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The Devil's Pact - S01 E264

Story 1 month ago

The Devil's Pact - S01 E264

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 264

"Sister Louise explained it all to me," Mom said, finishing her story. I felt tears staining my face.

We were sitting on the floor of a house out in the foothills somewhere near Eatonville. Mom never stopped telling her story the entire ride. She didn't stop as we walked up to the house and sat on this musty, old couch. I spent all these years hating my mom and now I didn't know what to think, what to feel.

I remembered the betrayal I felt when Mark released me after only a day under his control. And Mark never mistreated me. Six months she endured that monsters brutal lusts.

Questions and guilt whirled in my head. Do all our girls feel this way? We never mistreated them. We loved them. We weren't the monster Kurt was. Was it right to keep them? Was I just as much a monster as Kurt? Could we even free thern if we wanted to? We bound then with the Zimmah spell. Did we destroy their lives?

What did it matter, Mark was dying and I would follow him into death.

"Why didn't you come back to us?" I asked, pushing away the guilt. "Dad's never stopped loving you, mom? Why didn't you come back to us, Mom?"

She flinched as if she'd been slapped. "H-he never stopped loving me?" Pain flickered on her face. "How could he still love me after...after all Kurt made me do?"

"I don't know, Mom," I answered. "Shannon and I tried to convince him to forget about you and find someone else. We tried to set him up with teachers, friend's single mothers. But he turned them all down. He even still wears his wedding ring."

Tears brimmed in Mather's eyes. "Kurt, he...he threw my wedding band away. 'Marriage is just trash, he told me. 'My mom bailed on my dad and me. We were just garbage to her. And..." A ragged sob shook her body. "I thanked him for freeing me from my marriage."

God, I wanted to hug her. If my hands weren't zip tied behind my back I think I would have. "You can still go to dad," I urged her. "Free me and we'll go see dad, and, and I can be with Mark when he...when he passes."

A look of incredible longing crossed my mom's face. "I...I made vows." Her voice quivered. "I received Sister Frances Bernadette's Gift." She hugged herself. "Oh, God, please help me. I don't know what to do. I miss Sean so much."

"Let's go, Mother," I told her, gazing into her blue eyes. "Dad's waiting for you. I don't think he ever stopped waiting for you. And...and, I want my mom back. I can explain to Dad what happened to you. He knows about...things. About what Mark and I can do. He'll understand."

I could see her wavering, the look of longing on her face, and of hope.

Then her phone rang.

"Theodora," she answered. Her face hardened. My heart sank, I've lost her. My hopes of seeing Mark one last time faded. "Come inside," she said on the phone.

"Please, mommy," I begged as she picked up a roll of duct tape, ripping off length of silvery tape. "Please, let's go see Dad. Please, mommy!" She walked forward and shoved the tape on my lips. The tape was stiff and sticky and I could faintly taste glue on my lips.

The SWAT officer walked in and Theodora pulled out his sidearm, checked to see if it was loaded, and then looked at me with steely resolve. "Let's put your claims to the test, Mary."

You can still see her, Mark," a woman's voice floated out of the darkness. "You are not dead, yet."

"Who's there?" I shouted into the darkness. Then I realized I was no longer falling, feminine hands were grasping my shoulders, long fingernails biting into my collar bone. I spun around and gasped. "Lilith?"

She floated in the darkness, as stunningly beautiful as always. Her silvery hair fanned out, waving lazily about, her violet eyes sparkling with contempt. She was clad in her scarlet dress, so sheer I could see all of her generous charms. I felt lust stirring inside me and I fought it down. I would need a clear head to deal with Lilith.

"Here to taunt me?" I asked.

A smile played on her lips. "As satisfying as that would be, we have one last piece of business to discuss."

"Not interested," I shrugged. I learned my lesson dealing with Lilith.

"Even if it would save your life." Her smile broadened. "And your precious Mary's life."

I paused, I didn't want to die. "What?"

"I want Karen."

You want the thing growing inside her, you mean?"

Her eyes tightened and she pursed her lips. "Yes. I want Karen, and my child, until she gives birth. Then I'll return her to you."

I squinted. "Why. Once I'm dead, how can I stop you from having her? What game are you playing at, Lilith."

"You bonded her with the Zimmah ritual. Did you forget what I told you?" Her eyes narrowed in disgust. "Did you forget that when you die all those bound to you will die. And I can't have Karen dying before she gives birth. That would spoil all of my plans."

"So, in exchange for me loaning you Karen until your child is born, you will return me to the health I had before Alice shot me," I carefully said. "And you will return Karen to me unharmed."

"I will do nothing to harm Karen," Lilith promised.

I frowned. I couldn't see any loopholes. I'm sure they were there, but I really had nothing left to lose. "Then we have a deal, Lilith."

She smiled a predatory, triumphant smile. "I grant your boon, Mark Glassner, her words purred through the darkness and suddenly I was filled with pain and...

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E263

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