Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 14
Not fully trusting him because of his previous track record, I put my hands to my hips to check that the sides were still tied properly. I panicked, I couldn’t find the thong. It had gone.
I told Ryan. He told me that he already knew. I’d lost it soon after we’d got back into the pool.
“You mean I’ve been swimming bottomless all this time and you didn’t tell me. You 2 have been diving between my legs and I’ve being doing handstands. My butt must have been way out of the water; and what’s more, Tom’s got that face mask on. That’s why he swam between my legs face up. He must have had a good look at me; and how many other people will have seem my pussy?”
Ryan smiled and I thumped him.
“You’ve got to find it for me; I can’t get out like this.” I said.
We were stood in the shallow end. I looked down at my front. At least my bra was still there, even if everyone could see my hard nipples and areolas. I ducked down so that my chest was covered.
Ryan and Tom went off in search of my thong while I stayed neck deep against the side of the pool looking at everyone around me to see if they were staring at me.
About 5 minutes later Ryan and Tom came back to me and told me that they couldn’t find the thong.
I had a quick panic attack. I knew that I was going to have to go back to the changing room bottomless.
Ryan told me to relax, and held me against him. I could feel his hard dick pressing against my stomach. He was enjoying my predicament.
I asked Ryan and Tom if they would walk in front and behind me. They agreed and we swam as close to the changing room entrance as we would. Ryan got out first while Tom hung back waiting for me to get out. I pulled myself up on my arms then swung a leg up onto the pool side. I suddenly realised that Tom would be getting a great view of my open pussy. There was nothing that I could do.
I was struggling to pull myself up and asked Ryan to pull me up. I knew that Tom was looking at my pussy, but there was nothing that I could do.
Ryan pulled me up then Tom jumped out. I wished that I could get out that easily.
The 3 of us started walking and got in line. Why was Ryan walking so slowly? One woman and 2 boys saw me (that I knew of), and I heard a wolf whistle; but no one said anything.
As we got to the changing room entrance and I turned in, a female lifeguard was coming out. She saw me and stopped me. She wanted to know where my bottoms were. She asked me if I’d gone into the pool like that. I blushed and told her that I did have some on, but they’d come off and I couldn’t find them.
As she told me to leave my name and address with reception and if they turned up they would contact me. As she was telling this to me I looked back towards the pool and saw a couple of boys staring at me.
I was glad to get round the corner to where there were only girls. I showered and got dressed. Ryan and Tom were waiting for me in reception.
I didn’t leave my name and address with reception.
Back at Ryan’s home I took our wet things to the laundry basket. As I unrolled Ryan’s towel my thong fell out. Ryan had done it again.
Another thing that we did to get out and pass the time was 10-pin bowling. It was only when I saw that a group of men had gathered around our lane that I realised that they must be watching me bend over each time that I bowled.
You see, when we started the game Ryan and I were the only ones near our lane and I wasn’t worried about Ryan seeing up my short skirt. Besides, Ryan had told me that he couldn’t see my pussy when I first bowled.
I’d got so into the game that I hadn’t noticed the men. From then on I tried to keep upright but it ruined my game. I lost.
There was another really embarrassing incident that happened while I was at Ryan’s parent’s house. Ryan and I had been late up one morning, and it was a sunny day for change so we decided to go out the back and lay on the sun loungers. Ryan’s parents were both at work, and his brother Tom was at school.
Ryan said that I should top-up my all-over tan so I took my skirt and top off and lay back to enjoy the warm sum on my body.
I dozed and vaguely remembered him saying something about going inside for something. A few minutes later I heard a sound close by. I started to open my eyes to see what Ryan was doing, but as soon as they opened just a little bit, the sun blinded me so I closed them again. I was sure that I’d seen the silhouette of Ryan at my feet so I said,
“Hey babe, can you rub some sun tan lotion on me please?”
A few seconds later I heard the sun tan lotion bottle being opened, then felt it dripping onto my legs and arms. I relaxed even more as my legs then arms had the lotion rubbed on them.
“Don’t forget to do the rest of my front please.” I said.
I felt lotion dripping onto my shoulders then my belly; then it being spread over me.
“Don’t forget my little girls.” I said.
A few seconds later my tits were massaged.
“That’s nice.” I said, still keeping my eyes shut.
I felt lotion dripping onto my stomach then hands rubbing it all over.
“Don’t forget my puss; we don’t want that to get burnt do we?” I said.
His hands stopped for a few seconds then a hand landed on my pussy.
“Hmm, that’s nice.” I said and opened my legs wide.
“Are your fingers going to work their magic on me again?” I asked.
The fingers gently probed my lips then my clit. I moaned.
“Inside please.” I said.
The fingers started fucking me and I moaned again. I started getting close to cumming when I heard Ryan say,
“Would you like a drink TT?”
“That’s a stupid time to ask about a drink” I thought. Then, hang on a minute, his voice was coming from near the back door.
“Whose fingers were in my pussy?”
I brought my hand to shield my eyes from the sun and opened my eyes.
OMG! It was Tom finger fucking me.
Tom jumped back. I jumped up and covered my pussy and tits. Both of us started apologising to the other.
Tom was saying that he thought that I knew it was him, and I did ask him to do it; and I was saying that I thought that he was Ryan.
Ryan called for us to shut up then said,
“Okay, lots of misunderstandings and everyone’s sorry. You’re both still alive and neither has been hurt. Let’s just put it down to a misunderstanding and move on; okay?”
I was still stood there naked, covering my bits; my heart was pounding and my face was red, and it was nothing to do with the sun.
Both Tom and I agreed, and after a few seconds I asked Tom why he wasn’t at school. He told us that he had free periods that afternoon so he’d decided to come home.
Tom went inside and I sat down and picked up my top. Ryan said that we wouldn’t see Tom for ages. He was too embarrassed to show his face for a few hours so I should relax and enjoy the sun.
I tried to relax, but I just couldn’t. I asked Ryan if he was upset that his brother had fingered me. He replied saying,
“You looked like you were enjoying it, were you?”
“Well yes, but I thought that it was you.” I said.
“If you enjoyed it then I’m not upset. After all, Tom’s my brother, it’s not like it was some stranger.”
I let it go at that, but I did wonder how long Ryan had been watching.
A short while later I got dressed and we went inside.
Talking of Tom, he caught us having sex one time. School had finished and just the 3 of us were at home. It was mid-morning and Ryan and I hadn’t got up yet. We hadn’t been awake long and I was on top of Ryan with my knees either side of him, facing him. I had been riding him and had cum before him.
I’d leant back and put my arms behind me to support me so that he could see his cock buried deep in my pussy. That always makes him cum quicker.
Anyway, I’d just felt him cum fill me up when the door to his bedroom flew open.
At this point I should explain that the door is next to the head of the bed, so anyone stood in the doorway can see all of the bed from beside the head of the bed.
So, the door flew open and in walked Tom. As soon as he saw us he froze, so did I. Ryan had no choice, I was on top of him. Tom stared at us, and my pussy with Ryan’s cock still inside it.
A few seconds later Tom said,
“Sorry, I’ve just got up and I thought that you’d gone out. I wanted to borrow that DVD that we talked about.”
“It’s on the table.” Ryan said as I felt his cock get harder and jerk inside me.
Tom got the DVD and left, looking at me as he went.
Ryan went on to shoot another load inside me. I guess that his brother seeing me spread wide like that had really turned him on.
I caught Tom looking up my skirt a few times; his father as well. After I’d been there about a week I realised that every time that I went upstairs one of them would follow me up. At first I just thought that it was a coincidence, but I also spotted them staring at my legs while we were watching television.
One time Ryan and I were sat on the sofa watching television and Ryan’s father was sat opposite. Ryan’s father kept talking to Ryan about stupid things. Of course when his father spoke to him he would look over at us.
It didn’t help that Ryan had uncrossed my legs so that he could put his hand on my thigh. He’d been pulling my leg nearer to him so my legs were a bit apart. I guess that Ryan’s father would have been able to see my bald pubes and maybe a bit of my pussy.
We also went jogging a few times. Ryan said that I’d be okay wearing the tennis skirt and a top. Apart from cross-country running at school I’d never been running before. Ryan planned a route and we set off.
When I started running I felt like I was bottom less, the little skirt bounced about and I could feel the air rushing passed my pussy. It felt good. I got Ryan to run behind me for a while to see if anyone could see my butt. He said not, but I wasn’t sure.
We only jogged about 3 miles the first time, out towards the countryside, through a park and back. I enjoyed it actually. I could have a good look around and think a few things through.
Of course Ryan wanted to stop while we were going through the park; he had me up against a tree before we set off back. That tree got a bit popular as Ryan fucked me against it each time we went that way.
Ryan started getting job interview in some of the surrounding cities and went off on his own each time, leaving me at home. He said that it was better that I stayed back so that he could concentrate on the interview and not worry about me waiting in some strange city on my own.
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