bad idea, but konji just dey catch me. I try as much as possibLe to erase aLL S#xual urge off my mind, i divert aLL my my concentration soLeLy on our discussion, am happy she did not say anything about our misunderstanding throughout, my onLy probLem after spending what seems Like ages pLaying and discussing with caro is retrieving the se.x tape Tania she had in her possesion. How am going to get her phone she cLaimed she saved the tape on ?

And what about if she had dupLicate the fiLe, hope have not cast my seLf ? Or shouLd i Confide with Caro, maybe she we heLp me taLk to her ? ALL this questions were running in my head, and i dont have answer to a.. I was stiLL lost when i Let out a Loud Sigh. Whats wrong ?

Caro ask with Concern aLL over her face.

“Ohh, its nothing actuaLLy” i reply showing her my white sets of teeth. She ccounter back saying stop hiding things from me now or have you forgotten am your Kids Maaama she wink in the process and move CLoser before i could ssay jack shes aLreaady aLL over mee her lips locked with mine; i did not respond at first but its Like my Lips is acting on its own, i dont know when my Lips started ccontoLLing its seLf; in no 2ime i reaLized the stupid Lips has started responding on its own; my ccalamity did not sstop there my two hands aLssso betrayed me when they start caressing her back and un hooking her bra; ave not recover from the ssssshoccck my hand and lip gave me when ccccaro came in with her own shock too when she lower her head ddddown to Waist:. Is she rying to giv Mouthaction?!!

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Adventure With Aunty Caro - S02 E03 (Story Episode)

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Adventure With Aunty Caro - S02 E05 (Story Episode)

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