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Unforgettable Melody - S01 E47

Story 8 hours ago

Unforgettable Melody - S01 E47

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 47

Feeling her seeping juices and contracting pussy only spurred Mike further, as he assumed a power stance and increased the speed of his thrusts. Straightening her right leg against his chest, he wrapped his left arm around it while reaching forward with his other hand toward her tits, taking one in his hand firmly. His fervor only increased Melody’s enjoyment. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she began gripping the sheets tightly, moaning all the while.

“Oh, god… so good… he’s so strong… he is her hero, after all… he saved her… he should do… whatever he wishes… he must take her… he must make her his… he… must… CUUUUUMMMMMMM!!!”

Her moans of pleasure, combined with the stunning visual of her lingerie-covered body, were too much for Mike to withstand. Working to time his climax with her role-play, he finally erupted inside of her, spewing his seed into her womb as she squirmed and writhed underneath him. Leaning his torso over her, he slid his hand up to softly caress her cheek. She sat up slowly, keeping his softening cock inside of her, smiling as she leaned in for a slow, sweet kiss.

“You like coming up with your little role-plays,” Mike said with a smile.

“And you don’t?” she shot back playfully.

As they basked in their mutual afterglow, Mike’s phone beeped from within his shorts, now strewn on the floor. Melody whimpered pitifully as he slipped his flaccid cock out of her to retrieve it, resulting in an amused laugh from Mike. Reading his phone, Stuart, Seth, and Darcy had responded to his invite for the next night.

“Stuart and Darcy are in for tomorrow, but Seth’s got plans with his girlfriend. I told him no problem, I’ll buy him lunch this week,” Mike said.

With a wicked smile, Melody replied, “That works perfectly, gives us a prime opportunity to nudge them toward each other.”

Dressing themselves once again, the couple drove to a nearby Wendy’s for lunch. After consuming a couple of cheeseburgers, they headed to the grocery store for a much-needed resupply of food. Beginning to wander the isles, Melody was darting every which way, examining everything she could. Exceedingly amused, Mike hadn’t seen her this excitable since she first set foot outside their apartment. Checking coupons on his phone, Mike picked up several TV dinners, frozen lasagnas, and a bag of chicken patties from the freezer isle before heading to the deli counter.

Waiting for their number to be called, Melody wandered around the counter, looking at each of the different kinds of meat offered. She pointed to two that sounded particularly good: baked turkey and honey roasted ham; they ordered a half-pound of each. Moving to the bakery area right next to the deli, Mike felt a treat was in order for winning his audition, and grabbed some sugar cookies as well as a box of mini doughnuts for breakfast that week. After picking up milk, bread, and, at Melody’s excited request, a box of Lucky Charms, they made their way to the front to check out. While Mike loaded their food onto the conveyer belt in the check out line, Melody flipped through a few magazines on the rack, landing on People and Entertainment Weekly.

“You know those are complete trash, right?” Mike warned her.

“What, you mean reading about the lives of people famous just for being beautiful and promiscuous?” she shot back.

“Yep, there it is. Do you hear it?” Mike asked, placing his hand to his ear. “It’s the sound your brain cells, screaming in agony as they’re killed off!”

Giggling, she retorted, “True, but it does pose the question. What other kinds of magazines do they sell here?” A naughty smile spread across her face.

“If that’s what you want, better ask Stuart tomorrow,” Mike replied, recalling his distraction efforts from earlier in the week. “I bet he’s an expert in where to find Playboy and Penthouse magazines.”

After finishing their check out, the pair headed home and immediately began sorting their groceries into the fridge, freezer, and cabinets. While Melody handed items to Mike from the bags, he placed them in their proper locations for storage. Once they finished, the couple spent the next couple of hours online in Call of Duty.

As the time neared 5:30, they powered off Mike’s PlayStation to get ready for dinner with his parents. Clearly nervous and wanting to make a good impression, Melody decided to forgo her usual look of natural beauty, opting for some light mascara and lip gloss. Deciding on her attire, however, was a much more difficult decision for her. She rapidly flipped through several different outfit combinations before finally deciding on a black T-shirt blouse with a pair of blue jean Bermuda shorts. Her black headband and red sneakers completed the ensemble. As she finished, she turned to Mike for his approval, and he quickly nodded. He could tell that she wanted to dress a bit more conservatively for meeting his parents for the first time, with the length of her shorts and slightly higher collar on her shirt, though she was still stunningly beautiful. After Mike donned a pair of khaki shorts and an orange Auburn polo shirt, they were off.

Driving to the restaurant, Melody fidgeted with her hands, clearly bit of a nervous wreck. Mike gently rubbed her knee reassuringly. “Just relax. I’m wild about you, so they’ll love you too. One tip: just be your normal, confident self. They like girls that are strong and self-assured.”

“Ok. I can do that,” she replied, mostly to herself.

As they walked up to the entrance of the Cheesecake Factory, Mike’s parents waved to them from inside the waiting area. Both in their mid-fifties, his mom, Jane, was quite short, standing only about 5’2” with light brown hair ending just below her jawline. Brad, his dad, was right about Mike’s height, or perhaps a half-inch shorter. Melody could instantly tell their facial features were almost identical; Mike was definitely his father’s son. His hair, however, was medium-to-dark brown, with slightly longer sideburns than Mike had. Both of his parents wore thin, wire-rimmed glasses, similar to what Mike had worn before his improved eyesight. As Mike and Melody entered, his folks waved them over to their bench seat where they waited.

“Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Melody, my girlfriend,” Mike said as they approached.

“Hi, Melody Roberts. Great to meet you,” she greeted them, shaking both of their hands firmly.

“Glad to meet you, too. I’m Jane, and this is my husband, Brad,” his mom replied.

As the greetings were exchanged, the hostess called their name, indicating their table was ready. Following the friendly girl, the group was lead to a booth in the back of the restaurant, which was much quieter than the entrance area. Mike and Melody sat together on one side with Melody on the outer edge of the seat, across from Brad. After placing their orders, Mike went into their now-familiar story of how they met. Though his parents did not show any sign of disbelief in Melody being an orphan, or her Texan roots, they both got skeptical looks on their faces when Mike mentioned that they had met through online dating.

“Mike, I thought I’ve always told you to stay away from meeting people online. It’s just not safe,” his mom began.

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