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Going Nova - S01 E47

Story 2 days ago

Going Nova - S01 E47

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 47

Brie found the skirt and put it on, then grabbed the shirt from her friend. As she was about to do the buttons, Elsie interrupted her. “Wait, don’t button it up. Like this.” Elsie grabbed the the shirt ends and tied them together in a knot, cinching it tightly around Brie’s waist and showing a hint of midriff. Brie liked the personalized attention from her friend. Elsie stepped back to observe. The top gaped open saucily, but the halves of the shirt quickly came together, showing no more than two buttons worth of skin. “There we go,” Elsie encouraged, “Perfect for the summer weather.”

Brie shivered at the compliment and took in a deep breath. “You’re a pro, Els.”

“Gotta make sure you keep me around. Grab your sandals and let’s get breakfast. I wanna get to the mall as soon as we can.”

Brie also grabbed her purse and tucked her medicine bottle in it. The girls tromped down the stairs.

When they entered the kitchen, Hazel cried out, “I can barely believe it, honey, the girls are dressed. Both of them. At the same time.”

Warrick made a cursory glance, but avoided eye contact with both of them. He grunted in acknowledgement, then returned bashfully to reading updates on his phone.

Hazel dumped a pot of scrambled eggs onto two plates, tucked in a slice of buttered toast, and delivered them to the waiting girls. “You both look so fashionable today.” The girls beamed. “Oh, that reminds me. You might be interested in this. There’s a fashion show going on at the mall today.”

“We know,” said Brie, “We’re going there now.”

“I kind of thought you might. Guess what? Ivy’s going to be there, too,” Hazel said, referring to her friend. “You should say hi to her if you see her.”

“Okay,” Brie replied.

“Ooh, I love Ivy!” Elsie interjected. “She’s so cool.”

“You think literally everybody is cool, Els,” Brie said.

Elsie scowled.

“Well, she said she’d try not to cramp your style if she saw you,” Hazel added.

“Are you kidding?” Warrick interrupted. “That woman is an accessory. She could even improve Chris Hemsworth’s arm.”

Hazel rolled her eyes and patted her husband’s shoulder. “Down, boy.” She turned to the girls. “Are you going to pick anything up at the show?”

“I might pick up a boy or two,” Elsie joked.

Brie snorted knowingly. “I would,” she answered sarcastically, “if someone would give me some money.”

Warrick looked up from his device. “Oh, can I expect to see a freshly washed car glistening in the sun when I leave the house today?”

Brie grumbled and tore off a bite of bread. “Please, daddyyy,” she whined.

“Sorry, that’s the rules.”

She shot a glance at her friend that said, “See? Never works.” Elsie smiled and shrugged.

Hazel grabbed Warrick’s wallet off the counter and opened it up. She pulled out several bills. “I don’t know, honey. I think we’ve all broken the rules once or twice this weekend, and we’re none the worse for wear. I think our daughter deserves to have something nice once in a while.”

Brie brightened up, but dared not say anything for fear of changing her mother’s mind.

Warrick turned to look at his wife, whose wide eyes seemed to bore into him. He sighed. “Okay.”

Brie let out a squeal, barely containing her elation and ripped the money from her mother’s hand.

Warrick protested, “Hey, how much are you giving her?”

“Don’t worry, she’ll work it off in chores later.” With that, she handed Elsie a bill as well.

“Thanks Hazel!” Elsie hollered.

“Is she going to do chores, too?” Warrick asked in exasperation.

“I think she’s done enough for you this weekend, don’t you?”

Warrick blushed and retreated to his phone, grumbling lightly, knowing better than to try to argue his case.

“Alright kids, finish up. We’re headed out to a party. Do you want a ride to the mall?”

“Yeah!” Elsie cried with her mouth full of eggs.

After breakfast the four of them piled into the car. The mall was not far away, but the girls were both happy to stay out of the hot weather as much as possible. Still, the car had sat in the morning sun and the heat felt oppressive inside the cabin.

Brie groaned and immediately felt sweat beading up on her arms. She tugged at the loose halves of her button-up shirt and flapped them to fan herself. She felt her nipples twitch as the fabric fluttered across them. It felt good, but she was also a bit embarrassed. It hadn’t been that long since she had masturbated and already she could feel her horniness creeping back. She thought about how she had taken her dad’s cock head into her mouth, eager to suck out the medicine coming from within. She only had it in her mouth for a moment, but she managed to taste a dash of his cum—she also recognized the strong taste of her mother’s flavor mixed within it. She thought that that might have something to do with the erotic feelings growing once again inside of her. She decided she would have more medicine once they got to the mall.

Warrick turned on the air conditioning and cold air immediately began to fill the car. He checked again on the girls via the rear view mirror. Elsie was sat back, babbling to Hazel about a trendy, post-apocalyptic YA novel everybody in school was reading. He noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra, because he could make out the stiff bumps of her nipples through the yellow fabric of her tank top as the car’s environment cooled down.

He glanced over at Brie who was slouched down in her seat, staring out the window and fanning the cold, processed air over herself. She was oblivious to his gaze, and as she idly flapped the loose ends of her shirt, she occasionally flashed a peek of her chest. In that moment, she exuded a childlike innocence that contrasted with her lascivious actions in his bedroom. He wondered what had gotten into her and made up his mind to talk with Hazel about it.

They quickly arrived at the mall and the car had barely stopped moving when both girls spilled out into the steaming parking lot and took off on foot for the entrance.

“Alright, girls,” Hazel called after them, “Have fun and stay out of trouble.”

“We will,” Brie called behind herself.

Warrick followed her with his gaze until she and Elsie disappeared into the complex, then took a deep breath and turned to his wife and said “Hazel, she put my cock in her mouth.”

“Who did what?” asked Hazel with surprise.

Warrick shifted the car back into gear and he drove toward the birthday party they had scheduled. “I was playing around with the girls in the bedroom, letting them jump on me and tickle me, and while I was focused on Elsie, Brie pulled down my pants and sucked on the head of my cock. I don’t think she knew entirely what she was doing. I don’t really understand it, but maybe that’s why she told you she wanted medicine.”

“Hmm,” Hazel murmured, then paused. The silence lasted only a moment, but to Warrick it felt like an eternity. “Did Elsie see?” she inquired.

“No, I don’t think so.” Warrick paused. “I think she was… preoccupied. I was so surprised when I felt it that I flung the poor little thing right off the bed. That’s why she started crying.”

“Hmm,” Hazel said again.

“It’s not my fault… or, at least, I don’t think it was my fault. I don’t know how that got into Brie’s head.”

“How do you feel about it now?” his wife inquired.

“Honestly, I’m just confused. This weekend has changed everything. I know you said that our child needs to find out what she needs, what her own limitations are. And I know that you said we should help her out whenever she needs it, but… I’m beginning to wonder if she has any limitations at all.”

“Maybe she doesn’t.” Hazel said, an understanding in her voice, “But she has to respect your limitations, too. If she takes things too far, you should make sure she knows that. It sounds like you’re more than capable of putting your foot down.”

“I mean, don’t get me wrong, Little Warrick was certainly ready to go!” Warrick joked, an awkward tone in his voice. “But… she’s our daughter.”

“I don’t doubt your virility, honey.” Hazel said, rolling her eyes. “I just have a certain sense that this is ultimately going to be up to you.”

“I don’t get it. Are you saying that Brie wants to have sex with me?”

“Let’s not get into this right before this party. I don’t want ‘Little Warrick’ trying to get out. We’ll talk more about this later.”

Warrick just stared down the road in silence.


To Be Continued...

Next: The girls start their modeling gig at the mall fashion show and they’re extremely professional the entire time.

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