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Unforgettable Melody - S01 E48

Story 8 hours ago

Unforgettable Melody - S01 E48

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 48

As Melody tried to suppress a panicked look on her face, Mike gently ran his finger on her thigh to calm her nerves, and responded, “Mom, seriously, you’re stuck in the past. Online dating is a completely normal, mainstream way to meet people nowadays, and it’s completely safe just as long as you’re not stupid, which you know I’m not.”

Seeing the firm look in his eye told Jane all she needed to know: he had done his due diligence. “Well, as long as you’re very careful…”

“Melody and I have been seeing each other for, what is it? A month and a half? Two months now?” said, turning to Melody.

“Yeah two months is about right,” she replied.

Mike continued, “And clearly she hasn’t stolen my wallet, chloroformed me, or gone all Annie Wilkes yet, so I think I’m in the clear.”

The Misery reference elicited a jovial laugh from the entire table, helping the conversation flow much easier from that moment on. Melody talked about her background, her success in school that helped her get a scholarship to the University of Houston, and her move to Atlanta to start her photography business, as well as a new life. This caused Jane’s ears to perk up; though her degree was in math, Jane had a long-standing love affair with photography. Melody showed her some samples from her website on her phone, which Jane flipped through intently. Each time she asked Melody where a picture was taken, she was able to answer brilliantly and confidently. Mike and Brad exchanged knowing looks; they could tell Melody had impressed his mom.

Their food soon arrived, and the conversations became much more intermittent, taking place between chewing and comments on how good the food was. Soon, the talk turned to Mike’s audition and new job. He first told them of the audition itself and which pieces he had worked up. Both of his parents were singers, and Jane also played the flute in church, so they were quite familiar with most of the excerpts. They were also stunned when they learned that Philip Smith had been one of the panelists, and that he had been exceedingly impressed.

“Like I told Mike while he was preparing, he’s just a man. Like any other, he can be impressed,” Melody chimed in.

“She was right. Truth be told, the fire drill I got from Darcy, Stuart, and Seth helped immensely as well,” Mike agreed.

“Seemed to work well for Darcy last year, too,” Jane mused. “So, what are you two doing tomorrow? Any plans?”

Mike replied, “Well, we’re probably going to church together tomorrow morning, then we’ll have Stuart and Darcy over as a thank you for their help in preparing me for yesterday. I figure the least I can do is feed them.”

“Awesome! Melody, did you grow up in church?” Mike’s mom asked.

“Sadly, no. The orphanage I lived in was state-run, and faith was in very short supply in general, so it was never at the forefront of my mind. Honestly, though, that’s one of the biggest things in Mike that I’m attracted to. Clearly he’s grown into a good, honest, decent person, and his faith was a big part of that, so I figured I should check it out and see for myself. So far, it’s done wonders for me, particularly in the self worth department.”

Nodding approvingly, Jane replied, “That’s wonderful. Has Mike told you about my Daddy? He was a preacher himself.”

“He has talked about him on several occasions,” she said, looking at Mike with a big smile on her face. “Mike says he was a great man, better than most. The perfect combination of cut-up and wizened sage, as he describes it.”

“That pretty much sums him up…” Jane replied quietly, clearly remembering him.

As they finished their food, Melody excused herself to use the restroom and freshen up a bit. After she had left, Jane turned to her son.

“She’s very impressive, Mike; very confident. I like her a lot.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Still, please be careful. I don’t want what happened with Amanda to happen again.”

“I know Mom. Darcy said the same thing,” Mike replied. “Honestly, I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. This is serious.”

“I believe him,” Brad said to Jane, his tone quite serious. Jane simply nodded in agreement.

Mike breathed a slight sigh of relief in gaining his parents’ approval. He never had any real doubt, but it would certainly ease Melody’s mind. After she returned from the restroom, Melody and Mike split a piece of original cheesecake at Jane’s insistence, while his parents had a piece of Oreo crunch cheesecake for themselves. As the time neared 8:00, the couple decided to head home for the evening, and left Mike’s parents with several exchanges of thank you and goodbye.

Beginning the drive home, Melody seemed much more at ease. “Do you think it went well?” she asked.

“Definitely,” Mike replied. “They like you a lot. Mom’s description was confident.”

“I’m glad.”

“Well you got her talking on photography! No way she won’t love you if that’s your profession,” Mike said with a wink.

After arriving home, Melody washed her face and changed into her favorite robe, helping her feel very refreshed. Relaxing with Mike on the sofa, they watched a few CSI: Miami reruns, accompanied by plentiful making out. This eventually deteriorated into fondling and jerking, followed by a long, fun session of missionary sex. Fully spent for the evening, they went to bed around 11:30.

Mike awoke first on Sunday, treating a sleeping Melody to some oral sex in waking her up. She, in turn, showed her appreciation by giving him a long, soapy handjob in the shower, finishing him off with him cumming on her tits, much to Mike’s delight. As they got dressed for church, Mike wore a white button up shirt with tan khakis, while Melody opted for a black pencil skirt and a white button up blouse. After grabbing breakfast at Dunkin’ Doughnuts, they headed for Mike’s church.

This week Melody heard the senior pastor, Dan Black, preach the sermon. She liked his polished delivery, but definitely still felt a connection to Ashley’s practical, real-world style. After chatting with Ashley and Trey after the service, the pair headed back to Mike’s car. On the way, Melody expressed an interest in owning a Bible of her own and wanting to do more reading and research on her own time, rather than just on Sundays. Smiling at this prospect, Mike stopped at a local bookstore on the way home. After comparing the wording of several sections in the different versions offered, Melody decided on a Common English edition, to which Mike gave his personal seal of approval. After a quick lunch at Arby’s, they made their way back to their apartment.

As Mike played on his handheld game system, Melody began skimming through her new acquisition. She was quite familiar with many of the stories in the Old Testament, such as Noah, Moses, and the battle of Jericho. Mike was extremely impressed with her quick grasp of the historical events described in it, before remembering that her vessel was likely created somewhere in the Middle East centuries ago, where such things were an important part of historical lore, regardless of religious affiliation. Sensing that she wanted to delve further into what made Mike’s faith unique from other world religions, he suggested that she start with several passages in the New Testament, as they actually describe the events leading up to the formation of the first formal Christian churches.

With Melody now engrossed in her research, Mike’s curiosity was suddenly peaked, and he felt a strange urge to examine the locket that he had first released Melody from. Walking back to his bedroom, he pulled the locket out from the drawer of his nightstand, slowly running his finger over it. It made no movements, and the stone did not glow at all. Strangely, though, he noticed that the markings on the back, which had previously been illuminated when he touched the stone on the front, now appeared as engravings instead. Before he could ponder what this could mean, he heard Melody’s voice behind him.

“Master? Is everything alright?”

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