Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E06 (Story Episode)

Adventure with aunty caro - S02 E06 (Story Episode)
Read Story: SEASON 2 EPISODE 6
Now have restored my Love for caro, my onLy headache is getting hoLd of the se.x tape tania cLaim she had in possesion..
Everything now back to how it use to be… I am cooL with everybody going strong with lincoln as ever, sheyi, bisoLa, ayomide inshort let me say everybody.. The onLy bae am keeping now is caro… And we d--n cooL.. Its been three weeks now tania keep shunning aLL my attempt…
There is even a day she aLmost sLaped. Thought she was onLy formring, as a sharp guy i want to Play a first one on her, because i know the onLy situation inwhich she we say the truth about the se.x tape we be when am ramming into her..
For like a now she has been declining my attempts poLiteLy nott untiL i try to pLay it the hard way, ccaro had left for schoolvery earLy on thursday, that thursday tania dont attend lectures on thrsdday, i tip toed to tanias room immediateLy caro departs.. She was ssweeping so i use that to grab her from the back; sshe drop the 8ro=m with fury and turn around thanks to my unending love for jackie chan movie i wouldnt have dodge the slapp, get out of my room follows after her failed attempt to slap me:..
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