Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8
Lara had a lot to think about that night. Tunde was out with a couple of friends and she decided to go to bed a little early. She was confused by the pornography she saw on Mr. Uzoh’s computer earlier. She wasn’t sure what, if anything, it meant.
He clearly needed her help. He was an old, helpless man and regardless of what he had on his computer, that didn’t change the fact that he still needed her help. But she was also beginning to see exactly how sexual their visits had become and she wasn’t sure how she felt about how they seemed to be progressing in intensity.
She did know one thing: helping him with his circulation excited her like nothing she had ever done and she wasn’t about to stop.
Lara awoke to an empty bed. It seems Tunde had overindulged last night and had to stay the night at a buddy’s house. He was going to stop home for a brief shower and head to the office. Lara was not happy about the whole thing and told him she was not going to alter her schedule just to be home for him. She had things to do.
After her morning shower, Lara threw on a T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops and headed out to Mr. Uzoh’s house.
“Hmm. I’m not wearing a bra again. What’s the point? If I am going to get oily and have him ejaculate on me, it isn’t a very good idea to have anything on.
This is the most practical solution. Besides, after seeing his video clips on his computer, my bare breasts may even help him better have an ejaculation.”
Lara rang the bell. It seemed every time she visited Mr. Uzoh’s house, she became a little more excited. After being alone all night with Tunde too drunk to come home, she was the one who felt she needed companionship today!
“Well hello there, Angel!” Uzoh smiled a wide grin. “Are you well rested?”
She thought it strange he should ask such a question. “I am. How about you, Mr. Sleepy-head!”
“You must be talkin’ about my nap. I was pretty tired after our session yesterday, alright.”
Before Lara entered his house, she opened her arms and hugged him. She hadn’t hugged him before. He eagerly returned her hug and as they were breaking away, he kissed her briefly on her lips. Electricity coursed through her veins for that instant. Her pussy became wet and she smiled. The entire exchange took her off guard.
“How are you today, Mr. Uzoh?” She did her best to regain her composure.
“Oh, not so great. I had trouble urinating this morning. Not sure why. Probably need more work on my groin area.” He grabbed his crotch and rubbed it a little. “I think we have made a lot of progress in that area, in just a few days though, don’t you?”
“Yes! I do! You weren’t even able to ejaculate before we started your therapy. Now I think you can do it every time.” She was thrilled that she was able to accomplish this. “When would you like me to work on your circulation for you?” She asked with anticipation.
“I think we need to start as soon as you’re ready.” He closed the door behind her. Uzoh thought he would push the envelope a little more today. “I don’t want to create a mess with all the oil and what-not. We should find another place for you to do your therapy. Where would be a better place than the floor? It was too hard the other day, and the couch is too small.”
He was setting her up to start her sessions on his bed in his bedroom where the leap from massaging and therapy could more easily lead to all-out sex and fucking.
He hoped this naïve lady would believe it was her idea. She put her hand up to her chin and looked around his house.
“I’ve got it! On your bed. In your bedroom. If things get messy, we can just change the sheets!” Lara smiled confidently. Problem solved.
“Of course.” Mr. Uzoh shook his head and smiled. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Lara retrieved the oil bottles and a towel from the bathroom and met Mr Uzoh in his bedroom a short way off from the living room.
His room had a nice set of furniture in it. A king-sized bed, a mirror on the opposite wall above a short dresser. A padded chair in the corner.
Lara couldn’t hide her enthusiasm. She was smiling from ear to ear. She was also excited to have a fixed location where she could work on Mr. Uzoh’s condition. Uzoh also looked very happy. Happier and more vibrant than he had felt in twenty years.
The two pulled the bedspread down to the end of the bed. Then the top sheet. Now the bed was ready. Uzoh, dressed in grey trousers and a purple T-shirt sat on the bed. Waiting for her to begin her session.
“Ok, Mr. Uz…” She was interrupted.
“That will be enough of that, young lady. It would be best if you started calling me Uzoh from now on. This ‘Mr. Uzoh’s business has gone on too long!” Uzoh pretended to be stern with her.
She smiled and continued.
“Ok…Uzoh. Let’s go ahead and get you ready.” She liked calling him Uzoh.
Uzoh wanted to see how she would want him to dress or undress. He left the issue entirely up to her, just to see where it would go.
“Stand up and let me help you She commanded.
Uzoh stood up at the side of his bed while Lara squatted down directly in front of him. She looked up at the old, wrinkled face and smiled as she worked his belt off.
She looked down to examine his trousers and unbuttoned them.
Uzoh was already hard from the Viagra he had taken an hour ago. His cock was parallel to his left leg forced down and tightening his trouser leg.
She looked down and saw how erect he was already. She could see the glans of his giant head through the material of his trousers. Her gaze moved up the length of his penis to his zipper. She pulled the zipper down and grabbed his pants at the waist. Uzoh didn’t have underwear on. She became embarrassingly wet in that instant.
Lara pulled the trousers down quickly and forcefully. His enormous cock sprang up and grazed the side of her face. It seemed to sear her cheek it was so hot and hard. She let out an audible gasp.
She ducked her head to the side and leaned back out of the way. Then she grabbed it. And softly ran her hands up and down its length. It was still only inches from her face.
“This is truly an awesome tool. I can’t seem to get his penis out of my head. It is world-class. No one has a penis this big. I am lucky to even be in the same room as this magnificent member.” She was caressing it, not stroking it, and she was holding back the urge to rub it across her face.
Lara held it in her hand and for the very first time had the urge to taste it, lick it, put it in her mouth…to do what that nasty woman was doing in that video she saw yesterday.
She restrained herself and shook her head as if to clear it from her mind.
Uzoh couldn’t believe how sexy Lara was acting. His prick was really doing a number on her psychologically. He could see it in her eyes. He looked at the mirror on the other side of the room and saw the reflection of this perfect white woman kneeling before an old black man holding and caressing his obscenely large cock. He was in heaven.
Uzoh took off his shirt and was now lying naked on the bed. His cock seemed to have a life of its own and was bobbing and pulsing due to a combination of arousal and his increased heart rate.
She stared at Uzoh’s cock as if seeing it for the first time. She took her shirt off and heard a soft moan come from Uzoh. Topless again. She ran her hands over her breasts and tweaked her nipples. She was feeling sexual and feared that it would show in Uzoh’s treatment.
She felt obliged to keep this professional while ignoring all the reminders that this had strayed from being professional from day one.
She removed her shorts and left her tight panties on as she climbed on the bed.
Lara lifted Uzoh’s leg and spread it apart from the other, then sat on her knees between them.
She lifted his heavy cock with both hands and began clenching it. She stroked gently and rubbed the tissue in a circular pattern. She scooted closer to his crotch and had the enormous penis sticking straight up. She looked at Uzoh who was watching her, he had his head propped up on a pillow.
She froze when she saw the oil still sitting on the nightstand.
“I forgot all about the oil!” She gasped.
In Lara’s excitement, she had been touching, stroking, and fondling Uzoh’s cock and hadn’t used oil.
She quickly applied the oil and began to really work on Uzoh’s cock. She pumped and stroked it, trying to milk the semen from his balls. She took a break to massage his balls, she let his cock rest on her shoulder, making contact with her chin, and then resumed her work.
She had been stroking for nearly thirty minutes and Uzoh was still hard as steel and seemed to be enjoying the show.
Just then, she again recalled the video she watched yesterday. She waited until Uzoh was looking away, then stuck her tongue out and licked the underspot of his swollen head.
It was only a little lick, but it marked a change in how Lara viewed Uzoh’s penis and her role in helping with his therapeutic needs. She was beginning to see it for what it was: a rare gift, a tool that was built to cause pleasure.
Uzoh felt what he thought was a tongue on his dick, but doubted the sensation as he didn’t actually see it.
“Hold on there, girl. I’m about to climax.” That was all he said.
At that very moment, Uzoh pumped a hot stream of cum straight at Lara’s mouth. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth, although she didn’t seem to do this on purpose. A thick rope of semen shot straight into Lara’s mouth and Uzoh could plainly see her lick her lips, close her mouth and swallow the cum.
She looked straight into Uzoh’s eyes as she opened her mouth quickly. Uzoh pointed his long, pulsing cock toward her mouth again. His head was only inches from her sweet face. Another shot right between her lips, she licked and swallowed, never breaking off eye contact.
He gave a lustful groan. The final spurt landed on her lips and was quickly licked off. Lara smiled and stood up. Uzoh couldn’t believe it. Out of nowhere, she was reacting to him sexually. She was slowly coming around.
That night, Lara masturbated for the first time in ages. Tunde was working late since he went in to work so late due to his hangover.
She rubbed her clit furiously as she visualized Uzoh’s cock. In her mind, she was licking its length and mouthing the head. She was delirious with lust for his huge piece of meat. She ended with two back-to-back, explosive orgasms.
She dreamed of stroking his cock again the next day.
Lara fed her husband breakfast and was now showered and ready for her daily visit to see Uzoh. She decided that Uzoh didn’t really mind what she wore, so she put on a tight-fitting dress and headed out.
Lara couldn’t get the thought of the giant cock out of her mind. She had gradually cleared her schedule during the week so that she could spend at least some time with Uzoh every day. More and more this became about spending time with Uzoh’s cock, and not so much about spending time with Uzoh. She was oblivious to this change in focus, however. Denial can be a powerful force.
She rang the bell and waited. No answer. She remembered where he kept his key, in the flower bed, and used it to let herself in. Lara found Uzoh in the bedroom. The oils were still on the nightstand and the sheets were still pulled down to the floor.
Uzoh was laying on his back naked on the bed with his arms at his side. He was sleeping. Lara quietly walked in and stood next to the bed. She saw that Uzoh was sleeping and used the time to stare at her new best friend: Uzoh’s cock.
“It is simply fabulous! Look at the veins twisting all around it. The long mass of flesh. The deep color. I have never been so attracted to a THING before!”
She unzipped the back of her dress and let it slip off. She was completely naked. She approached the bed from the side and sat next to Uzoh. He was a very sound sleeper as was obvious from his loud snoring.
“I want to lick it, to put it in my mouth. Maybe for a little bit, just while he sleeps.”
She used both of her hands to lift his cock up moving slowly and listening to any interruption in Uzoh’s snoring pattern.
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