Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 7
Uzoh knew exactly what he was doing. He had the “innocent, old man excuse” and took advantage of Lara’s understanding and helpful nature. Uzoh sat down to the left of Lara. Close. She knew the man needed companionship and was happy he felt comfortable enough with her to have sat so close.
As the movie began, Uzoh leaned back into the couch so he could get a better look at Lara’s breasts. As he did this, he could see her left breast and nipple in her tight shirt. He gradually separated the robe and untied the belt which exposed his cock completely. He watched her reaction. She hadn’t noticed.
He began to stroke his cock while looking at her left breasts, but she still didn’t notice. He decided to be more obvious. He grabbed his Viagra-enriched cock at the middle and started jacking off slowly. He was already about ninety percent hard. She would surely see his big, black cock in her peripheral vision.
Lara loved the movie. She smiled and was about to look over to see if Mr. Uzoh was also enjoying the scene when something caught her eye.
“Is Mr. Uzoh stroking himself next to me? Oh my! Why would he be doing that?” She did not want to turn her head because she would then be expected to say something and react in some way. She focused her eyes as far left as she could to see as much as possible without turning her head.
She felt excited and curious and even a little scared. She could just make out his right hand moving up and down the shaft. He was definitely stroking himself. She thought “Was he feeling sexual? Did he need his circulation treatment? He said he wasn’t feeling sexual anymore.
He must need a circulation massage. This was the only logical explanation. How should she handle it? Just be direct, be helpful, Lara!” She thought to herself.
“Oh! Mr. Uzoh! Do you need help with your circulation?” Lara looked at his hand moving against his penis. She knew she could never tire of looking at his gigantic member. It seemed to excite her far more than she could admit.
“That would be great, Darlin.’ It started botherin’ me before we put the movie on.” He found it difficult to keep from smiling.
She asked where the oils were and fetched the bottles, put some on her hand and used her left hand to stimulate Uzoh’s cock. Once she settled back down, she continued watching the movie. During a particularly dark scene, she saw their reflection in the TV. It was an awesome sight. She was slowly jacking off Mr. Uzoh as she watched movie.
“This isn’t exactly what I thought his treatment should be, but he is the one who determines that.” She thought. And continued to stroke his cock as she watched the movie.
Uzoh began to move his hips up to her hand in long thrusting motions. Lara kept up her slow, deliberate pace. She was no longer interested in the movie. Now she was casually jacking him off.
“This just isn’t working. When your hand is on the shaft of my dic…penis, the head doesn’t get touched. When the head gets touched, the shaft gets ignored. Do you think you could use both hands?” He tried to sound as though he was actually in pain.
“I am so sorry!” Lara apologized. “I will focus more on your therapy now. I’m sorry!” She moved a couch pillow to the floor and got between his legs, then poured oil onto his enormous penis. Uzoh spread his legs wide apart.
Uzoh’s plan was playing out perfectly. Lara was on her knees between his legs stroking his cock with both hands. She couldn’t hide the excitement she felt. Her eyes were fixed upon his glistening, slippery black tool, when she wasn’t smiling, she was biting her lip as though she was in deep concentration. He needed to further this along.
Lara’s hands were wrapped around Mr. Uzoh’s penis one atop the other. Her strokes were long and she tried to squeeze and touch the whole length. She found it impossible to cover the whole thing without leaving a large part of it untouched.
Uzoh sat back enjoying the show. The sight of this hot wife with huge breasts sitting kneeling between his legs jacking him off was a sight to behold.
He would be satisfied with this treatment even if this was all she ever did. But he knew he could get her to do more. Much, much more. She enjoyed this too much. She was ready for more.
“This is good, Lara, but I need the head-at the top-to be rubbed while the shaft is massaged.” Uzoh planted the idea in her head that she would have to try harder.
“Well, how about this?”
She used her left hand to stroke and placed her right hand on his penis head. She began squeezing and rubbing the head in a circular motion.
“That’s good. That might work for now.” Uzoh watched intently as she moved her hands frantically as she tried to service the foot-long beast.
“Better watch the oil or it will get on your shirt!”
Lara stopped her stroking and let go of the giant penis. It fell back down and made a huge thud sound when hit his chest. She looked down and realized that she needed to stay away from the oil-covered penis or she would get oil on her clothes.
This wasn’t such a big deal to her except that as often as she was performing her massage duties, there would be a lot of ruined clothes every week.
She was about to take her top off and go completely naked, but thought better of it. She looked concerned.
“Mr. Uzoh, I don’t have a bra on. I didn’t wear one because I didn’t want to get it dirty, but forgot to bring an old shirt that I didn’t mind getting oil on. I don’t know what I should do.”
She had her hands resting on both of Mr. Uzoh’s legs and had a slightly troubled look on her face.
“Is that what you’re worried about? Lara, I am an old, old man. I was married for forty-two years. I have three children and six grandchildren. I have seen it all. Seeing a young lady like yourself naked, or half-naked don’t matter to me. My sex life is over sweetie!”
He smiled and reached down to caress her cheek.
“Whatever you feel comfortable with. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for you ruining all those clothes on my account though.”
Uzoh felt his response was a good one. It would have to be her decision to take her top off or not. He paid attention to her reaction. How she solved this issue now may determine her readiness to get naked in the future. He needed her to want to do this.
Lara was busy thinking. “I haven’t let another man see my naked body in over fifteen years, but this isn’t sex, and this isn’t some young man trying to see my boobs. Maybe I could buy an apron or some cheap T-shirts. No, that’s ridiculous. If his wife were here she would be doing this, probably topless. He’s so nice and needs my help so much. Oh, the heck with it!”
It wasn’t Lara’s intention to be sexy, she just was. Her naiveté and simple-minded approach to this situation made her even more sexy in Uzoh’s eyes.
Uzoh was staring at holes in her shirt trying to imagine what her breasts looked like uncovered.
Just then he watched her wipe her hands on a towel, cross her arms at the base of her shirt and slowly lift th shirt up and over her breasts. The shirt clung tightly to each one so when she pulled the hem over them, they were lifted up, then fell down ending in a jiggle. She tossed the shirt on the table.
Uzoh’s dick became even more erect if that were possible. He was now faced with the most beautiful, perfect breasts he had ever laid eyes on. Hard nipples sticking up about a half inch in the air surrounded by areolas that appeared to be about one inch in diameter. Her flesh was perfectly chocolate brown.
Her nipples were oriented toward the top half of her breasts and her breasts were full, heavy and hung down slightly. In one motion, she scooped up his erect member and began stroking his cock again. “Holy Mary mother of God.” Uzoh thought to himself. He had seen nothing sexier in all of his long life.
Unfortunately, he was forced to act like this wasn’t a big deal because he had just explained to her that it wasn’t. He felt he needed to act like her exposing her breasts to him as she kneeled before him, between his legs, while stroking his cock, was no big deal. But it was. It was a big fucking deal.
Lara didn’t feel self-conscious at all. She was so comfortable with this old man that she did not feel awkward.
What surprised her was how sexually stimulated she was. She found that not only did she enjoy the good feelings she got from helping him, but that she was growing very, very attached to his penis.
She had tried to keep her mind on the therapy, but it was impossible not to enjoy, even crave touching this giant…work of art.
She was just becoming aware of these feelings and hadn’t thought about them or what they even meant. She did know that she never wanted these “sessions” to stop.
“You have a beautiful body, Lara. I am glad you feel comfortable enough with me that you can be yourself around me.”
She smiled and looked deep into his eyes as she stroked his penis.
With every motion up, then down, her breasts bounced and wiggled. She noticed that even though Mr. Uzoh said her taking her top off was no big deal, his erection became a lot harder and his breathing increased. He hadn’t stopped staring at her breasts the entire time and he felt like he was about to…
“Faster Lara…faster!” Uzoh sounded desperate. “Oh good God!” Uzoh’s hips started to thrust upward as the first stream of semen gushed out of his cock.
Lara had her mouth open in a gasp of delight. His semen shot up across his legs landing on her face and into part of her mouth. Uzoh pointed his cock toward Lara as she gripped the base and shot a second stream straight at her hitting her mouth and chin.
Yet another stream landed on her breasts. His hips bucked into her hands as she pushed into the base of his shaft. She could feel him tremble under her strokes. She was fucking his huge shaft with her hands. It was obvious to Uzoh that she enjoyed this.
“Oh! Damn. That was good!” Uzoh had almost forgotten this was not supposed to be sexual, so he stopped himself from saying anything more.
Lara’s first reaction was to jump up and get a paper towel and wipe the semen off. Before she got up, Uzoh noticed she swallowed the semen that landed in her mouth and licked the drops that had landed on her lips. She looked like she was in another world.
“His semen tastes rich and both salty and sweet at the same time. I have never tasted sperm before.” She thought to herself.
The two cleaned up a bit and finished watching the movie. Lara put her head on Uzoh’s chest as they watched the movie. Uzoh couldn’t stop from grinning over the fact that Lara had stopped massaging him an hour ago and put the oil away, yet remained topless. His cock hung down between his legs under her head. She didn’t seem to care.
After the movie, she got up and made Mr. Uzoh Jellof rice and fried meat.
“We will need to get you some healthier groceries, ” she remarked. You are doing so well with your therapy that you will need to keep your strength up!”
“You are too kind, Lara. Thank you for all that you do for me!” Uzoh finished his lunch and watched her tidy up his kitchen.
Before Lara came into his life, Uzoh took care of his unusually high sex drive by masturbating to Internet pornography. He had a huge collection of downloaded video clips and high-definition still photos. Most of these had a well-hung man having sex with a younger woman.
He was a collector and his collection was neatly arranged according to the genre, sex act, and details about the performers. His computer was mostly used for porn since he normally used the phone for communicating with friends and family. He found it unbelievable that he would find a woman who was sexier, better built and more beautiful than even the best female porn stars. He felt truly blessed.
“I am going to need to take my afternoon nap, Lara. Thank you for the massage and for lunch. You are welcome to stay. I sleep for an hour every afternoon.”
Uzoh kissed her on the forehead and shuffled off to his room to lay down.
“I think I might straighten up your house a bit. Sleep tight!”
Lara closed the door to his room and decided to use his computer to check her email.
She sat herself down at the desk and clicked the mouse to see if it was turned on. Mr. Uzoh’s login information was saved so she was able to proceed to the desktop screen. “Wow! He has a lot of folders on here! What is this?”
She looked at the title of the folders: BJ’s, Handjob, Sex, Threesome, BBC. “What could he be keeping in these?”
Ignoring these, she opened the browser and went to her email account. Mostly spam and an email from her sister-in-law.
Nothing much. She thought about opening one the several folders that he had on his desktop. She opened ” BJ’s” and found dozens of video files.
She opened one up and saw a naked woman between the legs of a well-endowed man putting his big penis in her mouth, then between her ample breasts and letting him tit fuck her. Lara was dumbfounded. She knew she should close the video, but sat and watched for a while.
The woman appeared to enjoy herself and was both stroking the penis and sucking the head at the same time. The man in the video was much smaller than Mr. Uzoh, that was obvious, but he was still much larger than her husband. She closed the video. She was aroused.
Lara wasn’t one to watch porn, and for that matter neither did her husband. There were times when she researched something that she saw on TV. Every now and then she got curious, but never wasted any time watching it.
This video made her think of Mr. Uzoh in a slightly different way. Maybe he was sexual, or at least more sexual than he was letting her believe. She will have to pay more attention and be careful not to be a tease around him.
She put her shirt back on and went into the bedroom to check on him. He was still asleep so she decided to go home and start dinner for her husband. She left a note:
“Dear Mr. Uzoh,
I decided to go home. Let me know if you need anything, okay?
I will
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