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He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E13

Story 6 days ago

He Likes To Expose Me - S01 E13

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 13

Post University Days


Ryan invited me to go and stay with his parents with him for a few weeks while we waited for our results and planned what we were going to do for the rest of our lives. I’d already decided that if Ryan asked me, then I’d go with him to where ever he got a job, and then look for one myself.

I discussed knickers with Ryan. I said that I thought that I should get some and wear them at his parent’s house. I told him that I didn’t want to upset his parents or brother if I accidentally gave them a flash of my butt or pussy.

I told him that if I accidentally flashed my knickers to my parents or any guests, I’d get a sermon from my mother. She would go on and on about girls having to be more careful. She said that only harlots showed their knickers and that they’d brought me up better than that.

Ryan laughed saying that no one in his family would be upset. His family are quite broadminded and would just treat it as an accident.

Ryan’s parents are really nice; they welcomed me as if I was their own daughter. They were even happy for me to share Ryan’s old room with him.

Ryan’s parents both work so we were at their home on our own quite a lot; his younger brother – Tom was in his last year at school.

After the first few days of fucking all over the house we decided that we needed to get out a bit. One of the ideas we had was for Ryan to show me around the neighbourhood by cycling. Ryan had his old bike and he said that I could borrow his father’s (his mother didn’t own one).

Obviously it was a man’s bike with a cross bar, and it was way too big for me, I could manage to ride it, and I did, but it certainly was an interesting experience.

I was still (still am) not wearing underwear, and always wearing short skirts. I had to wait until no one was looking before getting on the bike, and when on it I couldn’t touch the ground when sat on the saddle. To be able to touch the ground I had to slide forward off the saddle. The cold metal crossbar pressed on my bare pussy. Ryan took great delight in rolling the bike back and forwards when I was standing like that.

To ride the bike I had to slide my butt from side to side as I peddled. It wasn’t only my legs that got a workout. I had trouble concentrating of where I was going quite a bit of the time; I think that I would have seen more of the place if I’d walked.

Ryan wasn’t a lot of help; all he’d do was ride behind me and watch my butt as the wind blew my skirt up.

Another place that we went to was the local leisure centre. Ryan used to play squash and I wanted him to teach me. Before he could we had to go into town to get me some trainers and a white top and skirt.

The tops that Ryan chose were all tight fitting and very thin material. I wanted one with thicker material, with two layers, but Ryan persuaded me that his choice was best. The top that we final bought has a lace band around the top. When I wear it normally the lace band is above my breasts, but if I pull it down as far as the straps will allow, the lace is over most of my breasts. When my nipples get hard they poke through the little holes in the lace. Needless to say that Ryan pulls it down every time that I wear it, and I pull it back up when he’s not looking.

The tennis skirt was also made of very thin silky material. It was slightly pleated, and flared; and so short that it barely covered my butt. It was so light that I hardly knew that I had it on.

Of course Ryan wanted to see me try them on in the shop. He kept pulling the curtain back and I’m sure that at least 3 people saw me without any clothes on.

When I put my new clothes on at the leisure centre I looked positively indecent. My nipples poked out and I’m sure that anyone following me when I walked would be able to see my butt. I was glad when we got on to the squash court.

When Ryan showed me how to swing the racquet he would stand behind me and press against me. He must have found it difficult as he always had a hard-on that pressed into my butt.

When it came to running to get the ball I frequently tripped and ended-up flat-out on the floor.

The second time that we went I had a wardrobe malfunction when putting the skirt on. The one waist button came off. I walked out to Ryan holding the skirt up with one hand. I told Ryan what had happened and that we’d have to cancel.

Ryan was having nothing of it. He took me to the squash court and asked me how many people were watching us. Then he asked me where anyone could watch us from. I couldn’t see anyone and couldn’t see anywhere that people could watch from and I told him so.

“Right, now that it’s impossible for anyone to see you, drop the skirt and we’ll play with you bottomless.” Ryan said.

I was stunned. I’d never even considered that. I started to protest, then realised that he was right; no one would be able to see me, other than Ryan; so I took off the skirt.

Okay, the skirt was so light that I hardly knew I had it on, but I certainly knew when I didn’t have it on. It was a weird, but nice feeling.

Being bottomless didn’t make me a better squash player and I still ended up on the floor quite a bit.

Towards the end of the lesson I was on my back one time and I looked up, towards the back of the court.

Blankety, Blank! There were 3 men looking down on us. I quickly got up and ran to the back of the court where they wouldn’t be able to see me. I called Ryan over and asked,

“How did they get there? How long have they been there?”

“Relax TT, They’ve only just got there; and they couldn’t have seen much of you anyway.” Ryan said.

“Well I don’t like it.” I said, “Can we go now please?”

“No TT, we can’t. You’ve got to master that backhand swing.”

Reluctantly, we continued the lesson. I kept looking up to see if the men had gone. They hadn’t; they stayed there until our time was up.

We also went to the swimming pool at the leisure centre. Before we could do that we had to go and buy me a bikini. I wanted a proper bikini, but in the end Ryan bought me a semi see-though bra to go with the only thong that I owned.

I told Ryan that I wasn’t happy wearing such a brief, see-though outfit in such a public place, but he assured me that I wouldn’t feel out of place once I got there.

It was late July and Ryan and I had got ready to go to the pool. As we walked downstairs Ryan saw Tom watching television. Ryan asked Tom if he wanted to come with us. I wasn’t too happy that Tom would be able to see me virtually naked, but I didn’t say anything.

Tom said that he didn’t want to come if he’d be intruding on anything. Ryan laughed and told Tom that we weren’t going there to have sex on the diving board.

We waited while Tom went and got ready.

When I put the ‘bikini’ on in the changing room I looked in a mirror and thought,

“Shit, I’m virtually naked; everyone is going to see everything.”

I looked around at the other girls there. Most were wearing conventional bikinis and two had bottoms that were cut high so that a fair amount of butt cheek was showing. I saw one thong bikini bottoms. At least I wasn’t going to be the only one wearing a thong, even if mine was an underwear thong.

I took a deep breath and walked out.

Ryan and Tom were waiting for me.

Ryan smiled and Tom wolf-whistled. I blushed.

We jumped into the pool and swam a couple of lengths before deciding to go and have a go on the 2 slides that were there. We got out of the pool and joined the queue. I checked that my thong was still covering my pussy. It was, but I could see the front of my slit through the material. I could also see my dark areolas and every little bump on my little tits. I held my hands below my chin to cover my tits and hoped that no one could see my bits.

As we climbed the steps I could feel the eyes of a couple of youths, below and behind me, burning my butt. I kept my legs tightly closed. At the top the lifeguard looked me up and down and smiled.

At the bottom of both of the slides I quickly checked the thong. Each time I had a front wedgie and had to pull the thong out of my pussy. I think that I managed to do it without anyone noticing.

The slides weren’t that good so we went back into the pool. Ryan had his arm round my waist as we went back.

We started messing about in the pool because there were too many people there to do lengths safely.

We played silly games like ‘tag’ and see which of us could stay under for the longest. Tom had a bit of an advantage as he had a face mask with him.

We ended up in the shallow end diving between each other’s legs and doing handstands and somersaults.

I surfaced in front of Ryan and leaned forward to kiss him. He put his hand on my hips.

“Don’t you go unfastening my thong.” I said.

“Don’t you worry about that, I won’t.” Ryan said.

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