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Going Nova - S01 E46

Story 2 days ago

Going Nova - S01 E46

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 46

Brie had just finished masturbating that morning, and while she achieved orgasm and cleared her head, she found her efforts to be somehow unsatisfying. Perhaps it was the event that transpired with her mom the night before, an intense and uninhibited romp filled with new experiences and sensations. But she also felt like maybe it was something more. She wondered if it was because she ran out of medicine last night. She was concerned that she wasn’t going to be able to get through the day without having taken enough of it, much less how she was also going to get through the next day when she returned to school.

She thought about what her mom had said the night before, that the medicine was just cum. And she thought about how her mom’s own juices had driven her wild and gave her such serene satisfaction after she had orgasmed. She wondered then, as she laid on her dad’s legs, with her head rested near his package, if his cum would make an effective antidote to her ravenous sexual hunger as well. She licked her lips and swallowed, as if she could almost taste it, as if she could somehow smell the medicine emanating off of him. As he continued to tickle Elsie, Brie nuzzled her face in closer to the slight bulge in his pajama pants and took in his scent. She realized that it wasn’t her imagination; she could, in fact, smell something! She examined the lump of his crotch and discovered spots of moisture dotting the fabric of his pants. She leaned over them and detected a distinct whiff of the musky medicine coming from them and it was mingling with the now-familiar, tangy bouquet of her mother’s sex.

Elsie’s piercing shrieks calmed steadily into bashful giggles as Warrick relaxed his fierce tickling into a lighter, more playful kind. Still, he held her hands captive. He moved his free hand within the perimeter of the girl’s loosened sheet wrap. He subtly pulled apart the edges in order to reveal her body once again without making it obvious to Brie what he was doing with her friend. Occasionally, he kicked his legs to keep his daughter distracted, but she laid calmly on his legs and seemed to not be paying that much attention to the game, anyway,

Likewise, Elsie continued to wriggle, but she no longer struggled to escape his torturous tickles. Instead, she aimed to help her paramour help himself to whatever he thought he could get away with. She was aroused and jealous of Hazel and wanted to remind Warrick what he had conquered that torrid night before. She gyrated this way and that, working her fit, dancer’s body around, flashing half of a nipple here, or an inner thigh there. She felt naughty, trapped in Warrick’s grip, like an animal on display. Her horniness from the morning burned with a vengeance and she wished she could get another fuck session in with him before Hazel returned. A growing part of her didn’t even care if Brie was in the room. After all, she figured Brie, with her medical condition—her super-orgasmic power—would probably do the same if she were with another man and Elsie were the spectator. Elsie didn’t think Brie would even hesitate if given the opportunity. At least, that’s what the cum-dumb half of Elsie’s brain was telling her. Nevertheless, the rational side of her brain remained in command, and she decided fucking her best friend’s dad while her best friend watched was not a prudent thing to do.

Warrick felt a surge of cum dribble out of his dick. He was unsure if it was the remainder from his denouement with his wife, or if it was precum priming him for his next willing quarry. Either way, he was getting very hard again.

Brie stared with fascination as the lump in her dad’s pants grew before her eyes. A moist streak darkened its way up toward his waistband. It was cum, she knew. It was medicine that was going to waste.

Warrick’s acknowledgement of his daughter’s presence faded as he felt Elsie’s swiveling hips transform into a subtle back and forth humping. He looked her in the eyes and she bit her lip, giving him a sneaky smile. She shimmied her shoulders and the front piece of her wrap came fully undone. It fell away—not so much that it would look noticably open from Brie’s point of view, but plenty well for Warrick to steal another unrestricted glimpse of her youthful, heaving chest.

Down below, only a corner of fabric still obscured the girl’s gash. He grabbed her inner thighs, and could see their curvature leading up toward the puff of one of her reddened labium where it peeked out. When Elsie humped her hips backward, the fabric fell away, revealing totally her lustrous, blushing mound painting a glistening streak of girl cum up and down his stomach.

Warrick could see her entire body on display. Bound at the wrists by his large hands, she looked like a captured prisoner, strung up to be punished. She was helpless in his grasp, panting with nerves, but she loved it.

Overcome by the sight, Warrick was consumed by his lust. He forgot completely about his daughter’s presence and went for Elsie’s vulva, moving his thumb into her slit, pushing between her folds and targeting her clit. When he found the stiff nub, he pressed on it. Elsie released a startled moan, surprised by his boldness and was unable to maintain her charade of innocence for Brie’s sake. Her cunny was hot and gooey inside and Warrick reveled in the feeling, especially as she dangled helplessly in his grasp, flexing her lithe tummy and returning pressure on his thumb with her clit. He watched her face contort in agony and her eyes pleaded with him to bring her to orgasm. He daydreamed about dropping her onto his cock and bouncing her to ecstasy on his lap in front of his eyes.

As he was about to tear away Elsie’s remaining cover, and take her then and there, he felt the waistband of his pants flip down and something warm and wet enveloped his cock head. For a moment, he thought that with Elsie’s back and forth maneuvering, he might have accidentally popped out of his pajamas and into her pussy. But then he felt a hint of teeth scrape along his shaft and thoughts of his daughter came screaming back to his mind.

In a whirlwind, his eyes snapped open. He peered around Elsie’s body and saw Brie sucking dutifully on the head of his dick. He knew this was wrong, that it had to stop right away. Without thinking, he wrenched Elsie off his body and she tumbled loudly onto the floor in a flurry of sheet. His body stiffened upwards and he accidentally jabbed his erection into the back of his daughter’s throat. She choked and reeled backwards, snapping the elastic of his pants back around his waist. Her towel came undone and fell away as she hit the bed.

He glanced back and forth between Elsie and Brie. Elsie whirled out from under the sheet, a wounded expression on her face. Her bottom lip quivered and her eyes welled up. She sobbed and tears came streaming down. “Why did you do that?” she wailed.

He concluded that she didn’t know what had happened and stuttered, “I— I’m sorry! Brie. She startled me.”

Then Brie, too, began to cry. Warrick sighed in frustration.

The two girls sat bawling when Hazel appeared in the doorway. “What on earth is going on here?” she inquired.

Warrick wasn’t sure there was anything he could say that would sound good.

Hazel turned to Elsie, who was clutching the loose sheet in front of her. “Elsie, honey, what happened to you?”

Elsie sniffled and stammered, “We were playing around and Warrick made me hit my head.”

Warrick hesitated, but was glad that Elsie didn’t blow his cover. “I guess I don’t know my own strength,” he finally said sheepishly.

“Oh, poor girl.” Hazel approached the girl. “Where did you hit your head?”

Elsie pointed. “Here.”

“Let me take a look,” Hazel leaned over her and rummaged through her hair. “Hmm, everything looks pretty good here. No cuts, no bruises, maybe a small bump.” She looked the girl in the eyes. “Would you like me to kiss it and make it better?”

Elsie nodded silently. Hazel put her hands firmly on the girl’s bare shoulders, bent down, and pecked her on the spot. Her tee-shirt rode up in the back and Warrick could see she was no longer wearing Brie’s torn panties. The round globes of her ass peeked out from underneath.

“There, is that better, honey?”

Elsie gave a bashful smile and said, “Yes, I guess so.”

“Good, now go get dressed.” Hazel herded her toward the door.

As Elsie spirited herself from the room, sheet in hand, she felt a little sheepish having her bare backside exposed from behind.

Next Hazel turned to Brie, “Now, why are you crying, honey?”

With hot cheeks, Brie responded, “I just wanted some medicine.”

Hazel glanced at Warrick. He could only return a bewildered shrug. She turned back to her daughter and smiled warmly, leaning in close. “Well, honey, you’re in luck. She produced the medicine bottle in her hands. “I found some more medicine for you and I refilled your bottle a bit.”

Brie wiped the tears away from her eyes, “Really?”

“Really. Just be careful. The bottle was hard to fill, so the outside is slick again. You might want to clean that off, but don’t drink it all right away! It needs to last until at least tonight.”

Brie wasn’t sure what her mom meant by “tonight,” but she was happy to have something to tide her urges over in the meantime. She licked up the fluid that had spilled over the side until she was sure she had it all.

“How’s it taste?” Hazel asked.

“Like the medicine, mostly,” she replied. However, she noted to herself that there was a subtle flavor not unlike her mother’s mixed in with it. It made her wonder where her mom had gotten this latest batch.

“Good. Now, are you all better?”


“Alright, go find your friend. And for chrissakes, get dressed!”

Brie slung her towel over her shoulder with one hand and carried the medicine bottle with almost spiritual earnestness to her room where Elsie was already getting dressed. “How’s your head?” she asked her friend.

Elsie had tossed on some lightweight, high-waisted shorts and was rifling through Brie’s closet for another shirt to wear. “It’s fine. Kinda throbby, but I’m getting over it.” Then she snickered and turned to Brie, “What happened back there?”

Brie didn’t want to admit that she had tried to suck off her father, so she shrugged and smirked. “I guess I goosed him in the wrong spot.”

“No!” Elsie said, wide-eyed, “Where?”

“I don’t know!” Brie blushed, “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was… tickling.”

Elsie guffawed and yanked a sunny yellow crop top out of the closet. Its orange spaghetti straps tied at the shoulders. “I think this will do quite nicely in this heat.” She tossed it over her head and smoothed it down, then twirled to show Brie.

Brie frowned. “Ugh, you always make my clothes look better on you than they do on me.”

“It’s all in the confidence,” Elsie replied, striking a pose.

“Where can I buy some?” Brie asked sardonically.

“With what money?” Elsie teased. “As I recall, I had to buy your dress yesterday.” She puckered her lips in the mirror. “Anyway, mom says with enough confidence, you could wear anything. Even that thing.” She gestured to the fluffy towel on Brie’s shoulder.

“No way!” Brie laughed.

“Seriously. Wrap it around you and just… rock it.” Elsie said with a coy wink.

“Nobody wears towels out in public unless they’re at a beach.”

“You’ve heard of the emperor’s new clothes, right?”

“Is that one of your comic book references?”

“No,” Elsie replied, “It’s a classic fairy tale.”

Brie shrugged, “Remind me?”

“Okay, so the town tailor designs the emperor’s clothes each day. One day, he’s too tired to come up with a new outfit. He tells the emperor he’s making him the finest garments in all the land, but it’s a lie. Instead of actually designing something, he does nothing. He goes off and smokes pot or whatever. The next day, when the emperor comes to try them on, the tailor has nothing, so he fakes it. He convinces the emperor that he’s wearing new clothes—the finest in all the land—even though there’s actually nothing there.

“But the emperor is so caught up by the tailor’s hype that he thinks they’re perfect, even when he can see with his own eyes that he’s not wearing anything. But he still goes out into the town dressed up in the tailor’s clothes. Completely naked.”

Brie smirked and nodded. “I think I remember this. His subjects throw a fit, right?”

“No! All the people act very impressed. But the emperor says—with one hundred percent confidence—he’s wearing the tailor’s finest garments, and everybody thinks it’s just great. That’s confidence, to show your junk to the world and not even give a fuck.”

“Is that the moral?” Brie said.

“No, it’s about, uh, distrusting leaders.” Elsie waved her arms, “Nevermind. Just pay attention to the confidence part.”

“I’m not going outside naked or even in just a towel, Els.” Brie rolled her eyes. “I did enough of that yesterday.”

Elsie grinned, “Fine.”

“So, what should I actually wear today?”

Elsie thought for a moment, then snapped her fingers. “I know, since I’m taking one of yours, wear the shirt that I packed.” She dug into her duffel bag and pulled out a gray-striped, linen, button-up shirt and handed it to Brie. “You could pair it with that black twill miniskirt you have and, hmm… your strappy sandals.”

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