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The Medieval Marine - S01 E02

Story 20 hours ago

The Medieval Marine - S01 E02

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 2


Marion of York was pissed to put it mildly. She hadn't wanted to come along, with her older sister, Cecilia, and father, Charles, to London. Normally she loved traveling to London, but this time it was for Cecilia's engagement and her fiancé, John of Sussex, gave Marion the creeps. They had spent almost a week in London getting the wedding contract ready. When they were married, John would become the lord of Charles's land and the land would then stay in the family. Marion would continue to live in the castle until she was married. Charles was making these arrangements to avoid a situation with his greedy neighbor who had been eyeing his land and daughters for years, and Charles knew that his health was failing and that he wouldn't be long for this world. After the contract had been signed, John decided to travel back with them, as much to check out his new land as to check out Marion and the other woman of his soon to be castle.

They had been traveling for three days when they were ambushed. Their guards were cut down within minutes, because although these men were very experienced, loyal, and brave; they had been caught by surprise. Soon all six men were dead. Three were John's and three had been Charles's. They had managed to cut down four of their attackers though. Soon the remaining six attackers were circling the carriage. Marion recognized the colors that the men wore. They belonged to their greedy neighbor, Richard. One of them, Marlon personally recognized as Richard's son, William. The same man that her father had kicked out of their castle when he had persuaded relations with Cecilia. This wasn't good. Soon her father and John decided that their only chance was to try and kill the men attacking them. They both knew that if they surrendered, they would be killed anyway. They burst out of the carriage and were quickly cut down without achieving anything. This left the ladies defenseless. William ordered them to be pulled from the carriage. They were brought before him where he then told them;

"Well bitches, we're going to have some serious fun then you'll both have to die. However, I will give you a choice. If you cooperate your death will be quick and painless, if you don't well.."

Both ladies started turning white for this was their worst nightmare come true. Both despised William, his father, and all the people loyal to them. As William was cutting the dress from Cecilia, they heard a booming male voice:


The voice echoed through the forest and the trees even seemed to move at the sound of it. Although the words themselves were weird, the point was clear. The ladies looked up hopefully and the men spun around. There thirty paces in front of them was a massive humanoid creature. It was dressed with leaves and small branches and not a single patch of skin was visible. In one hand was a small black object, but it didn't have any armor or any weapons for that matter. Then William spoke up,

"Says who? A stupid, unarmed swamp thing?" His men snickered. Apparently, the humanoid had understood him.

"Says who? I'll tell you; I am your worst nightmare come to life. A man that can kill you were you stand and you won't be able to do a thing about it. Now this is how things are going to be. I am going to count to five. If you fuckers are not out of here by then I will kill you all." The humanoid made this threat in a way that seemed like it might have ordered food, not facing six heavily armed men.

William snorted; this was going to be too easy. Looking at his men:

"Lads, time for some more entertainment. Kill that thing." The ladies knew the stranger was dead. Suddenly the humanoid couched slightly and brought the small black object up to a horizontal position. The next thing the ladies knew there was a sound like thunder, the small black object jumped around in the humanoid's hand, and a quick jet of flame shot out the end of the object. The men around then started falling with blood and meat exploding from their necks. Within seconds, only William was left and he was using a now nearly nude Cecilia as a shield. Cecilia was nearly nude because William had just finished cutting her dress when the humanoid interrupted.

"So, I see mister tough guy in armor is actually just another coward that uses an innocent woman as a shield, how pathetic." The humanoid stood very still for a short time as through he was debating something.

"Get out of here, beast. Nothing here concerns you" commanded William. Marion thought this was a stupid move on William's part but then again, he wasn't known to be the sharpest tool in the shed. Her thoughts were confirmed within a second.

"Beast is it now? Well tell you what is going to happen. You let that lady go and I'll put my weapon away. Then we can see who is the better in a real man's fight." Luke knew this course was a bit dumb

but one he didn't want to risk hurting the lady even though the

chances of that were slim. The other reason that he did this was that he wanted a bit more fun from this engagement.

"Deal" said William and he released Cecilia and Luke put away his gun. As he released her, her dress fell away but this was the least of her concerns at the moment. She ran to Marion and embraced her. Then Marion asked the stranger:

"Where is your sword, kind stranger?"

"Sword?" snorted the stranger "Never used one and won't be needing one."

This man was more arrogant than most nobles. What kind of word is "won't"? He is doomed, thought Marion. She had good reason to doubt the stranger would live for although William was an idiot, he was very noted swordsman.

William made the first move toward the stranger. The stranger didn't move until William was almost upon him, then with absolutely amazing speed the stranger side-stepped William's attack and grabbed his right wrist. The stranger then took his other hand and struck Willian in the elbow snapping it and bending it completely the other way. William through didn't have time to register the pain for the stranger then grabbed William's head and with a quick motion of his hands, snapped William's neck with a load crack; snapping it just as easily as someone would snap kindling for a fire.

The stranger then moved quickly to check on the other men. For those attacking, to make sure that they were dead and for the attacked to see if he could give any of them aid. All of them were dead. The entire time the ladies cautiously watched his, Cecilia not even realizing that she was naked. When the man finished, he walked up to the ladies with his hands stretched out and with his palms faced the ladies so they could see that he wasn't armed. As he passed the wagon, the man looked in a trunk and found another dress for Cecilia. He also removed the strange outer clothes that he was wearing. Luke was now dressing in a t-shirt and camo jeans. Finally arriving in front of the ladies, Luke handed the dress to Cecilia who quickly put it on. Marion was stuck by this act of kindness on the man's part, for he at first seemed to be utterly ruthless. Something else Marion noticed was just how damn handsome the stranger was. He was clean shaven, with a strong chin. His blue eyes were lit with the look of not only Intelligence but also concern. His shoulders were broad and his bare arms had well defined muscles on thern. Marion could almost imagine those arms wrapped around her and this thought caused her heart to

flutter and for moisture to form in between her thighs. No other man she had ever met had caused her to have thoughts like this and she had even met the current king of England, Edward the Confessor.

Walking up to the ladies, Luke was having a hard time deciding on which one was better looking. Cecilia, the older of the two, had long and almost Chestnut colored hair, her skin had a very light tan, few freckles on her face, and warm brown eyes. Of course, the rest of her body was really good too with about C cup breast with large pink nipples. Her stomach had a little bit of fat on it but not bad, Luke liked his ladies with a little meat on them. He hated when women were so skinny that their bones showed. The worst thing from his perspective about her was that her pussy was a jungle, in fact he had never seen a bush that thick. He had been to some of the world's most remote jungles and her pussy hair was thicker. The younger one though was stunning as well, although she wasn't naked so Luke couldn't make a direct comparison. She was slightly taller than the older one, probably about five foot ten or so. Her hair looked to be the color of twenty-four caret gold, and her eyes looked to be sapphires. Her skin, at least what Luke could see, was a pure white. To top things off she had nice full lips, a very cute nose and a perfectly oval face.

"Good afternoon, ladies." Seeing the fearful look on their faces Luke continued: "You have nothing more to fear, for I will not harm you." Cecilia was still in a state of shock, but Marion had recovered for the most part.

"We thank you kind sir. I do not want to think what would have happened to us if you had not stepped in." Luke gave her a slight nod "What be your name kind stranger?"

"Luke. What be your name and the name of your companion here?"

"I am Marion of York and this is my older sister Cecilia." Marion was starting to relax a bit, however, Cecilia wasn't, but this was normal for them. Marion had always been faster to react to changes.

"So, tell me, Marion, what happened here? Why were you attacked?"

"The men that attacked us belonged to a neighboring earl, Richard.

He was been lusting after my father's lands for years now." Marion broke down a little, thinking about her father. "Sorry, Richard was furious when he heard that Cecilia here was to be married to John

of Sussex. This would have kept our lands out of Richard's hands.

His men were waiting in ambush for us, and they caught our guards by surprise. Our father and John were in the carriage with us. They decided to rush out and attack the remaining men, once the guards were slain. They were killed without achieving anything. William was Richard's son and the man you killed with your bare hands. He told us, once we had been pulled from the carriage that they were going to have fun with us and that we would be killed. How we died would have our choice, if we cooperated then death would have been quick and if we did not cooperate then we would have faced a long and painful death. William has killed many people before and he was addicted to killing so I have no doubt that you saved us from a horrible death at William's hands." Marion finished, and broke down in tears.

Luke kneeled in front of her and put one his large hands on her check. He then pulled Marion in and held her tight. As he did, he whispered to her,

"You have no need to worry further for I will now be protecting you, that is if you want me to." She pulled away slightly and looked into his eyes with a hopeful look on her face. She then launched herself back into his arms:

"Thank you, Luke. But are you sure, we have nothing of value for I am sure that Richard has taken over our home?"

"If I was not sure of it, Marion, I would not have made the offer. You two will have to do something for me through." Both ladies instantly stiffened and gained hard looks on their faces. "You two will have to learn how to defend yourselves I case I am not nearby when you are attacked next. Because, I am sure of this when Richard does not hear back from his men, he will send more men to look for them and by extension you two."

Both ladies relaxed a bit, but were a bit confused for this was the last thing they had expected. "But we are ladies, we cannot fight" stated Cecilia. She had finally gotten over her paralysis. Hearing this, Luke's face went from a concerned caring to one of extreme anger. The ladies were completely taken back by this and instantly became fearful again. They didn't even realize what they had done to change his mood so suddenly. But they quickly learned.

"LET ME GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT WITH YOU TWO RIGHT NOW!!" growled Luke as the ladies shrank from his fury. "You both WILL learn how to defend yourself for I will teach both of you how. This is the price for me staying with you. If you are not willing to at least try to learn then I shall take my leave of you." At this Luke

spun around on his heel and started walking away. He was a firm

believer in men and woman being equal despite their physical differences. He wasn't however going to fight for his life to defend these ladies if they were not at least willing to learn how to defend themselves. Sure, he would feel a bit guilty about leaving them but that was life. Luke figured that with the loot from the dead men around plus a couple of their horses, he could go anywhere. Luke hadn't taken more than three steps when Marion cried out:

"WAITI God, please wait?" Luke stopped but didn't turn around. "If you are willing to teach us how we can defend ourselves then we would be deeply in your debt kind sir."

"Never call me sir again and you will not be in my debt. You're learning how to defend yourselves will be enough payment for not only rescuing you but also further defending you" stated Luke. "Do we have a deal?" he asked still with his back to the ladies.

The ladies looked at each other and then back to Luke, "We have a deal, Luke" They said together.

Luke turned back around, wearing a soft, warm smile. "First thing we need to do is to collect all the weapons, armor, and anything else useful from the dead. Then they will need to be buried for the last thing we need is obvious evidence of what happened here. After all that is done, it will probably be about time to set up camp for the night. Tomorrow morning your lessons start." The ladies looked at him with confused looks "What ladies, I don't want any arguments, get moving now" Luke snapped at them.

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The Medieval Marine - S01 E01

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The Medieval Marine - S01 E03

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