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The Medieval Marine - S01 E01

Story 20 hours ago

The Medieval Marine - S01 E01

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 1

Luke MacDougall was stretching out in his tent during his last night hunting the Brooks Range in Alaska. He had been hunting moose all week, and while he seen a couple, none had presented a decent shot so he hadn't taken any. This didn't bother him any, because in addition to hunting, he had also done some fishing and he had done good here. Plus, being that he had been away from the office, he had gotten a number of projects done and had sent the drafts to his secretary and second in command via his satellite link. Luke owned his own engineering firm that worked all over the world, mainly for the chemical industry. Luke had master's degrees in chemical and mechanical engineering plus a bachelors in metallurgy. He had been in the Marine corps, but a combat injury had forced him out. While in the corps he had been a combat engineer and he still did engineer consulting work for the Marines. He stood six foot eight and weighed two hundred and sixty pounds, and even though he did mostly desk work he was by no means out of shape. Not only was he very strong, but he was a hand-to-hand combat expert while in the corps, was one hell of a shot, and had gotten his black belt in martial arts after he had gotten out. He had thought about trying out to be a sniper, but figured that his size would give him away and therefore be a threat to his team mate, this he couldn't live with. He had light brown hair that was kept in a crew cut and piercing blue eyes. Although he looked to be very definition of a hard ass, he was actually extremely considerate to those around him and always took the extra second to consider how his actions would affect the people around him. While he didn't have a family, his older sister Mackenzie, did. Her husband, Dan, was one of Luke's oldest childhood friends and they had two kids. Luke always made sure to spoil them rotten. Since he didn't have anyone to spent money on, he had set up trust funds for both kids over his sister's objections. His sister still lived on the same ranch that they had grown up on in Wyoming. Their parents had been killed when Luke was sixteen and Mackenzie was eighteen. Mackenzie, without thinking about cancelled going to college and stayed on the ranch

to take care of Luke so that he wasn't taken by the state. Luke's

mom had been a geologist and his dad had been a part time jeweler and worked the ranch in his spare time. Tonight, Luke had another reason to be happy. He had gotten the jewelry done for his niece's birthday and had sent it to her the day before he left for his trip. Since he lived in Anchorage, Alaska it took some time to get there. He had made her a handmade necklace out of gold that he found in some of Alaska's streams. In the pendant he had a large sapphire set in it, her birth stone. He had gotten that while working on one of his overseas jobs and upon smuggling it into the US, had cut it to maximize its beauty. It had been in rough form when he smuggled it in. Luke's jewelry making was a hobby of his to relax after a hard day in the office and actually knew how to cut and grind gemstones thanks to not only his dad but his mom as well Going to sleep that night, he never in a million years would guess that his life was about to change completely.

During the night, while Luke slept in blissful ignorance, a cosmic disaster struck. This was a weird one, for the only person Immediately affected was Luke. This disaster transported Luke across space and time. When Luke woke up, the first time he noticed was that it was a lot more humid and warmer than it had been when he had gone to bed. He then noticed that the bird sounds were different as well. 'Ok this is weird' he thought. He stuck his head out of his tent and his confusion deepened for around him was a wild forest of deciduous trees. When he went to bed, he had been surrounded by scrub land with stunted aspen trees. 'I must be dreaming, and if this is a dream, damn.

"Well, I guess I better had a look around" he said to himself, He spent the rest of the morning looking around his "dream world" wondering when he was going to wake up. He noticed that the sun was almost straight overhead and he had an idea. He would check the time on his phone and use that to figure out about where he was at. When he did it, he got an even bigger shock, his phone was nine hours behind. That combined with the tree species around him, put him in England. The weather plus the state of the leaves on the trees likely put in in late spring.

"Well fuck me!" exclaimed Luke.

For the rest of the day, he stayed near his tent. He found a stream nearby to get water and fish from. Hopefully he would wake up from this nightmare soon. When he woke up the next morning, he was starting to realize that something was truly fucked up with his world. He was still in the same spot. Figuring out that he was fucked, he did an inventory of his gear. He had his tent, sleeping bag, backpack, and camo clothes. He had his 9mm sig and his 338 rifle that his had picked up while in the Marines, and he had plenty of ammo for both. In his backpack he had is laptop and solar powered charger, one MRE, plenty of survival straws, matches, his extra canteen, and extra fire starters. Of course, he had is travel rod, a ***********ion of terminal tackle, and some lures. He had respooled the reel right before going to the Brooks Range. All in all, he was in good shape. What really bothered him was that he couldn't get any satellite lock or cell signal at all. After his inventory, he figured that he probably should get moving, so he packed everything up. While he was packing, he had water boiling over the fire to fill his canteens up. Checking is compass he decided to start moving East. He walked carefully through the woods for the rest of the day, stopping with about an hour of daylight left at another stream, to make camp. First thing he did was get a fire going and got himself more water. He had managed to catch some fish and frogs for supper. Early the next morning he again topped off his canteens and started moving again, still heading East.

The way he figured it one of three things could be going on: one this was all some weird dream; two somehow, he had traveled through space and time, or three he was in an alternate universe. He was hoping that this was a dream.

About midday he paused and rested for a bit for it was a warm, humid day. As he was getting up from a short nap, he heard shouting nearby. It sounded like English, well sort of. Now Luke was curious, for he had also heard metal on metal contact, so he headed toward it. Within a minute he came up to a dirt road. Looking North, Luke's seen six men on horseback riding around a stopped carriage. On the ground was several dead men, all wearing armor. As Luke watched, two men burst out of the carriage and were quickly cut down there was nothing that Luke could do for them because he was too far away. The men on horseback now dismounted and approached the carriage. The next sound made Luke's blood chill for it was a female scream. Not one but two. Two young women were yanked from the

carriage. One had golden blond and wore a blue dress, while the other one wore a green dress and had brown hair.

The younger one looked to be about eighteen or nineteen while the other looked to be slightly older.

Two men grabbed each woman and pulled them in front of what Luke assumed to be the commander.

While the men were occupied, Luke quickly closed the distance.

As he got to within thirty yards, he heard something about the men having some fun with the woman.

That was enough for Luke, he slipped off his backpack.

He was still in his camo and had carefully modified it into a ghillie suit. He stepped out into the road, mad sure to have his handgun ready and yelled;


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The Medieval Marine - S01 E02

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