Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 43
Both Warrick and Hazel woke after three rings. Warrick rolled over and groaned, “Elsie, it’s too early.”
Hazle chuckled sleepily and her voice rasped out, “Honey, it can’t be Elsie, she stayed over last night, remember?”
Warrick suddenly remembered and his cheeks went flush. He remembered, very vividly, deflowering his daughter’s best friend while his wife was upstairs, in fact. He rolled away from Hazel as the phone continued to ring. “Anyway, it’s yours. Answer it.”
Hazel grabbed it off the nightstand. “Oh, it’s Ivy!”
Warrick turned slightly with some interest. Ivy was a friend of theirs, though primarily she was friends with Hazel, as they had met at her work. Ivy was an intern who worked in the programming department. Hazel was a designer there, and they often collaborated on projects. Their professional life bloomed into a personal friendship, and Warrick took a closer interest when Hazel coaxed Ivy into their bed the first time.
Hazel tapped the answer button. “Ivyyy!”
“Sup, bitch? It’s Sunday morning. Why aren’t you at church?”
Hazel chuckled. “I haven’t committed any sins recently, why aren’t you?”
Ivy scoffed, “C’mon.” She changed the subject. “You sound like you just woke up. It’s nearly 11:00!”
“It’s not that late,” Hazel retorted.
“Whatever. I ran to the gym, worked out, ran home, showered, made coffee and breakfast, and caught up on the local news already!”
Warrick groaned and rolled back over, losing interest in the conversation. Hazel slid out of bed to give him peace. “We had an… eventful day yesterday, so I guess we’re taking it easy. How’ve you been?”
Ivy continued to talk, filling Hazel in on what she had gotten up to the previous day. Hazel put on her robe and headed down the hall to check on the girls. She cracked the door slightly and saw that they were still sound asleep, snuggled up to one another and sharing a pillow on one side of the bed. Satisfied, she left them and closed the door, heading for the stairs, giving her friend an occasional “uh huh” in acknowledgement.
“Oh!” Ivy exclaimed, “The reason I was calling you…”
“What’s up?”
“I saw on the internet today that some of the stores at the mall are showing off the new summer collection that just landed. Wanna go?”
“Really? That might be fun.”
“I thought so. It starts at 2:00, but that’s probably just when they say it starts. I was thinking about doing a quick pregame at the bar there beforehand.”
“Sounds like fun.” Hazel thought it also sounded like something the girls might be interested in.
“You can bring Warrick along, too, if you want.”
“Eh, Warrick is only interested in the results of fashion, never the process.”
“Alright, girl time, then!”
“Let me grab my calendar; I think I have something planned for today.” Hazel wandered into the family room. Before she could hunt for her purse, she noticed a crumpled lump of clothing on the carpet. She bent down to pick it up and draped it over her hand. The front said “Bye hater”. It was the shirt that Elsie had worn last night. Hazel wondered how it had landed there when Elsie was upstairs sleeping. It dawned on her that it must have been taken off sometime between the time she and Brie left the room and when Warrick tucked Elsie into bed. She was so tired from her orgasm that she never noticed the young girl was naked under the covers when he had done so.
“Men,” she sighed into the phone, “It’s like they want to get caught.”
“Ooh, what did you find?” Ivy gossiped, “Did Warrick leave his porn out somewhere?”
“No,” Hazel replied, “just something he came in.”
Ivy guffawed. “No way! Grooss! You’ll have to rub it in his face.”
“I’m sure I will.”
“Wait, was that a double entendre? Are you actually going to rub it in his face? Just because I can’t see the smirk on your face doesn’t mean I can’t hear it. You two are so kinky, sometimes I wonder where you two will ever draw the line.”
“Shitting,” Hazel said without hesitation.
Ivy shrieked aloud and laughed at her friend’s decisiveness. “So gross! Okay, no more poop talk. What does your calendar look like today?”
Hazel put the shirt down and found her purse and flipped through her datebook. “No good. We’re supposed to go to another friend’s birthday party. I haven’t even gotten him a present yet.”
“Damn it!”
“Sorry, hun; you can come along with us, if you want.”
“No way. Who hosts an afternoon birthday party? Is he twelve?”
“Hah, for real,” Hazel chuckled, “but it’s not my choice. Sorry!”
“Ehh, I guess I’ll check out the new line by myself then.”
“Oh, actually Brie and Elsie might be there! They love this kind of stuff. I’ll let them know. Be sure to say ‘hi’ if you see them.”
“Sure! I’ll try not to cramp their styles.”
The two ladies said their goodbyes and Hazel went to return her planner to her purse. But she noticed something amiss inside. She reached in and pulled out the lace panties that Brie had last worn to school on Friday, which she had confiscated at the hospital when she learned that Brie should no longer wear underwear. She held them to her nose and took in her daughter’s scent and it triggered an acute flashback to the previous night when they had made love together. She felt a primal longing to be close to her daughter again.
In her other hand, she took the shirt that Elsie had worn last night, which also smelled of feminine musk. The scent was much more subtle than the panties Brie had saturated in class on Friday, but it was nevertheless distinct. She wondered just how experienced Elsie was at this point, and how far the girl had been willing to go with her husband last night. Hazel was unconcerned that Warrick might have fucked their daughter’s friend, but was uncharacteristically a little bit jealous, particularly because they had done it in secret. Nevertheless, the thought gave her a tautness in her chest, and a playful idea began to form.
Upstairs, Elsie woke up panting. She yawned and her eyes creaked open catching the sunlight streaming in through the open window. It, along with the midday heat, had warmed the room significantly. She felt like she was broiling inside an oven. Behind her, she felt Brie spooning her sweaty body against hers, which contributed all the more to her warmth. She flipped the covers down, which caused her friend to stir.
Brie groaned. “So warm.” She opened her eyes and squinted in the bright sunlight.
Elsie jabbed an elbow into Brie, “Move over. You’re hot as a nuclear reactor and you’re taking up the whole bed.”
Brie rolled herself onto the other side of the mattress, facing away from Elsie. She was thankful that the day’s heat and the fresh air streaming in from the window had dried up her profusion from the night before. Her pillow still felt a bit soggy, though, so she pushed it onto the floor.
Elsie sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Ugh, Sunday. I don’t wanna go to school tomorrow.”
“No kidding. I never want to show my face there ever again.” Brie thought back to Friday when her whole ordeal had started. Though she admitted to herself that she had some fun over the last day, she still felt embarrassed about losing control in front of her classmates and the families at the pool. “You think we can just take Monday off and sleep through the whole day?”
Elsie got up out of bed and crossed the room to close the window. “Yeah, let’s have another sleepover tonight! That was so much fun!”
Brie rolled back over to face her friend. “What was up with that movie? It was—” She stopped and watched, puzzled, as her naked friend shoved the open window down with a clunk.
Elsie, ignorant, finished Brie’s thought. “Yeah, it was so weird. I can’t believe it was rated PG! There were boobs and sex in it!”
“Els,” Brie inquired suspiciously, “what did you do with my shirt you were wearing?”
“Your shirt? What do you mean?” Elsie looked down and suddenly remembered Warrick had put herself to bed at night after fooling around with her, and she must have forgotten to put her shirt back on. She searched for an excuse, because she didn’t figure her friend would appreciate her having fucked her dad, so she concocted a lie, “I… must have taken it off in the night. I was so fucking hot under that sheet.”
“Really?” Brie challenged her. “Then, where is it now?”
“I— I don’t know. Must be under the bed, or caught somewhere in the sheets.”
Brie lifted the sheets and peered underneath. “I don’t see it under here, anywhere.” She sat up and kicked the top sheet off altogether and put her hands on her hips. “It doesn’t look like it’s caught in the sheets at all. How about that?”
Elsie’s shame suddenly turned into a giggle, “And where are your clothes, young lady? You’re over there giving me a hard time when it appears you’ve not got a stitch on, yourself!”
Brie squeaked, suddenly realizing that her friend was right, and tossed herself onto the floor, hiding her body behind the mattress. She peered over the edge and her cheeks flushed bright red. She wondered what Elsie would think of her making love with her own mother last night. She didn’t imagine she would ever hear the end of it and she scrambled for an answer. “I guess I must have… gotten too hot, too.”
Elsie didn’t buy it, of course, but didn’t press the issue further. What she assumed was that Brie had fallen asleep after one final masturbation session.
With neither party caring to probe further, Elsie had no concerns that the two of them were naked; this was not uncommon between them. She jumped onto the bed without bothering to cover herself and splayed out in the center, heaving a big sigh. “Well, tomorrow may be a school day, but we still have today. I think it’s gonna be fun.”
“Why’s that?”
Elsie leaned up on her elbows. “Because we get to model for Libertine, remember?”
“Oh yeah!” Brie stared off in wonder, “I had forgotten with all that was going on yesterday.”
“Six months of makeup for one afternoon of work. How’d we get so lucky?”
“Remember that crazy lady? I hope she isn’t there,” Brie ruminated.
“Yeah, she was weird. Do you think that guy was gay? Do straight men would work in beauty products?”
“I don’t know if he was or not.”
At that moment, Elsie’s phone started buzzing and she swiped it up gleefully. “Speaking of boys, this might be those boys we met at the mall yesterday!” She answered it with a mature, sultry tone in her voice. “Hullo?”
Brie listened intently, but could only make out Elsie’s side of the conversation. “Yes, this is Zoey… Yes, I remember you, Oliver. How are you?… Oh. Well, we’re kind of busy this afternoon…” Elsie turned and winked at Brie. “Modeling.” Brie snorted. Elsie tried not to crack up and sat there grimacing. She waved her hand, shooing Brie silently. “Well, Oliver, if you and Hunter wanted to come check us out, we’ll be at the mall summer fashion show this afternoon. We’ll be wearing Libertine and, hmm, who knows what else.” Elsie winked at Brie again, who felt a sudden coursing in her chest.
After ending the conversation, Elsie tossed her phone onto the nightstand and said, “Sounds like the brothers are gonna try to make it, if their parents will let them.”
Brie felt a thrill that the boys were so interested in them, but was unsure about what that could mean for her. She thought back to her time at the pool and was worried that she might make another scene in public. She reached up to her nightstand and grabbed the medicine bottle off of it. Inside, it was nearly empty, most of it having spilled all over her mom the previous night. She wondered how she would get through the day without it. She turned to her friend, “I guess I should go… take care of myself and clean up.”
“Shit, I was just going to say that! Don’t take all the hot water.”
Brie tipped the bottle back to suck out the remaining ounce of medicine and replaced it on the nightstand, then headed off for the shower. Elsie grabbed her phone and started playing a game.
In his bed, Warrick, too, was on his phone. He was catching up on the latest Twitter and trying not to dwell too much on his illicit escapade with Elsie the night before. He usually communicated with his wife about potential hook-ups before they happened and she was rarely disapproving. Still, he felt uncomfortable having done it without her consent, and furthermore, he was sure she wouldn’t have approved of him fucking around with one of their daughter’s friends. He wondered if that’s why he had kept it a secret in the first place.
He heard padding in the hallway and looked up to see Brie pass by to the shower. She was completely nude, which caused him to marvel at the way his daughter was changing. Two days ago she was embarrassed to be seen undressed by her dad, and today she was wandering around stark naked with impunity. He called out to her, “Brie, honey!”
Brie popped her head back around the door jamb. “I’m going to take a shower.”
Warrick patted the bed next to him. “Come here. Sit down. Let’s have a chat.”
Brie hesitated, then sighed and sauntered in. She crossed her hands in front of her sex as she approached, but then used them to heft herself onto the bed next to him, and then, leaning back, propped herself up on them.
Warrick gazed at his girl and smiled warmly. In that moment, he loved her as a father, but he was also aware that this was as physically close as he had ever been to her while she remained in all her glory since she was a very young child. “How are you doing, Brie?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “Uhh, fine, I guess.”
“And how about Elsie?” Warrick swallowed quietly, unsure how much the girls gossiped, and whether or not Elsie would have mentioned anything about last night to Brie.
She picked up on a note of caution as he asked, but gave it no further thought. “She’s good, too.”
Warrick exhaled with a chuckle, “Good, good. Look, I know the two of you have had quite the weekend, and I know that you don’t feel one hundred percent in control at all times, but I hope you feel like your mother and I are supporting you as best we can.”
“I guess so,” Brie said bashfully, staring at her feet dangling off the bed.
“Hey, come here.” Warrick sat up a bit and pulled his daughter into him. He began to massage her shoulders and she leaned back against his bare chest and sighed. “Is there anything you want or need me to do?” He glanced down and, from his angle, he could see his daughter’s slit without her noticing. A clear bead of liquid seeped from between her labia. He felt his heart skip a beat and found that his body was redirecting energy down to his growing erection.
“I ran out of cum— out of medicine last night,” Brie corrected herself.
“Already?” Warrick asked. “They sure didn’t give us much to get started.”
“Mom spilled it all.”
“Oh, I see. That’s too bad. Well, I’ll go to the pharmacy after I leave work tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow evening? But dad,” Brie whined, craning her neck up at him, “How will I get through school if I don’t have enough medicine?”
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