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The Devil's Pact - S01 E263

Story 1 month ago

The Devil's Pact - S01 E263

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 263

"Just me," Mother bitterly said. "I was his favorite. The woman he dreamed of." Fresh tears leaked out of her eyes. "He told Grace to go and be a whore. To make a living selling her body."

"And that was Grace Cooper?" I asked, suddenly feeling sick. "She had a daughter named Dawn?"

Mother nodded. You're just like your cunt of a mother! She was a whore, too! And you grew up to be just like her! The words Dawn's father yelled as he spanked her last week when we made Dawn my little sister's sex slave. I thought we were punishing a bully. But she was as much a victim of Kurt as her mother was. As I was. Dawn and I were both robbed of our mothers by that asshole. I suddenly felt sick. All the guilt I had been forcing down the last few weeks was threatening to overwhelm me.

Mark and I weren't this evil, right? We never abused a woman.

Except Karen, my guilt whispered. And that girl Mark raped. But we were punishing Karen, I protested to my guilt. She attacked us. Almost got Desiree killed. She deserved her punishment. And we treat her well, now. She's one of ours sluts. We love her. We'd defend her just as much as we'd defend the others.

"Pat died on the floor of the Garage. When the police came, Kurt just explained it as an accident and the police bought it. Pat would not be the last man Kurt killed. He was a sadist. A black-hearted monster." Mother swallowed. "That night he got needles and pierced my nipples. It hurt so much. But not nearly as much as the piercings in my labia and the one in my clitoral hood. When he would feel vicious, he would pull on my piercings until I screamed. And the worst part was, I was happy that Kurt was hurting me.

"They replaced Pat on bass with Skinny Mat and started playing clubs. Thanks to Kurt's wish, anyone who heard his band play would think they were amazing. Any woman would get all hot and horny for him and throw their panties on stage. Kurt would start to bring women up on stage and fuck them before the cheering crowd. If their boyfriends objected too much, Kurt would beat them. Some died, some got off with a few broken bones, and others were left brain damaged.

"And it wasn't just men he beat. Some of the girls he chose would be beaten bloody or choked or cut." A ragged sobbed escaped my mom's lips. "I saw such terrible things. And then, she appeared. My rescuer."

Thirteen Years Ago

My breasts were sore from Kurt's affections as I lay on my side. Today he chewed on my breasts. He just loved them so much. But now they were painfully sore and covered in bite marks. His cum was inside my pussy and I was enjoying the after glow of a nice orgasm. Kurt's dick never failed to leave me satisfied, even with all the pain I suffered.

A few girls crouched on the floor and Kurt was deciding which ones to show his affections to next. One of the girls, who had curly, light-brown hair, gave Kurt a mocking smile, almost a sneer as she glared at him with gray eyes filled with loathing.

"Fucking whorel" snarled Kurt.

Nothing would make Kurt angrier than being mocked. His hand snaked out and he grabbed the girl by the hair. She clamped her mouth shut to avoid screaming as Kurt heaved her across the room into his table. It was a heavy, wooden table, more of a workbench really, where Kurt kept his tools for the girls that made him really angry: pliers, knives, hammers, needles, whips.

The woman slammed into the table, hard, the comer catching her in the stomach. She flopped across the table and snatched up a skinning knife, holding it up threateningly at Kurt. The woman's mocking smile only grew larger as Kurt boldly walked over to her. She looked like a Valkyrie, standing defiant against Kurt.

It was a futile gesture. No one could resist Kurt. All fighting would earn you was pain. I wanted to close my eyes, I hated watching Kurt punish a woman. But Kurt liked it when I watched his chastisements. When he would finish, he would be hard and I would have to satisfy him. I felt so bad for this woman. Kurt was going to kill her, and it wouldn't be quick. My stomach roiled and I wanted to sick up.

"You can't stab me with that dagger," Kurt lazily ordered. He stood right next to the woman, the knife inches away and held out his hand. "Give me that dagger so I can cut your mocking lips off, cunt."

Kurt screamed as the woman stabbed his arm with the dagger, instead. He staggered back, fear blossoming in his face as the blood ran red down his arm, his feet tripping on themselves and he fell on his ass. And the woman walked towards him, bloody dagger in hand. I smelled urine and realized Kurt had pissed himself, a dark stain spreading on his jeans.

The woman grabbed a pair of his handcuffs off Kurt's worktable. Kurt had quite a collection at this point, "Please don't hurt me?" Kurt blubbered like a baby as the woman advanced on him. "Who are you? Why doesn't my power's work on you? Please, I can give you whatever you want. Please!"

"Handcuff yourself around the table leg," she growled, tossing him the handcuffs.

Kurt was eager to obey, snapping the handcuff about his right wrist, wrapping the chain around the table leg and then cuffing his left hand, trapping him to the table. "Pleasel I can give you wealth! Please!"

The woman ignored his please and bent down, pulling off his urine soaked pants and saw his little cock. "Such a tiny prick for such a large monster," the woman mocked, stroking the cock. The cock swelled unbidden in her hand. "No wonder you had to sell your soul. How could you ever get a woman, let alone satisfy one, with that little thing."

Kurt was sobbing. "I'll do anything! Just don't hurt me!"

The woman's lip curled in disgust. "I am Sister Louise Afra of the Order of Mary Magdalene. I have been sent by God to stop your perversions, Warlock!"

Sister Louise straddled Kurt, guiding his cock to her pussy, sliding down his short length. "If you wanted to fuck me, you just had to ask," Kurt's voice cracked with mock bravado, a forced grin on his face.

"When you cum in me, and you will cum, I will exorcise your powers." There was a broad smile on Sister Louise's face and horror appearing in Kurt's. "Yes, you realize it now. All the people under your control will regain themselves. Everyone will remember all the lives you destroyed, all the pain you inflicted. I do not think the authorities will be so forgiving anymore or all those accidental deaths."

"No, please no!" he begged as Sister Louise rose up and down on his cock. "I won't cum. You can't make me!"

"It's biology, monster," Sister Louise purred wickedly. "You won't be able to hold on forever. You're seventeen, I bet it won't be able to last long at all."

Kurt struggled beneath her, fighting to get free of his handcuffs and Sister Louise rose up and down on him, laughing and mocking him. "Your dick is so small, I can barely feel it in my pussy. Faster and faster she rode him, dangling her breasts in his face. Kurt started looking around, looking for anything to help him.

"Mrs. Sullivan!" he shouted, his eyes staring at me. Even after six months and countless abuses, he still called me Mrs. Sullivan. "Save me, attack her!"

My Kurt was in trouble and I leapt to my feet and went at Sister Louise. Her finger moved down, sliding up inside her cunt alongside to his cock and came out stick with her juices and then she thrust her finger at my forehead and spoke a single word, and I stumbled back and I just watched. Nothing mattered as I watched Kurt struggle against his bonds.

"Save me, cunt!" Kurt growled and Sister Louise slapped him.

"The only cunt here is you," she hissed. "A little cunt with a little dick who thought he was a big man!"

Sister Louise leaned back, riding him faster and faster. She started rolling her hips, her breasts bouncing. She started grinding her clit and playing with her nipples, clearly enjoying Kurt's humiliation. When she came, she let out a low, throaty moan, her breasts heaving beautifully as she rode him. And she never stopped, kept fucking him right through her orgasm.

Kurt was biting his lip, straining not to cum and then his body arched and Sister Louise screamed, "Shalak!" and drew something on his forehead with her sticky finger. Kurt's forehead blazed with white light and...I was myself.

And everything Kurt did to me, made me enjoy, made me commit poured into my mind and I collapsed on the floor sobbing. A ragged ache filled my heart. I betrayed my sweet Sean. Oh God. I could remember the hurt in his eyes as I allowed Kurt to fuck me. My poor husband thought betrayed him. I sobbed and sobbed, screaming in guilt. How could I have done that to my husband, the only man I ever really loved. I'd lost him, forever. There was no undoing what I did, what Sean saw. I remembered signing the divorce papers Kurt placed in front of me, signing away my parental rights to my daughters. Writing that disgusting letter Kurt dictated to me.

"Sean," I wrote, You and the girls are just burdens to me. I want to have fun, to go out partying. To enjoy wild sex. I haven't been happy for a long time. But I'm happy with Kurt. I'm happy when his cock fucks me. I'm happy when he cums in my cunt or my ass. I love it when shares me with his friends. Your cock just wasn't good enough for my horny cunt." I signed my name and left the letter and the documents on the bed I shared with Sean while he and the girls were at work and school and daycare. I packed up a suitcase with the few slutty clothes I owned from before the girls were born, and never even looked back.

I sobbed and sobbed and then my savior was hugging me. "Shh, It's alright. He can never hurt you again."

I clung to her crying my pain into her chest as she gently rocked me.

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E262

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The Devil's Pact - S01 E264

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