Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 44
Warrick looked into Brie’s pleading eyes. Her face was so close to his that he could smell a familiar scent. It reminded him of his wife, but it was more faint. He pushed it out of his thoughts and replied. “Well, honey, if you need to excuse yourself throughout the day, that’s fine. Maybe go to the nurse’s office and they can give you a hall pass. They might even have some of the same kind of medicine for you in their office supply. I think you’ll be fine for one day.” Warrick wasn’t entirely sure he believed that himself, however.
“Okay, Daddy, I trust you. I’ll see if that works.” Brie sighed again, closing her eyes as her father continued to rub her shoulders. Her head rolled back and forth on his chest.
Warrick felt an obscene need to kiss his daughter, and he wanted to plant his lips directly on hers. He felt his erection throb under the cool, sateen sheets, just behind Brie’s back. He could see the pearl of cum on her pussy had rolled down its length, glossing her entire slit. That’s for me, he thought, she’s getting wet for me. But he knew it wasn’t the least bit appropriate to act on his impulses. He leaned his head down and kissed his girl tenderly on her forehead instead.
Brie felt the passion in his kiss, and wondered for the first time what her dad was making of this weekend. Until that moment, she had assumed her problems were a burden to him, that she was making his life difficult. But now she wondered if he was changing. Still, she had enough clarity to know that she shouldn’t push the envelope with her father. She opened her eyes and climbed fully onto the bed. Her eyes darted to his crotch, where she observed a notable peak, but her gaze didn’t linger there. Instead, giving a desirous smile, she leaned in, puckered up and pasted a light peck on her dad’s lips.
Warrick sat there, wide-eyed, unsure how far Brie would go, but he was unwilling to put a halt to it. To his disappointment, however, that was it. She giggled and then jumped off the bed and wiggled her butt at him.
Warrick gave half a sigh and half a chuckle. “You little imp.” Then he swung his hand out to swat her on the butt, but she jumped out of the way with a hoot and then headed toward the door.
Just before she passed into the hallway, Brie glanced back at her father. She thought it looked like might have been lightly stroking his cock over the sheet as he watched after her, but she didn’t know for sure.
Warrick heard the bathroom door close and he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt a little dizzy from what had just happened. He lifted the top sheet and peered underneath. His cock swelled before his eyes and produced a rivulet of clear precum, which dripped onto his stomach. Then he heard a throat clear.
He looked up and found his wife standing there in the door frame, wearing a big black tee-shirt. Emblazoned across her tits was an all-too-familiar catch-phrase: “Bye hater”. He swallowed as Hazel jutted a hip out. While the shirt came down over the hips on Hazel’s petite frame, she wasn’t swimming in it quite like Elsie was the night before. Warrick didn’t have much time to ruminate on the differences in how the two wore it, however, for he knew he had been caught. He just wasn’t sure how caught, exactly. “Is— isn’t that Elsie’s shirt?”
“It sure looks like it,” Hazel chided knowingly.
“Where’d you get it?”
“Oh, I found it. In the living room.”
Warrick wasn’t sure what to say next. Part of him wanted to deny everything, and another part of him urged him to confess it all right there.
Hazel could tell that she had him speechless. She was unsure how far her husband had gone with the young girl, but whatever had happened down there couldn’t have been any less acceptable than what she had done with her own daughter upstairs. She chuckled and slipped into the room and kneeled on the foot of the bed. “I’m just wondering…”
Warrick nodded, “Uh huh?”
Hazel shifted herself on her knees up the mattress until she straddled her husband’s legs. “Who wore it better? Me or her?”
Warrick swallowed hard again, though he called the answer from the bottom of his heart when he replied. “You, baby.” He wasn’t lying. While Elsie was a novel infatuation, and his own feelings for his daughter had him thoroughly confused, he had loved Hazel from the day they started dating, and he appreciated her maturity and well-developed sexual appetite.
“Good,” Hazel smiled genuinely, “I didn’t want to start thinking I was losing my touch.” She pulled herself up so that she straddled Warrick’s hard cock hidden beneath the sheet, then rocked her hips, sliding her crotch along his length.
Warrick groaned, “Never. You’ll never lose your touch.”
Hazel made herself limp, falling backwards so that her head was near the foot of the bed. “I want you to eat me, then fuck me, then cum inside me.”
Warrick didn’t hesitate. He crawled out from under the sheets and worked his way up his wife’s thighs, kissing her legs tenderly along the way. He pushed her shirt up over her hips and revealed a pair of too-tight, black lace panties. Hazel moaned in anticipation, but Warrick paused and stared, dazed. He was face-to-face with the black lace panties that belonged to Brie. The very underwear she was sporting the day she had her first super-orgasm. Here they were now, stretched tightly against the fuller hips and rounder ass of his beloved wife.
“These— these are Brie’s, aren’t they?” Warrick stammered.
“No,” Hazel countered, “they’re mine now. Brie isn’t allowed to wear panties anymore.”
A strong scent emanated from them, and he wondered how much was coming from his wife, and how much was from the floods of cum produced by his daughter. His imagination wandered from the pussy presently behind the fabric to the pussy that used to wear it. Both of them had now touched the same underwear. Fingering the dip of Hazel’s sex seemed almost like fingering Brie, as well.
Warrick became very turned on and was ready to get into action. He went to tug the underwear down, but Hazel brushed his hands away. “No, leave them on. Do it like this.”
He smiled slyly and obliged, instead pulling at the crotch of the underwear, to slide it to one side in order to access his wife’s savory tunnel. It barely budged as the too-tight garment clung to every curve of Hazel’s body. He could hear the stitches of the seams ripping as he tried. But Warrick was voracious and could wait no longer. He raked his nails against the lacy fabric and rent a hole in the middle. Hazel gasped at his boldness and in the back of her mind, she wondered if he had taken Elsie with a similar hunger. But the thought was quickly usurped by Warrick’s tongue beginning to lap at her exposed gash. A guttural moan escaped her lips.
Meanwhile, Elsie was in Brie’s room, catching up on her friends’ postings and playing silly games on her phone. After a short while, a chill ran through her body, raising up goosebumps across her skin. She shivered. Now that the window was closed, the central air was cooling down the room and her naked body was reacting to it. She slid off the bed and grabbed the top sheet that Brie had kicked off onto the floor. As she flung it back onto the bed, something fell out of it. She picked it up and examined it. To her confusion, it was a pair of blue-striped, side-tie swimsuit bottoms. She recognized them as Hazel’s. She stared and wondered what they were doing tangled in the sheets. Hazel had to have taken them off sometime last night. Her head bubbled over with questions.
That’s when she thought she heard a noise. A light whine maybe? The girl’s heart skipped a beat. She moved to the bedroom door and pressed her ear against it, listening out into the hall. Another noise came. Definitely a moan. It was from Hazel. Elsie’s first thought was that the woman was masturbating. She held her breath and cracked the door open, not wanting to make a sound. Her breath was quivering as she exhaled. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be listening in, but the thrill of voyeurism had taken over. From the doorway, she could hear that the parents’ bedroom door was ajar, though she could not see in. Elsie thought back to the previous day when she had caught Hazel getting dressed with the door open, and later when she spotted Warrick naked while he was changing for the pool. She wondered if they ever closed the door to their bedroom. She determined that she would have to ask Brie.
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